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Ksolves Dashboard Ninja gives you a wide-angle view of your business that you might have missed. Get smart visual data with interactive and engaging dashboards for your Odoo ERP. Odoo Dashboard, CRM Dashboard, Inventory Dashboard, Sales Dashboard, Account Dashboard, Invoice Dashboard, Revamp Dashboard, Best Dashboard, Odoo Best Dashboard, Odoo Apps Dashboard, Best Ninja Dashboard, Analytic Dashboard, Pre-Configured Dashboard, Create Dashboard, Beautiful Dashboard, Customized Robust Dashboard, Predefined Dashboard, Multiple Dashboards, Advance Dashboard, Beautiful Powerful Dashboards, Chart Graphs Table View, All In One Dynamic Dashboard, Accounting Stock Dashboard, Pie Chart Dashboard, Modern Dashboard, Dashboard Studio, Dashboard Builder, Dashboard Designer, Odoo Studio. Revamp your Odoo Dashboard like never before! It is one of the best dashboard odoo apps in the market.

Dashboard Ninja
Ksolves India Ltd.
106 2447

Print any reports or shipping labels directly to any local, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth printer without downloading PDF or ZPL!

Odoo direct print
25 1283

Dashboard Ninja Advance for Odoo allows you to showcase your complex data in form of interactive and engaging charts or list views. Manage the complicated data of your business and get a detailed insight into your sale. Dashboard Ninja Advance, Dashboard Ninja, Modern Odoo Dashboards, Powerful Dashboard, Beautiful Dashboard, Modern Dashboard, Chart Dashboard, Graph Dashboard, Pie Chart Dashboard, Ninja Dashboard.

Advanced Dashboard Ninja with AI
Ksolves India Ltd.
20 1142

A customizable Restful API for Odoo

MuK REST API for Odoo
5 534

Odoo SaaS Kit allows you to run your Odoo As A SaaS business. After installation and setup you can sell Odoo As A Saas to your client via subscription based model, saaskit

Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
7 187

The tool to build deep and structured knowledge base for internal and external use. Knowledge System. KMS

KnowSystem: Knowledge Base System
10 375

List view search,Global Search,Quick Search,Search engine,advance filter,Field Search, advanced search,Tree view,document management system,Resize columns,Export Current View, auto suggestion,Hide column,show column,rename column,reorder column

List View Manager
Ksolves India Ltd.
15 507

Configurable Workflow Engine, Workflow, Workflow Engine, Approval, Approval Engine, Approval Process, Escalation, Multi Level Approval, Automation, Workflow Automation

Workflow Engine Base

Different access rights for multi-company users, Restriction, Restricted, Privillage, Restricted Menu, Different Access, Different Rights, Rights, Access Rights, Limited Access, Limited Menu

Multi-Company Access Rights

invoice mobile qrcode scanner, bom mobile barcode scanner app, stock adjustment qrcode scan, request for quotation mobile barcode scanner, product mobile barcode scanner, warehouse mobile qrcode, account mobile qrcode scanner, purchase barcode Odoo

All in One Mobile Barcode/QRCode Scanner|Sale Order Mobile Barcode Scanner|Purchase Order Mobile Barcode Scanner|Invoice Mobile Barcode Scanner|Inventory Mobile Barcode Scanner|Bill Of Material Mobile Barcode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies

This module makes searching for auto parts it's as easy peasy. In website search tool helps in choosing your auto parts base on vehicle make, vehicle model, type and model year very easily. Enter the vehicle details in the search field, click the SEARCH button so it will display available auto parts. You can easily set button size, Ecommerce Category. Users can save searched auto parts. Logged users can also see the saved item list in 'My Garage' Dropdown list. User can save search items and remove from 'My Garage'. Users can sort search results. This website is very perspicuous to the user and easy to interact with the site. Auto Parts Website Odoo Easily Search Auto Parts Module, Choose Auto Parts Base On Vehicle Make, Model ,Type And Model Year Odoo. Find Perfect Vehicle Auto Parts Module, Choose Auto Parts Base On Vehicle Make , Find Auto Parts Based On Model ,Type App , Search Auto Parts Based On Model Year Odoo Auto Parts Website 汽车配件网站 Site Web des pièces automobiles Autoteile-Website Sito Web di ricambi auto Sitio web de autopartes Site de autopeças

Auto Parts Website
Softhealer Technologies

2 way SalesForce connector Odoo SalesForce Connector salesforce connector odoo salesforce integration

Odoo SalesForce Connector
Pragmatic TechSoft Pvt Ltd.

Auto Parts Base Odoo, Auto Parts And Variants Management, Manage Auto Parts & Variants App, Find High Quality Auto Parts, Handle Auto Parts By Make, Model, Year, Type, Find Vehicle Details Module Odoo.

Auto Parts Base
Softhealer Technologies

Report Designer allows to Create and Print various Financial and Analytical reports in MS Excel format (XLSX, XLSM)

Report Designer (XLSX, XLSM)

The tool to safely keep passwords for shared use

Password Manager

User Activity Log, User Activity Audit, Session Management, Record Log, Activity Traces, Login Notification, User Activity Record, Record History, Login History, Login location, Login IP

Advanced User Audit | User Activity Audit | Login Notification
Terabits Technolab

Jasper Report Server Integration, Jasper Report, Jasper Integration, Jasper Connector, Jasper View

Jasper Report Integration

Hide Followers In Sale Order, Remove Sales Followers, Disable account Auto Add Followers, Quotation Invisible Followers Module, Partner Not Add In Follower App, Customer Not Add In Follower, Vendor Not Add In Followers In Bill All in One Disable Followers Disable Followers For Sales Disable Followers For Purchase Disable Followers For Invoice Disable Followers For Bill Disable Followers For Picking Disable Followers feature Follower Disabling module Disable Follower Accounts tool Followers Deactivation module Inventory Disable Followers All-In-One Follower Control Disable Follow Requests Deactivate Followers Turn Off Followers Odoo

All in One Disable Followers | Sale Order Disable Followers | Purchase Order Disable Followers | Invoice Disable Followers
Softhealer Technologies

The tool to generate and periodically send reports and reminders

Periodic Reporting and Reminders

Barcode Scanner Package,Sales Barcode Scanner,Purchase Barcode Scanner Module,Account Barcode Scanner,Stock Barcode Scanner,BOM Barcode Scanner,Request For Quotation Barcode Scanner,Bill Barcode Scanner,PO Barcode Scanner,RFQ Barcode Scanner Odoo

All In One Barcode Scanner-Advance| Sale Order Barcode Scanner | Purchase Order Barcode Scanner | Invoice Barcode Scanner | Inventory Barcode Scanner | Bill Of Material Barcode Scanner | Scrap Barcode Scanner | Warehouse Barcode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies