Exact Online Connector

v 17.0 Third Party 97
Download for v 17.0 Deploy on Odoo.sh
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 1662
Technical Name exact_online_connector
Versions 17.0 13.0 16.0 14.0 15.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 1662
Technical Name exact_online_connector
Versions 17.0 13.0 16.0 14.0 15.0
Logo Callista

Exact Online Connector

More than 400,000 businesses and accountants are using Exact Online as their cloud-based software to manage their numbers. Most of them use only the accounting part of this software solution to have a distinction between the financial management in Exact Online and the operational management in separate (cloud) systems like Odoo.

Sync contacts

Here in this connector, contacts created in Odoo are automatically synchronized to Exact Online. Since their information, like address, vat number, payment terms, bank accounts, etc are relevant for the accounting, everything is sent automatically as soon as the contact gets created.
Sync contacts
Sync invoices

Sync invoices

Using this powerful feature, you can sync your invoices as soon as they get validated. No export of import files are necessary, every sales or purchase transaction is automatically sent to Exact Online to build upon. Also invoice modifications are sent to Exact Online in case you need to do a fix immediately after validation.

The connector synchronises all necessary information with a link to the related contact (customer or supplier), a copy of the invoice document, and all other info regarding invoice line descriptions, quantities, prices, structured communication message, invoice date, due date, etc.

Sync payments

Using Exact Online accountants can reconciliate payments on invoices. To avoid double work, these payments can automatically be synchronized back to Odoo. This way, the Odoo users have an overview of the latest accounting information whereby immediately visible which amount is omitted and credit limitations regarding deliveries or new sales can directly be checked by the system. You as a company save time and enjoy a hard split of company roles whereby the accountant has insight in all the numbers using Exact Online and other employees can work in Odoo without disruption.
Sync payments


  • Automatically sync contacts from Odoo to Exact Online
  • Automatically sync sales invoices and/or vendor bills from Odoo to Exact Online
  • Automatically sync payments from Exact Online to Odoo
  • Synchronisation queue where you can find all planned and synchronised information
  • Retry option to fix issues and synchronise directly after

After installing the Exact Online Connector Module, start the synchronization with your Exact Online Administration. Please be sure to login to Exact Online in the same browser (different tab) as Odoo.

Setup step 1

Fill in the correct information about the Odoo database.

Setup step 2

Select your country and your company to link with Exact Online.

Setup step 3

Then select your Exact online administration.

Setup step 4

After this, you will get a safety and privacy form from Exact Online where you give Odoo access to the administration of Exact Online.

After completing this setting, the connection is set.

Setup step 5

You can close this tab in your browser.

When the payment of the connector is complete, you will be able to start the configuration of the initial synchronization.

Go to the settings of your company and to the tab ‘Exact Online’.

Setup step 6

Click on ‘do the initial sync’.

Setup step 7

Follow the setup to sync everything.


Configuring accounting journals.

Setup step 8

You will get a list of all accounting journals in Odoo and in Exact online. The goal is to fill in the Exact online code to the Odoo journals that have to be synced.

You can do this by selecting the field ‘Exact online code’ and fill in the correct code to the journals that are in Odoo but not in Exact online: They have no Exact Online code defined.

The Exact online code, you can find in the same list, or in Exact online itself.

After filling in the correct codes, you can click on ‘Update records in odoo (below). Then these codes will be saved on the journal.

If all journals in Odoo receive an Exact Online code, you can move on to the next step. The correct journals will be visible in the ‘Valid’ tab.

Setup step 9

If some journals do not have to be synchronized, you can archive or delete them from Odoo.

Do the same for the next steps.

For the Partners, it is possible to initially synchronize the partners from Odoo to Exact Online or the other way round.

Setup step 10

After finishing these steps, you can select the journals to sync and also from which date (also in the past) the accounting entries will be synchronized.

Setup step 11 Setup step 12

If invoices from the past need to be synchronized, you can choose to do this.

Setup step 13

If done, you are ready to use the connector. From now on all partners and selected journals will be synchronized.

Setup step 14

The app can only be activated as soon the subscription is paid. To start the subscription, please contact sales@callista.be or leave a message using our website callista.be.

Standard subscription Advanced subscription
Synchronisation of contacts yes yes
Synchronisation of invoices yes yes
Synchronisation of payments no yes
Price € 708 / year € 948 / year
  • Is this app compatible with Odoo Community as well as Enterprise?

    Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise (Odoo.sh & Premise) as well as Community.

  • I want some customization in this app. How can I request it?

    Please contact us at sales@callista.be to request customization or leave a message using our website callista.be.

  • Is this app free?

    No, you have to pay for a subscription. There are two types of subscriptions. With the standard subscription, contacts and invoices are synchronized with Exact Online. With the advanced subscription also payments are synchronized back to Odoo.
    The subscriptions are valid for any available version of Odoo.

  • How do I set up this synchronisation?

    Using a wizard you can easily set up the synchronisation. There is a manual available to support every step in the configuration.

  • Do I get free updates?

    Yes, you will get free updates.

  • Is this application compatible with odoo.com (Odoo Online)?

    No, this application is not compatible with odoo.com (Odoo Online).

Please mail us for support on support@callista.be.


We have translations available for English and Dutch. If you want to add other languages you can contact us on support@callista.be.

Available in Dutch Available in English
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Netherlands icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

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