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Odoo provide feature to signup/login with with Microsoft. Using this module, you can signup/login your Microsoft Azure user with Odoo. Microsoft Azure SSO Integration Microsoft Azure Odoo SSO Integration Odoo Microsoft Azure odoo on azure azure odoo odoo microsoft sso odoo microsoft azure integration microsoft azure odoo sso microsoft odoo azure portal Microsoft Users Odoo Integration Base Module Microsoft Users odoo integration module Odoo Integration with Microsoft Users Odoo with Microsoft Users Login using Microsoft Account Odoo Login using Microsoft Account Odoo Integration signin with Microsoft Account Odoo Integration signin using Microsoft Account odoo integration module with Microsoft Users Microsoft User with odoo integration Odoo Integration Base Module Odoo Integration Module Odoo Microsoft Azure odoo microsoft account Microsoft Azure SSO Microsoft SSO Microsoft SSO Integration Microsoft Azure Single sign-on Azure SSO Microsoft azure sso

Microsoft Azure Single Sign-On(SSO)
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This Module provides a feature that when the user does not perform any activity after login at a particular time, then the session will automatically expire. It works across all the models in Odoo. In standard Odoo, this Feature is not available.

Activity Session Timeout
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Import multiple images of products through the internal refrence.

Product Multi Image Import
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark in Odoo. This dark mode backend theme gives you a fully modified view with a full-screen display. It is a perfect choice for your Odoo Backend and an attractive theme for Odoo. | apps night mode | dark mode| night mode | enable dark mode | odoo night mode |

Dark Mode
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

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Chatter Attachments Download as Zip Attachments Download Zip Download All Attachments as a ZIP File Export Attachments in Zip Multiple Image download ZIP Download Multiple Files Export Zip Attachments Attachment Zipped Download download multiple attachments files download multiple attachments in odoo Mail Chatter Attachments Multiple file ZIP download download attachments as zip file download attachment in odoo chatter multiple attachments management in odoo attachments in single zip file multiple attachments in one zip

Chatter Attachments Download as Zip
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Disable Debug Mode | user wise disable the debug mode | Enable/Disable Debug Mode | odoo debug mode | debug mode access | allow user eneble debug mode | debug | disable developer mode | developer | developer mode

Disable Debug Mode (User Wise)
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Odoo provide feature to signup/login with with Microsoft. Using this module, you can signup/login your Microsoft Azure user with Odoo. Microsoft Azure SSO Integration Microsoft Azure Odoo SSO Integration Odoo Microsoft Azure odoo on azure azure odoo odoo microsoft sso odoo microsoft azure integration microsoft azure odoo sso microsoft odoo azure portal Microsoft Users Odoo Integration Base Module Microsoft Users odoo integration module Odoo Integration with Microsoft Users Odoo with Microsoft Users Login using Microsoft Account Odoo Login using Microsoft Account Odoo Integration signin with Microsoft Account Odoo Integration signin using Microsoft Account odoo integration module with Microsoft Users Microsoft User with odoo integration Odoo Integration Base Module Odoo Integration Module Odoo Microsoft Azure odoo microsoft account Microsoft Azure SSO Microsoft SSO Microsoft SSO Integration Microsoft Azure Single sign-on Azure SSO Microsoft azure sso

Microsoft Azure Single Sign-On(SSO)
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark in Odoo. This dark mode backend theme gives you a fully modified view with a full-screen display. It is a perfect choice for your Odoo Backend and an attractive theme for Odoo. | apps night mode | dark mode| night mode | enable dark mode | odoo night mode |

Dark Mode
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

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Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark in Odoo. This dark mode backend theme gives you a fully modified view with a full-screen display. It is a perfect choice for your Odoo Backend and an attractive theme for Odoo. | apps night mode | dark mode| night mode | enable dark mode | odoo night mode |

Dark Mode
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Odoo provide feature to signup/login with with Microsoft. Using this module, you can signup/login your Microsoft Azure user with Odoo. Microsoft Azure SSO Integration Microsoft Azure Odoo SSO Integration Odoo Microsoft Azure odoo on azure azure odoo odoo microsoft sso odoo microsoft azure integration microsoft azure odoo sso microsoft odoo azure portal Microsoft Users Odoo Integration Base Module Microsoft Users odoo integration module Odoo Integration with Microsoft Users Odoo with Microsoft Users Login using Microsoft Account Odoo Login using Microsoft Account Odoo Integration signin with Microsoft Account Odoo Integration signin using Microsoft Account odoo integration module with Microsoft Users Microsoft User with odoo integration Odoo Integration Base Module Odoo Integration Module Odoo Microsoft Azure odoo microsoft account Microsoft Azure SSO Microsoft SSO Microsoft SSO Integration Microsoft Azure Single sign-on Azure SSO Microsoft azure sso

Microsoft Azure Single Sign-On(SSO)
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This Module provides a feature that when the user does not perform any activity after login at a particular time, then the session will automatically expire. It works across all the models in Odoo. In standard Odoo, this Feature is not available.

Activity Session Timeout
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Send all email to a BCC | Company Email | BCC | Default BCC

All Email Send to a BCC
Kanak Infosystems LLP.