Base module to manage invoice in PL
Generate JPK VAT XML
Sync Partner data from GUS (Główny Urząd Statystyczny) and validate it with GUS/MF WHITELIST/EU VIES/KRD
Integrate with ING BusinessOnline WebService APIs (PL)
Generate JPK MAG XML
Trilab PL Financial Reports: Balance and P&L
Base module used by all Trilab JPK modules.
Import exchange rates from the Internet. NBP (Polish National Bank)
Generate JPK FA XML
Send JPK XML files to Ministry of Finance
Generate JPK VAT integration with OCA's Date Range module
Allow JPK VAT Date lock (similar to accounting dates)
Import exchange rates from the Internet. CNB (Czech National Bank)
Validate partner bank account via Ministry of Finance whitelist for Poland
Posnet Driver for Trilab POS
Support for PoS and base for fiscal printers
Send packages by DB Schenker service (PL)
Send packages by DHL24 service (PL)