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Lines of code 4705
Technical Name nthub_realestate
Versions 16.0 15.0 17.0 14.0
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Lines of code 4705
Technical Name nthub_realestate
Versions 16.0 15.0 17.0 14.0
Odoo Sh

Real Estate

نظام إدارة شركات التسويق العقارى

Manage Properties , Ownership and Rental Management

** This App has Awesome Add-On for Managing Commissions ** Search for 'nthub_realestate_commission'

Explore This Module

Overview in English

  • The system introduces an easy-to-use interface.
  • The system supports both Arabic and English Languages.
  • The system contains modern dashboard
  • The system classifies the units to be marketed into projects, each of which falls under geographical areas in order to facilitate dealing with them later.
  • The system supports the marketing of residential buildings, villas, and lands.
  • Real estate sub-units are created automatically.
  • Each unit can be customized separately after it is creation.
  • The system supports adding a large and thoughtful amount of data on the units to be marketed in order facilitating the marketing process and presentation for customers later.
  • There is a system for reserving units, and the reservation has a validity period after which it is automatically cancelled.
  • If the reservation is cancelled, the reservation value or part of it can be refunded to the customer.
  • If the reservation is confirmed, the reservation value will be added to the customer’s account to be used in the future to pay installments.
  • The system supports ownership and rental systems.
    • For The Ownership Systems:
    • The system allows adding more than one plan to pay ownership installments.
    • The system supports dealing with advance payments, whether deducting them from the installment amount or not.
    • The system prepares installments for extras of each unit, such as garage share, sports club, maintenance, roof ...etc.
    • The maintenance cost can be paid in one installment or in installments plan.
    • There is a system of penalties for late payment of installments.
    • For The Rental Systems:
    • The system supports more than one rental period (daily, weekly, monthly and yearly).
    • The system calculates the rental value accurately if the last installment does not cover the type of rental period.
    • The system supports insurance amounts in rental contracts.
    • It is possible to renew the rental contract and create a new contract for the same unit and the same tenant and automatically link it to the current contract when the end of the current contract approaches.
    • The possibility of increasing the rental value annually by a certain percentage.
  • The system supports the separation of ownership financial accounts and their contents from the rental financial accounts.
  • Many documents can be added for both ownership and rental contracts.
  • The system deals with the furniture that the unit could contain accurately.
  • Furniture can be moved between units and the company’s Warehouse or the customer’s Warehouse in the case of ownership contract confirmation.
  • The system generates accounting invoices to pay all types of installments, and this leads to obtaining accurate accounting results.
  • The system enables you to track the status of all types of payment installments on a dedicated screen that enables you to create reports and statistics.
  • The system contains the ability to print receipts and invoices for installment payments.
  • The system contains the ability to print a report for both the ownership contract and the rental contract.

الملخص باللغة العربية

  • يتميز النظام بواجهه سهلة التعامل معها.
  • النظام يدعم اللغتين العربية والإنجليزية.
  • النظام يحتوي علي لوحه احصاءيات مميزه.
  • النظام يحتوي علي لوحه احصاءيات مميزه.
  • يقوم النظام بتصنيف الوحدات المراد تسويقها إلى مشروعات يندرج كل منها تحت مناطق جغرافية وذلك لتسهيل التعامل معها فيما بعد.
  • النظام يدعم تسويق العمائر السكنية والفيلات والأراضى.
  • يتم إنشاء الوحدات الفرعية للعقارات بشكل أوتوماتيكى.
  • يمكن تخصيص كل وحدة بشكل منفرد بعد إنشاؤها.
  • يدعم النظام إضافة قدر كبير ومدروس من البيانات الخاصة بالوحدات المراد تسويقها وذلك لتسهيل عملية التسويق والعرض على العملاء فيما بعد.
  • يوجد نظام لحجز الوحدات ويكون للحجز مدة صلاحية يتم بعدها إلغاؤه أوتوماتكيا.
  • فى حالة إلغاء الحجز يمكن رد قيمة الحجز أو جزء منها للعميل.
  • فى حالة تأكيد الحجز تضاف قيمة الحجز لحساب العميل لإستخدامها مستقبلا فى سداد الأقساط.
  • يدعم النظام أنظمة التمليك والإيجار.
    • بالنسبة لأنظمة التمليك:
    • يسمح النظام بإضافة أكثر من خطة لسداد أقساط التمليك.
    • يدعم النظام التعامل مع الدفعات المقدمة للتقسيط سواء بخصمها من مبلغ التقسيط أو لا.
    • يقوم النظام بتجهيز الأقساط الخاصه بالإضافات لكل وحدة مثل حصة الجراج والنادى الرياضى والصيانة والروف ... الخ.
    • يمكن سداد قيمة الصيانه على قسط واحد أو على دفعات.
    • يوجد نظام عقوبات على التأخير فى سداد الاقساط.
    • بالنسبة لأنظمة الإيجار:
    • يدعم النظام أكثر من مدة للإيجار (يومى واسبوعى وشهرى وسنوى).
    • يقوم النظام بإحتساب قيمة الإيجار بشكل دقيق فى حالة عدم تغطية اخر قسط لنوع مدة الإيجار.
    • يدعم النظام مبالغ التأمين قى عقود الإيجار.
    • يمكن تجديد عقد الإيجار وإنشاء عقد جديد لنفس الوحدة ونفس المستأجر وربطه أوتوماتيكيا بالعقد الحالى عند إقتراب نهاية العقد الحالى.
    • إمكانية زيادة قيمة الإيجار سنويا بنسبة معينة.
  • يدعم النظام فصل حسابات التمليك ومشتملاتها عن حسابات الإيجار.
  • يمكن إضافة العديد من مستندات التوثيق لكل من عقود التمليك والإيجار.
  • يقوم النظام بالتعامل مع الأثاث المحتمل إحتواء الوحدة علية بشكل دقيق.
  • يمكن نقل الأثاث ما بين الوحدات ومخزن الشركة أو مخزن العميل فى حالة التمليك.
  • يقوم النظام بعمل فواتير محاسبيه لسداد الأقساط بكافة أنواعها وهذا يؤدى للحصول على نتائج محاسبية دقيقة.
  • يمكنك النظام من تتبع حالة أقساط السداد بأنواعها فى شاشة مخصصة تمكنك من عمل تقارير وإحصائيات.
  • يحتوى النظام على إمكانية طباعة إيصالات وفواتير سداد الأقساط.
  • يحتوى النظام على إمكانية طباعة تقرير لكل من عقد التمليك وعقد الإيجار.

Main Features

Supports both Arabic and English Languages
Supports the separation of ownership financial accounts and their contents from the rental financial accounts
Supports the marketing of residential Buildings, Villas, and Lands
Print receipts and invoices for installment payments
Supports more than one rental period
Allows adding more than one plan to pay ownership installments
Furniture can be moved between units and the company’s Warehouse
Print ownership and rental contracts reports



• System includes inforamable and useable Dashboard that introduces very helpful information about Rented and Sold Units.

Configure settings:

• Reservation: Specifies the number of days after which a booking will be automatically canceled.
• Transfer Furniture Products: Allows the transfer of furniture between the company warehouse and the property location.
• Ownership Income Accounts: Designates the account to receive all ownership payments.
• Rental Income Account: Designates the account to receive rental payments.
• Commission Expenses Account: Designates the account to record commission payments.

Installment Template:

• Allows for installment plans to be set up based on months or years.
• Includes options for repetition rate, advance payment percentage, and deducting advance payment from the total amount.
• Provides the ability to apply a delay penalty percentage if installments are delayed, with a specified delay penalty process.


• Refers to a product that can be identified by checking if it is true.

Region Management:

• Enables categorization of projects by region, facilitating the management of multiple projects in different locations.
• Allows the creation of multiple regions and the addition of multiple projects to each region.

Project Management:

• Facilitates the creation of multiple properties under a main project with a single click.

Property Management:

• Allows for the addition and management of properties.
• Provides advanced technology to create multiple properties with a single click, saving time and effort.
• Allows for the transfer of furniture to properties from the company warehouse or vice versa.

Property Booking:

• Simplifies property booking processes, including deposit payments, through a modern real estate app.

Ownership Contract:

• Enables the creation and management of ownership contracts.
• Tracks advance payments, regular payments, and other payments like maintenance.
• Provides storage for lease documents and files.

Rental Contract:

• Facilitates the creation and management of rental contracts.
• Tracks lease terms, payments, and security deposits.
• Provides storage for lease documents and files.

Ownership & Rental Contract Settlement:

• Allows users to view all installment lines and track the state and payment status of all contracts.

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Our Industries


Easily procure and sell your products


Easy configuration and convivial experience


A platform for educational management


Plan, track and schedule your operations

E-commerce & Website

Mobile friendly, awe-inspiring product pages

Service Management

Keep track of services and invoice


Run your bar or restaurant methodically

Hotel Management

An all-inclusive hotel management application


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