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Account Analytic Account Type

v 10.0 Third Party 547
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Technical Name account_analytic_account_type
Versions 10.0
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Account Analytic Account Type

By installing this module, a new mandatory information will be introduced on analytic accounts: its type. Using the type, a manager can more effectively categorize its analytic accounts. A new group filter is also now available among the search options on analytic accounts.


To configure a new Analytic Account Type, you need to:

  1. Go to 'Accounting' - 'Configuration' - 'Analytic Accounting' - 'Analytic Accounts Type'
  2. Create a new Analytic Account Type clicking on the button Create
  3. Select a Name and a Code for the new type, and check the box if you want that this type is associated to analytic accounts used as templates
  4. Save the Type just created.


To use this module, you need to:

  1. Go to 'Accounting' - 'Configuration' - 'Analytic Accounting' - 'Analytic Accounts'
  2. Create a new Analytic Account or edit one already existing
  3. On the new field (named Type) select one of the analytic account types you previously created.

Please, note that now is only possible to select as "Parent" an analytic account associated to a view type.



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