Odoo provide feature to signup/login with with Microsoft. Using this module, you can signup/login your Microsoft Azure user with Odoo. Microsoft Azure SSO Integration Microsoft Azure Odoo SSO Integration Odoo Microsoft Azure odoo on azure azure odoo odoo microsoft sso odoo microsoft azure integration microsoft azure odoo sso microsoft odoo azure portal Microsoft Users Odoo Integration Base Module Microsoft Users odoo integration module Odoo Integration with Microsoft Users Odoo with Microsoft Users Login using Microsoft Account Odoo Login using Microsoft Account Odoo Integration signin with Microsoft Account Odoo Integration signin using Microsoft Account odoo integration module with Microsoft Users Microsoft User with odoo integration Odoo Integration Base Module Odoo Integration Module Odoo Microsoft Azure odoo microsoft account Microsoft Azure SSO Microsoft SSO Microsoft SSO Integration Microsoft Azure Single sign-on Azure SSO Microsoft azure sso
Survey File Upload | Signature in Surveys | Multiple Attachments in Surveys | Survey Document Upload | File Upload in Survey Forms | Digital Signatures for Surveys | Survey Signature Field | Upload Files in Survey | Multiple File Attachments | Survey with Signatures | Document Upload Feature in Surveys | Survey Signature Option | File and Signature Support in Surveys | Upload Files for Survey Responses | Survey Form Attachments
This module allows to manage fixed and dynamic date filters. User can express weekly filters, Monthly filters, Yearly filters, Quarterly Filters. Filter by date | Filter by month | Filter by year | Filter by Quarter | Filter by week
Apple Authentication provider Apple auth provider Authenticate using apple Authenticate Using Apple ID login in with apple id sign in with apple id sign in with apple accounts iphone authenticate user app useauthentication apple developer sign in sign in with apple ios apple connect sign in apple id login apple authentication token apple authentication check Login with OAuth providers for odoo setup the OAuth Providers OAuth Single Sign On in odoo Odoo SSO using apple id sign in with apple id in odoo Apple Single Sign On OAuth login with app id in odoo sign up using apple id Apple Social Login Configuration in odoo
This module allows to send SMS with multiple SMS Gateway in odoo.
Database Auto Backup - Google Drive
Send all email to a BCC. | Company Email | BCC | Default BCC
Freeze header in list view | sticky header | sticky header in list view | fixed header | sticky header in one2many, many2many list view
This allows to activate our account by email at signup by using Account Activate by email at signup.| Email Signup | Account Activation | Email Verification | Free Signup | Account Verification | User Sign Up | Email Verification Mail | Mail Send For Account Creation | User Details
This module allows Odoo users to specify a unique email address and signature per company.
Delivery status in Purchase Order| User can easily see delivery status| Delivery status from Purchase order
Delivery status in sale order
Disable Chatting
Disable Debug Mode Module Allow You to Enable/Disable Debug Option for Some Users. | Disable Debug Mode | User Wise Disable The Debug Mode | Enable/Disable Debug Mode | Odoo Debug Mode | Debug Mode Access | Allow User Enable Debug Mode | Debug | Disable Developer Mode | Developer | Developer Mode
Seamlessly sync attachments with Google Drive, configure filters, automate backups, and ensure secure, organized cloud storage.
Google Workspace Integration
Hospital Management system | HMS | open source hospital management system | medical management software | odoo hospital management free | odoo healthcare management system | erp for hospitals | odoo healthcare | odoo clinic management system | odoo medical health management solution | odoo erp for healthcare management | hms hospital | hms systems | online clinic management system | medical management system | clinic management software | patient management system |healthcare software vendors|
This module allows to hide Buttons from email which is sent from any document. hide email button hide mail button mail button mail button from mail document button view document
Hide Menu From User|hide | menu | user | hide menu | hide user|
This module helps you to hide vendors from product.Hide Vendors of Product | Show vendors in products | Hide vendor of the product | Hide Suppliers of Products in Odoo | Hide Vendors Of Product Odoo | Add Multiple Vendors to a Product in Odoo | managing vendors | product vendors | show vendors | hide products | odoo product variant | odoo vendor | odoo multi vendor.