Integrate & Manage your all your Shopify operations from Odoo
Integrate & Manage all your WooCommerce operations from Odoo
Integrate & Manage your all your eBay seller account operations from Odoo
Woocommerce,Odoo WooCommerce Integration, Odoo WooCommerce Connector, WooCommerce store in Odoo, Woocommerce odoo connector
Multiple Branch/Unit Operation on Sales,Purchases,Accounting/Invoicing,Voucher,Paymemt,POS, Accounting Reports for single company
Booking & reservation management in Odoo allows users to take appointment and ticket booking facility in Odoo website.
This apps helps to manage product bundle
This module provide feature to manage Sales Commissions based on target with Amount Ranges by Sales/Invoice/Payment
Manage RMA on Odoo with Return Product, Replace product and With Refund Order
Sales and Purchase Invoice Discount with Tax
Send Estimation to your Customers for materials, labour, overheads details in job estimation.
Combine two or more products together in order to create a bundle product.
The tool to make sure required jobs are carefully done on this pipeline stage
This apps helps to calculate Sales commission for Users and Partner based product, category and margin
Multiple Branch/Unit Operation on Sales,Purchases,Accounting/Invoicing, Payment , for single company
Manage Affiliate code and commission
This module provide feature to manage Sales Commission by Sales/Invoice/Payment to Internal Users and External Partners.
This module allow you to generate revision of your quotation and revision history.
Product variants prices based on attributes extras and coefficients