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Retailer agrees to pay a seller or consignor for merchandise after the item sells or selling goods (clothing, furniture, etc.) through a third-party vendor such as a consignment store. the consignee is financially responsible (the buyer) for the receipt of a shipment also includes commision on consigment and multiple reports. Consignment Management System sale Consignment Management purchase Consignment Management consignee Management buyer Management consignment store

Consignment Management System

Create shift and weekends based on define duration. shifts will not be created on leaves or holidays or weekoffs. filters your shift based on shift type or employee or department or job positions. Generate multiple excel shift roaster report

Rosters Shift Management

Manage Freight Transportation Management and Logistics System which has key features which include transporter details. Vehicle,route LR number of parcele information for all delivery order details. Create auto entry transport entry with reporting those entries make it more easy to operate Transport details in Odoo. crew managmenet expense and invoice for route purchase order for fuel Manage Trans-shipment and vehicle by transporter and Transport Delivery Charge. Freight Transport Management and Delivery Routes Delivery Transport Mangement with Freight Transport for Delivery and Picking Order Transport Management Fleet Management Logistics Management Transport Delivery Charge Transport Delivery Charge Trans-shipment Auto entry transport Delivery Routes Picking Transport Sale Transport Manual Transport Picking carriers Transportation Management crew managmenet expense and invoice for route purchase order for fuel

Advance Transport Management

Quality Management System which manages quality control points and multiple instructions in one point specifically for serial and lot product. Quality control plans to trigger quality checks at specific inventory operations Define quality instructions or rules to automate actions Quality Control Product Quality Product Inspection Production Instruction Quality Alerts Quality Checks Quality Control points Mutiple Instructions

Quality Management System

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