Portal Payslip using this module user can see their payslip and also down the same.| Portal Payslip | Employee Payslip | Salaryslip | Portal salaryslip | Employee Salaryslip | Portal Payslip Search | Website Employee | Website Payslip | Download Payslip.
Add addon product(Extra Services) on website | website | addon | product | Services | addon product | Product Extra Services | Add-ons | website product add | website product | product addon | products | Extra Services | Product Services | Extra Product
This module is allowed to add Product, Product category,Shipping Method and Payment acquirers in Multiple website or allowed website. Product Multi Website | Multi website product | publish multi website
You can give a discount on website product brand-wise by using pricelist.Pricelist|Brand Pricelist|Brand|Brand wise Pricelist|Product Brand Pricelist|Product Pricelist
This module which allows you to create tabs in website products.
Wonderful app built to allow Instagram feed on your website using drag & drop snippets Instagram | Instagram Feed | Instagram Post | Instagram Video | Instagram Album
This module is used to send or receive mail through the recipient, user can do the following types of message-send message, inbox message, starred or unstarred message, etc.
Calendar appointment booking with a strong backend and a very intuitive web UI | appointment | website booking | booking calendar | Slot Booking | Online Booking | Online Meeting | Schedule Meeting
Dynamic Reload Page using this module user can auto reload page on other page or on same page after given time.reload page|auto reload page|dynamic reload|page reload|dynamic page reload|dynamic auto reload.
show password in login page
Horizontal Product Attributes Filter module which allows you to provide horizontally product attributes filters in the website shop. With the help of this module, User can filter the product by applying an attribute filter in the E-commerce odoo. | Wesbite Product | Product Attributes | Product Filters | Horizontal Filter |
Image zoom preview in product page | website product zoom | zoom image | product image zoom | automatic zoom
This module is used to book appointment offered by a company on its e-commerce platform online in odoo |book |appointment |book appointment | Calendar | Scheduling | Book | mail| Appointment |Book Appointment | online booking | e-commerce online booking platform | online booking platform | e-commerce booking .
Book services offered by a company on its e-Commerce platform. | service booking | Service appointment | Booking calaendar | Product Booking
Send notification to salesperson/admin, when order is confirmed. Order Push Notification | Order Notification | Notiication to user | Quotation Notification | New Sales Notification
user close or deactive | user close account | user deactive account | close account | deactivate account
Product availability will be display on the website product page based on availibilty of stock by country warehouse, always available and always not available. out of stock | in stock | based on country warehouse | based on stock | stock availibility | website stock | stock | ecommerce | e-commerce | ecommerce stock | e-commerce stock | stock availibility | online stock availibility | online stock
This module is used to add multiple items into the cart quickly as Search with Product name & code, Upload file, and text. | add mass product to cart | Import Product to cart | Quick add product | Quick Buy
Shipping Method
We need to hide the prices most of the time from competitors. This module does the same.