Current Stock Report for all Products in each Warehouse
Add stock card report on Inventory Reporting.
Real-time calculation and display available product's quantity from all warehouses
Users in the Group "Product Deletion" Can Only Delete the Products
Internal request for stock
Set Default Terms & Conditions for Stock.
Add a MTS+MTO route
Quantity of stock available for immediate use
Create and manage reordering rules automatically using templates
Display product image on picking print product image on delivery order report print image on receipt product image print product image on picking product image in delivery order line print Product image on picking order
Display available product's quantity from all warehouse when sales order created
In picking out lots' selection, filter lots based on their location
Extends the functionality of Stock Requests to support a tier validation process.
Show moves description in picking reports
Add Stock Requests to the Inventory App
Add a partner in the delivery carrier
This app helps to import stock inventory adjustment from xls file