v 15.0 Third Party 81
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On Premise
Lines of code 102
Technical Name public_document
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 102
Technical Name public_document

Public Document

It is odoo 15 apps for documents, using this app admin user can upload the documents with descriptions and details, and all document users can see and use the document.


This app allows the admin user to upload documents along with descriptions and additional details. These documents can then be accessed and utilized by all users who have permission to view them.

Help and Support

Write a mail to us: contact@doyenhub.com




Install App from apps name 'Public Document'


Set access for the user

From Settings/Users there are two types of users in this app one is Document Admin and the second is Document user.


How to use this app

For Document Admin : he Can upload document and file with it details.


Enter data on public document form

Complete all required information, attach the document, and then click the "Save" button.


User access rights

For document users: They have the capability to view documents and files along with their details, as well as download them, but they do not have the permission to make any changes to them.


Hide create/edit button form document user

Users with document user access are restricted to viewing document details and are not granted permission to create or edit document entries.

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