Account Analytic Account State

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Technical Name account_analytic_account_states
Versions 10.0
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Account Analytic Account State

By installing this module, it will introduce a state workflow for the analytic accounts.

The states introduced by this module are:

  1. Draft: It's the starting state of an analytic account;
  2. Waiting For Approval: The analytic account was submitted by the user. It can be approved or refused by a manager or reset back to draft;
  3. Approved: The analytic account was approved by a manager. It can still be reset to draft;
  4. Declined: The analytic account was refused by a manager. It can be reset to draft;
  5. Expired: The analytic account ran into its end. It can be resubmitted in order to extend its duration;
  6. Cancelled: The analytic account was cancelled. It's still possible to reset it to draft;

All the transitions between the states can be manually triggered by users with the right permissions.

N.B.: To properly work, this module needs to install the module account_analytic_account_accessibility which can also be found in this repository.


This module doesn't require further configurations than what already required to work with Analytic Accounts.


To use this module, you need to:

  1. Go to 'Accounting' - 'Configuration' - 'Analytic Accounting' - 'Analytic Accounts'
  2. Select an already existing analytic account
  3. According to its current state and to the user's permissions, it will possible to click on buttons in order to trigger state transitions.

The available buttons are:

  1. Submit (only for users in group Technical Settings/Analytic Accounting): Draft -> Waiting for Approval
  2. Cancel (only for users in group Technical Settings/Analytic Accounting): Draft -> Cancelled
  3. Set to Expired (only for users in group Technical Settings/Analytic Account Manager): Draft, Waiting for Approval, Approved -> Expired
  4. Approve (only for users in group Technical Settings/Analytic Account Manager): Waiting for Approval -> Approved
  5. Decline (only for users in group Technical Settings/Analytic Account Manager): Waiting for Approval -> Declined
  6. Resubmit (only for users in group Technical Settings/Analytic Accounting): Expired -> Waiting for Approval
  7. Reset to Draft (only for users in group Technical Settings/Analytic Accounting): Cancel, Declined, Approved -> Draft



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Will you upgrade the module?
on 5/20/19, 1:01 AM

This module is very useful. Will you upgrade this module to odoo11?

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