Multi Currency in Accounting Reports. Financial Report Account Report Multi Currency Financial Report Accounting Reports.
This module is used to send or receive mail through the recipient, user can do the following types of message-send message, inbox message, starred or unstarred message, etc.
This Module is a useful odoo addons for customizing your POS Restaurant sales for Pizza and other foods. | Pizza Modifiers | Custmize Pizza | Product Modifiers | PoS Pizza
This module is used to make payments in installment wise in sales, user can set Tenure months, Tenure amount and can Compute and Part Payment in Installment and Print sale order and Invoice Reports.
Seamlessly send direct prints to your printer without requiring downloads, third-party apps, or additional licenses.
stock notification | email notification | product availability | stock availability | email reminder | notify send email | available stock | website stock notification | product stock | email stock notify
Generate Attendance based Hourly employee payslip.| Payslip| Hourly employee payslip|Attendance based Hourly employee payslip|
Disallow edit price in sale order line | Sale Order Line | Disallow Price Editing |
This module use for odoo menus ascending order. | Odoo Menu Ascending Order | Ascending Order | descending order | Menu Ascending Order | Menu descending Order
Odoo provide feature to signup/login with with Microsoft. Using this module, you can signup/login your Microsoft Azure user with Odoo. Microsoft Azure SSO Integration Microsoft Azure Odoo SSO Integration Odoo Microsoft Azure odoo on azure azure odoo odoo microsoft sso odoo microsoft azure integration microsoft azure odoo sso microsoft odoo azure portal Microsoft Users Odoo Integration Base Module Microsoft Users odoo integration module Odoo Integration with Microsoft Users Odoo with Microsoft Users Login using Microsoft Account Odoo Login using Microsoft Account Odoo Integration signin with Microsoft Account Odoo Integration signin using Microsoft Account odoo integration module with Microsoft Users Microsoft User with odoo integration Odoo Integration Base Module Odoo Integration Module Odoo Microsoft Azure odoo microsoft account Microsoft Azure SSO Microsoft SSO Microsoft SSO Integration Microsoft Azure Single sign-on Azure SSO Microsoft azure sso
This module allows to manage fixed and dynamic date filters. User can express weekly filters, Monthly filters, Yearly filters, Quarterly Filters. Filter by date | Filter by month | Filter by year | Filter by Quarter | Filter by week
Survey File Upload | Signature in Surveys | Multiple Attachments in Surveys | Survey Document Upload | File Upload in Survey Forms | Digital Signatures for Surveys | Survey Signature Field | Upload Files in Survey | Multiple File Attachments | Survey with Signatures | Document Upload Feature in Surveys | Survey Signature Option | File and Signature Support in Surveys | Upload Files for Survey Responses | Survey Form Attachments