Fuel Station Management System



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Lines of code 6806
Technical Name petrol_station_dashboard
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Lines of code 6806
Technical Name petrol_station_dashboard

Fuel Station Management System

Most Advanced Industries Software

Fuel Station Management System Key Features

Pump and Nozzle Configuration: When the user installs this module, they can configure the necessary pumps and nozzles along with their readings, as well as staff details for each shift on a daily basis.

Interactive Fuel Dashboard:Nozzle Readings and Staff Details with Open Statement Recording Option

Efficient Fuel Dashboard for Recording Regular Fuel Amounts and Submitting Payments Periodically:The Fuel Dashboard feature allows users to conveniently record regular fuel amounts over specified periods, facilitating easy submission of payments at the office.

Efficient End-of-Shift Procedure: Finalizing Transactions and Transitioning Between Shifts:EAt the end of staff shifts, users can enter the final reading of the nozzle and the final amount, then submit the transactions for acceptance. Once completed, the "Close Statement" option becomes available to select and close the particular shift, enabling the smooth transition to the next shift.

Nozzle Closure Automation: Streamlining End-of-Shift Processes and Transactions: The Nozzle Closure feature enables users to input the day's fuel rate, allowing the system to calculate the total reading for the specific shift and display the total consumed fuel in liters and corresponding amounts. Users can enter expenses, credit sales, quality test verifications, oil sales, etc., ensuring that the total amount matches and the balance is zero. The system then automatically generates sales, expense, and accounting entries to close the particular nozzle, facilitating a seamless transition to the next one.

Streamlined Nozzle Shift Closure: Automated Capture of Sales, Expenses, and Accounting Entries: Each Nozzle shift closure entry captures sales, expenses, and accounting entries through a smart button, which are then displayed on the form view for easy access and reference

Comprehensive PDF Reports: Day-End, Shift, Customer Outstanding, Payment Mode, and More:The system allows for the generation of various reports in PDF format, including Day-End reports, Shift reports, Customer Outstanding reports, Payment Mode summaries, Customer Summaries, and more, ensuring comprehensive insights and analysis.

Efficient Fuel Station Management System with Bouches Integration: Streamlining Operations and Tracking Fuel Usage:Bouches operation integrated into the fuel station management system facilitates fueling vehicles and delivering them to construction sites at consistent prices, ensuring accurate daily accounting. Moreover, it enables tracking of bouches vehicle fuel consumption, driver history, and payment status.

Enhanced Fuel Station Management System: Streamlining Petty Cash Operations and Accounting:The fuel station management system now incorporates a petty cash option, facilitating staff to receive payments during customer visits. This allows for seamless charging and return of balance amounts using petty cash. Users can assign petty cash during nozzle-wise payment collection, with automatic creation of journals and recording in accounting ledger reports. Additionally, the system maintains records of total petty cash, submitted amounts, and balance details in employee contract forms.

Integrated Rental Truck Management in Fuel Station Operations: Streamlining Vehicle, Driver, and Accounting Processes: The fuel station management system now includes a rental truck option, aiding users in efficiently managing the station. It allows for the allocation of available trucks for rental processes, as well as monitoring vehicle and driver activities. Moreover, the system meticulously records transactions and expenses associated with the rental operations.

Fuel Station Management System Screenshots

Day Wise Excel Report


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