Project Dashboard For Odoo16 Community And Enterprise Edition
Keep your finger on the projects pulse with this module. Featuring a dynamic progress bar, it provides a visual snapshotof project and task advancement. Toggle effortlessly betweenKanban and list views for a personalized project tracking experience.
Users Restriction For Project And Task restricts and access the users to the project and task records.
Helps to view all documents attached to Projects/Tasks
Project Team Management
Task Timer With Start & Stop
Automatic daily and weekly report.
Automatically Send Mail To Responsible User if Deadline Of Task is Today
Advanced PDF & XLS Reports for Project With Filtrations
This module will help you to hide print button per user.
This apps helps to make project as template and make new project from the Template
Advanced Project Management System for Odoo16
Module for Minutes of Meetings and Print PDF Report.
This app help to create automatic sequence of project task
This app will display Custom checklist and their progress in percentage, according to marked checklist in Project,Manage project checklists and track progress with ease.
This apps helps to manage Project and Task Phases
A sprint is a fixed time period where teams complete work from their product backlog
Adding Custom Fields for Project Module
This app allows your project team to create projecttemplate and task template