Odoo eLearning offline video upload | eLearning video uploader | Odoo video management | Odoo eLearning videos | Upload videos in Odoo | Odoo LMS | Learning management system | Online course video uploads | Odoo training videos | eLearning course management
Hospital Management with patient, appointment, medicine info
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Marketplace eLearning, this module allows marketplace sellers to sell Online Courses
Adds SMS features on quotations and sale orders
Tutorial about how to add SMS functionality to a model
Tutorial about how to create and use activity views
Tutorial about how to add the archiving feature on a model
Tutorial about how to optimize SEO, create metadata dynamically and creating custom social media previews.
Tutorial about how to create and use chatter functionalities in Odoo
Tutorial about how to write classes and widgets in Odoo
Tutorial about how to create and use email templates in Odoo
Tutorial about how to create new search views with filters and group by in Odoo.
Tutorial about how to create and use Cohort views
Tutorial about how to create and use grid views
Tutorial about how to create and use configuration views in Odoo
Tutorial about how to create new QWeb reports in Odoo.
Tutorial about how to create and add smart buttons to views
Tutorial about how to create and use security groups