Axis Technolabs Apps 57 Apps found. author: Axis technolabs ×

Doctor Appointment Booking in odoo, Doctor Appointment Booking, Patient Appointment Booking, Clinic appointment, Dental appointment, Hospital Booking, Dental online booking, Hospital patient Booking system, hospital appointment slot booking, book appointment calendar booking consultant booking Patient registration online

Doctor Appointment Booking in odoo, Clinic Website Appointment Booking in Odoo, Patient registration online
Axis Technolabs

Car Repair, Car Service management, Car Repair Estimation, Car Diagnosis for Repair, Car Maintenance, vehicle repair, Car Membership management,workshop automobile repair service repair Automotive repair website car repair

Car Repair, Car Service management, Car Repair Estimation, Car Diagnosis for Repair, Car Membership management
Axis Technolabs

Sales Commission, Calculate Sales Commission in odoo, Sales order commssion, payment commission, product commission, Sales Agent commission, sale commission, Product Margin commission, invoice commssion

Sales Commission Based On Sale Order, Invoice, Payment, Products, Product Category, Product Margin
Axis Technolabs

Multicompany Dashboard - CRM dashboard inventory dashboard sales dashboard POS dashboard account dashboard Invoice Dashboard best dashboard graph dashboard odoo apps dashboard analytic pre-configured Dashboard create dashboard beautiful dashboard customized robust dashboard predefined dashboard multiple dashboards advance dashboard Beautiful Powerful Dashboards All in One Dynamic Dashboard accounting stock Dashboard pie chart dashboard.

Multicompany Odoo Dashboards- CRM Dashboard, Inventory Dashboard, Sales Dashboard, POS Dashboard, Account Dashboard
Axis Technolabs

Odoo website helpdesk Ticket Support management Issue management for customer support with dashboard in ticket helpdesk module, create ticket portal, ticket management, customer helpdesk, help desk ticket, manage your customer help desk support ticket, billing for support, timesheets, website support ticket, website help desk support online ticketing system, helpdesk module, customizable helpdesk app, Service Desk, Helpdesk with Stages, support ticket by team, flexible helpdesk purchase Order With Helpdesk manage ticket Sale Order helpdesk app whatsapp Help Desk Ticket Management odoo

Advance Helpdesk, Website Support Ticket Management Odoo app help to Manage your Customer Supports Online
Axis Technolabs

Odoo Dashboard CRM dashboard inventory dashboard sales dashboard account dashboard POS dashboard Invoice Dashboard revamp dashboard in odoo best dashboard odoo apps dashboard ninja analytic large data best ninja dashboard analytic dashboard pre-configured Dashboard create dashboard beautiful dashboard customized robust dashboard predefined dashboard multiple dashboards advance dashboard Beautiful Powerful Dashboards chart graphs table view All in One Dynamic Dashboard accounting stock Dashboard pie chart dashboard create own dashboard modern dashboard.

Modern Odoo Dashboards for CRM, Inventory, Sales, Account, Invoice and POS Dashboard
Axis Technolabs

Create warranty, manage products warranty and claims product warranty in odoo, product warranty registration Helpdesk for customer ticket support Product Warranty Management Product Warranty Claim warranty module claim Warranty Maintenance Customer Service Management manage warranty app website product Warranty product Maintenance product service warranty serial number claim Warranty renewal Warranty product Warranty register product Warranty product warranty management serial number Registration lead to create ticket

Product Warranty Management in odoo, Product warranty registration, Product Warranty Claim, Verify and set warranty period days, months, years, Helpdesk for customer ticket support
Axis Technolabs

SEO URL Redirect, Website Multiple URL Rewrite, Bulk URL redirect in odoo website SEO-URL Redirect SEO URL rewrite for odoo website seo rewrite seo redirect blog url rewrite website url redirect website url rewrite

SEO URL Redirect, Website Multiple URL Rewrite, Bulk URL redirect, URL Rewrite
Axis Technolabs

Sales Contract Subscription management in odoo, Sales Contract Subscription in odoo and Recurring Invoice in odoo, product subscription, invoice management sale contract subscription contract management, create bulk invoice, customer invoice management sales order subscription Recurring customer subscription invoice subscription

Sales Contract Subscription, Recurring Invoice in odoo, Subscription management in odoo
Axis Technolabs

Facebook Feed, Facebook Snippet, Display your facebook post in your odoo website, Facebook snippet in odoo, Facebook post in odoo, Website Facebook Feed in odoo 17,16,15,14, 13, 12, 11, facebook post in odoo website with drag and drop snippet.

Facebook Feed, Facebook Snippet in odoo, Display Facebook feed in website
Axis Technolabs

Import POS Orders from Excel Import Order Record through csv Import POS Orders import Bulk orders import pos orders POS Orders import from Excel Data Import import All Entry Odoo import Data All in one import v15 import v14 import v13 data import pos order import

Import POS Orders from Excel, Import POS Orders, Bulk import pos orders from CSV in odoo
Axis Technolabs

Data Import pricelist in odoo import price lists import pricelist import multiple pricelist lines Bulk Import Product Price list Import Sale Pricelist import Vendor Pricelist import vendor pricelist import import sales pricelist import product pricelist bulk Data import Bulk Pricelist All in one import all import data in odoo using EXCEL or CSV

Bulk Import Price list in odoo, Import Product Price, Vendor Price list, Sale Price list in odoo
Axis Technolabs

Data Import bill of materials import bill materials import bom data import bulk import bill of materials import Bill of material(BOM) import All Entry Odoo import Data All in one import bill of material version 15, import bom v14 all import data in odoo using EXCEL or CSV

Import bill of materials (import BOM in odoo), Bulk import bill of materials using Excel or CSV File in odoo
Axis Technolabs

Data Import inventory import stock inventory adjustment import stocks import product stock import serial number import inventory import Lot Number in odoo Stock Inventory import import Product barcode, code, name Import Inventory adjustment line odoo v15 Inventory import odoo v14 Inventory import data import bulk inventory import bulk Serial Number import lot Number import Inventory adjustment import All Entry Odoo import Data All in one import all import data in odoo using EXCEL or CSV

Import Inventory Stock in odoo with Serial Number and Lot Number in odoo using Excel/CSV
Axis Technolabs

Doctor Appointment Booking in odoo, Patient appointment booking with payment online, Clinic website appointment booking, Dental online booking, Hospital patient Booking system, hospital appointment slot booking, book appointment online, clinic appointment

Doctor Appointment Booking in odoo, Clinic Website Appointment Booking in Odoo, booking with online payment
Axis Technolabs

Data Import bridge for import Sales Orders import Purchase Orders import POS Orders import Chart Account data import Purchase import Product import Invoice import Stock Inventory import Bill of material(BOM) import Payment import Bank Statement import All Entry import Order Picking import Products import Customer import Stock import Account charts import Sales Pricelist import Supplier import Journal data import journal entry import Supplier import sale Orders import Bulk Pricelist import product pricelist Import Sale Pricelist import vendor pricelist import inventory Odoo import Data All in one import all import data in odoo using EXCEL or CSV

Import Sales, Purchase, POS, Chart Account, Invoices, Stock Inventory, Products, Bank Statement
Axis Technolabs

Odoo CRM dashboard CRM dashboard advance CRM dashboard dynamic CRM dashboard odoo 15 dashboard, odoo 14 dashboard, odoo 15 dashboard, odoo 12 dashboard, CRM dashboard Charts dashboard, KPI data, graphs dashboard best crm dashboard beautiful crm dashboard .

CRM dashboard in odoo, Dynamic odoo CRM responsive dashboard modern UI, Charts, graphs
Axis Technolabs

Import product variant from CSV Import product variant from Excel import bulk product variants data in odoo Data Import product variant import Data All in one import odoo v14 import product variant import in odoo v14 all import data in odoo using EXCEL or CSV

Import Product Variant from CSV/Excel file for Advance Bulk Import Products Variant in odoo website
Axis Technolabs

Account Cash Flow Statement Reports in Excel, CSV, PDF Generate and print account cash flow report excel report, account cash flow report pdf report in odoo 14, account cash flow report csv report v15 Cashflow Statement report 13, 12, 11, 10

Account Cash Flow Statement Reports in Excel, pdf, Account Cashflow Statement in odoo, Cashflow Statement with filter, Cashflow
Axis Technolabs

Odoo Account dashboard Accounting dashboard Invoice dashboard advance dynamic Account dashboard odoo 16 dashboard, odoo 14 dashboard, odoo 13 dashboard, odoo 15 Accounts odoo Invoice dashboard contain KPI data, graphs, chart and tables.

Account dashboard in odoo, Dynamic Accounting dashboard, Invoice dashboard Charts, Graphs, List View
Axis Technolabs