Allow user to add order Note/Comment while place the order
Login user can change password from the portal account
Clear all cart product by just one click.
Update your website to maintenance mode when website is not working or have problem in database.
Activity Dashboard, manage all activity from the dashboard
Add product to cart without refresh the page, quick add cart, Add cart using Ajax
Add product to cart without refresh the page with the quantity option, quick add cart, Add cart using Ajax
This module allows you to hide price and option to request call for price
This Apps allow customer to pay amount at doorstep, Shop online with COD, COD Payment Method
Display all the details information related to the portal and show attractive website dashboard, sale order, invoice, project and all
Display delivery orders into the portal, filter orders and download the delivery slips
Combo(kit) of two or more product bundle to sell in website, purchase, delivery and all
Category snippet, Shop by category, different style of category snippet
Website FAQ (frequently asked question) apps allow you to add question for the website
Display Payment Receipt and print payment Receipt on User Portal Account
App(module) provide the funcitonality of upload and download the documents for products.
App(module) provide the funcitonality of shop the product pack(Combo) from the website
Website product FAQ (frequently asked question) apps allow you to add common question as well as product specific question.
Hide eCommerce product price for the public-visitor users until login
Request product quotation, Easy to add product to get quotation reuqst and get quotation automatical, Choose variant to get variant wise quotation