Add the Facebook Pixel event PageView to all website pages.
Trilab PL Financial Reports: Balance and P&L
Restrict Pricelist for Users Restrict Pricelist for Partners Restrict Pricelist for Customer PriceList Restriction for Partner PriceList Restriction for customer pricelist access rights pricelist access for users Restrict Price-list for User Restrict price
Multiple Allowances for employee
Trace journal entry posting date and user.
This module adds support for multi company on Project Module.
Adds HTML field to company profile and displays it on the contact page.
Accounting Reports, Asset Management and Account Budget For Odoo12 Community Edition
Open HRMS Suit: It brings all Open HRMS modules
Generate automatic backup of databases and store to local, google drive, dropbox, nextcloud, amazon S3, onedrive or remote server
Base module to create xlsx report