Voice Message in Odoo Discuss
Easily schedule your emails for future delivery
Activity Management Odoo, Activity Scheduler Odoo, Manage Project Activity, Manage Employee Activity Module, Manage Supervisor Activity, Filter Completed Activity,filter planned Activity Odoo
Mail Whitelist
Save Message as Draft, Edit Message Drafts, Send Message from Draft Message Adds draft messages support to free 'Mail Messages Easy' app
Advanced kanban view for Discuss module
Audio widget
AI Bot for LLM-servers compatible with OpenAI/using openai-ap
Send Mail to all Child Contact in Sales and Invoice
AI Bot using Langchain
Attach emails to Odoo by dragging them from your desktop
Multiple documents can be attached to a product with the help of this module.
Add a new widget in schedule activity to directly call and edit the activity
The tool to delete Odoo messages from threads and channels
Show auto suggestion in chat in Odoo.
This module is used to send msg on whatsapp web
Read messages with a single click.
Proper redirection of fetched replies of emails sent from Odoo through SES outgoing.
Calendar Meeting Checklist.