Set the warehousemen on a location who are the only one to done a every picking from/to that location
Block all move and inventory at that date as soon as the period is lock.
Add salary grid in the contract
This module help you to track what a unit has consume during a period and apply a Quota to a unit
This module add not reserved quantity in stock move
With this module you can force validation of a picking by the housekeeper of the source location and the housekeeper of the destination location
module pour la gestion des droits d'acces en RH
Auto group sale line by product category
Compare payroll variation between two periods.
This addon aim to set the columns of a picking tree view
Quick find moves done by user, a day, in location, by lot easily. Get the result in the stock move view or print it in PDF with serial/lot optionally
This limit the selection of tax to only one in sale order, purchase order and invoice.
This addon will highligth public holidays / special day in your calendar view using differents colors.
Add a payslip report like you have in Sage
Add an report stock card in inventory
Create your custum stock report, set your own in/out column
This module is an extension of the module hyd_stock_conso. He add feature like quota by amount, graph view, pdf report etc..