Dependencies Graph

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Odoo Dependencies Graph

This tool is aimed to help software developers to get a better understanding of the dependencies among the modules and the models relationship in an Odoo application. It also shows the inheritance graph of JavaScript objects defined in Odoo.

The library vis.js is used to render the graph.

Modules Dependencies

Odoo Module Parents: Given an Odoo module it shows every module in which the module depends on. These are the modules that need to be installed before it.

Odoo Module Children: Given an Odoo module it shows every module that depends of it directly or indirectly.

A module can have redundant dependencies. The option Acyclic graph shows or hides these redundant dependencies.

Models Relationship

Given some models it shows the relationship graph with other models.

Some models, for example res.users, have relations with all models. The option Ignore exclude some models from the graph.

The option Depth specifies how deep the graph is going to be. A lower value is recommended.

JS Objects Inheritance

JavaScript Parents: Given some JavaScript constructor functions, the graph shows the functions (parents) which the given functions extend.

JavaScript Children: Given some JavaScript constructor functions, the graph shows the functions (children) that extend the given functions.

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Very nice
on 10/9/18, 4:22 AM

Very usefull and easy to use!

Hey Author , I've exact requirement to visualise module dependencies. Please , can you let me know how to use this module.
on 3/6/24, 4:16 AM

Use with Odoo 11 or 12
Franz Winter
on 8/5/19, 2:43 AM

Looks very good. Will there be a version for Odoo 11 or 12? Regards, Franz

Re: Use with Odoo 11 or 12
Adrian Chang
on 8/5/19, 10:50 AM Author

Thank Franz, I am planning to do it soon. Regards