Synchronize Chinese cities with Amap Service
Update city data from Amap
Integrate E-invoice with Sale
Default Loan Order Template receivable & payable accounts for Vietnam
change defult font to nice arabic font
Nepali Datepicker for all Odoo modules, with instant AD to BS and BS to AD conversions
Convert from number to Vietnamese words
Panamanian Company Subsidiary
Structuration du plan comptable, Lecture des (Débit, Crédit, Solde) plus facile
Default promotion voucher loss & profit accounts for Vietnam
UA localization of customer invoice reports
SA UAE VAT configuration
Turkish Localization Payroll
Turkey Address for contact address in Turkey the real data of address for city and avenue and so on
Beautifully change the normal Odoo fonts to Ubuntu fonts
Unidades Oficiales de Medidas en Panamá (Panama Official Units of Measurement)
Provide localization tools to handle E-invoice according to Vietnam rules