v 9.0 v 10.0 v 11.0 v 12.0 Third Party 50
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory Management (stock)
Invoicing (account)
Sales (sale)
Discuss (mail)
Technical Name globalteckz_magento_2
Versions 15.0 16.0 17.0 13.0 12.0 9.0 14.0 10.0 11.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory Management (stock)
Invoicing (account)
Sales (sale)
Discuss (mail)
Technical Name globalteckz_magento_2
Versions 15.0 16.0 17.0 13.0 12.0 9.0 14.0 10.0 11.0

Odoo 10 - Magento 2.0 + Connector

Connect your Magento 2.0 + website with Odoo 10 ERP software and synchronize all the data.

Magento is one of the leading Open source eCommerce CMS and widely used by many eCommerce merchants worldwide from small to Big companies, With the growth of Magento website implementation globalteckz brings you out with Odoo Magento connector where you can synchronize all the data from Magento website into Odoo and no need to go in Magento backend to handle things which can be managed from Odoo. With Odoo Magento connector by Globalteckz you get advantage of a full fledged Open source ERP software for eCommerce trading Business

Before buying want to see demo contact us

Odoo 10 Magento 2.0 + Connector

Odoo 10 Magento 2.0 + module provides you with following features
  • Creating magento stores
  • Import of attribute sets from Magento to Odoo
  • Import product attributes from Magento to Odoo
  • Import product categories from Magento to Odoo
  • Import of Products from Magento to Odoo
  • Import product stocks from Magento to Odoo
  • Import of customer groups from Magento to Odoo
  • Import customers from Magento to Odoo
  • Import taxes from Magento to Odoo
  • Import orders from Magento to Odoo
  • Export order status from Odoo to Magento
  • Import Invoice from Magento to Odoo
  • Import Shipment from Magento to Odoo
  • Update Simple Type products from Odoo to Magento
  • Export simple type products from Odoo to Magento
  • Export customer Group from Odoo to Magento
  • Export Stock / Inventory from Odoo to Magento
  • Real time inventory Update from Odoo to Magento
  • Real time Order status update from odoo to Magento
  • Maintain Magento Logs
  • Manage your own workflows

After installating Odoo 10 Magento 2 connector

After installation of this Odoo 10 Magento 2 connector module from Globalteckz you can see the menu Created on your Odoo front. Installation guide can be found after buying the module with 100% support directly with the development team.

Let's go into the dashboard part here as you can see this is blank right now – as there are certain configurations which we need to do towards the initial set up.

In the below image you can see there is Magento instance created we will showcase the details that needs to put in for creating the Magento instance. Magento instance in Odoo can be created by clicking on Create button.

After clicking the create button you can put the Name of your Magento instance, the location which is required for Authentication the user name and the password. After filling all the information while creating new Magento instance you can click on save button.

After saving the instance the next step is to "Load your Magento store" in Odoo. Once you click on “Load Magento store” button all the shops/Magento stores created on Magento will be loaded to Odoo.

You can check your Magento Shops in Odoo by clicking on – Magento Shops – in the below image we have 2 Magento shops.

As you remember the initial image that there were no dashboards, as after initial set up and loading your Magento store into Odoo you can see the Dashboards with the stores available. You can do the import from dashboard itself but let go into the deeper functionalities of Odoo 10 Magento 2 Connector.

After Loading your Magento stores in Odoo the next part is importing of region for that you can click on Magento – Magento instance go into the instance where you want to import the region and click on "Import Region" Button.

After importing region you can see the list of Magento regions imported in Odoo

You can also click on any given region to check the details.

After finishing with the initial store import and region import from Magento 2 to Odoo version 10. You can initiate with Import Attributes set.

After clicking on “Import Attribute Set” button you can go into Attributes and sets and check all the Magento Product Attribute set imported

After importing all the attributes sets you can now import the categories of your Magento Products by clicking on Import categories button

Here as you can see we have imported all the list of product categories from Magento 2 to Odoo 10

You can click on any given categories to check the details which has been imported from Magento to Odoo

The next part is importing Product attributes from Magento into Odoo for that you can click on "Import Product Attributes" Button

Here you can see we have imported list of Product Attributes from Magento to Odoo

You can also check the details of Product Attributes

With Product attributes Attribute Options are also imported from Magento into Odoo

After completion of Attributes and categories part you can now synchronize your Product details from Magento to Odoo. The first part is Import Product button which will help you to import all the products from Magento into Odoo

After importing Product you can check all the Product list imported from Magento into Odoo

You can check the details of the product by clicking on respective product. This include all the information you have kept on your Magento store products.

List of attributes also got imported from Magento into Odoo.

It also imports all the Categories.

After importing the Product we can also import Product Stock from Magento to Odoo by clicking on "Import Product stock Button"

In the below image you can see that we have imported all the inventory from Magento into Odoo.

Import Taxes from Magento into Odoo ERP

After clicking on Import taxes button you can see the list of taxes that has been imported from Magento into Odoo

You can also check the details of respective taxes by clicking on the taxes that has been displayed

Now let go and manage the Magento shops part – In this you can import your customer group by clicking on Magento Menu – Magento shops – click on any one shops where action needs to be taken and click on Import customer group button.

Here as you can see the list of customer has been imported into Odoo from Magento shop

After importing the customer group you can import your customers by clicking on Import customer Button

Here you can see the list of Customers imported from Magento to Odoo

Import Orders

On the same form of Manage Customer there is tab Manage Orders. Edit the form menu and you will find a date just next to the import orders button. Select the date from which you want to import the Order and save the form. After selecting date click on Import Orders button and all the orders from that will be imported. This helps you incase you just want to import the orders from a particular date.

Below you can see some orders we have imported from Magento

You can click on one of the Orders to check the details

In Other information you can see the Shop from which this order has came, the order status and Magento Order Id

Another feature is Import Picking part after clicking this will import all your picking

Here you can see that in one of the Magento Order created Delivery order

You can also check the status of the delivery orders from the stages configured

Import Invoice part helps you to import all your Invoices from Magento into Odoo software simply by clicking on Import invoice button

Lets check one of the order and their invoices imported

Here you can see that we have imported the invoice also from Magento into Odoo

By clicking on the invoice you can also check the invoice status in open or paid stage

Export invoice part

In the below image to showcase the example of export functionality of Globalteckz Odoo Magento connector we took an example of pending order from the backend of Magento 2

In this image you can see that there are no invoices showing in Magento

Now we will Export the invoice from Odoo to Magento by clicking on export invoice button

Here in the Magento backend you can see the status is processing of Order

If we go in the invoice part we can see that we have exported the invoice from Odoo into Magento. You can further click on view button to see the invoices.

Export shipment function helps you to export the shipping status back to Magento from Odoo itself.

Here in the Magento backend you can see that the status is complete for shipping

You can view the details in Magento which has been exported from Odoo

Complete details

Workflow can settings can also be done from Odoo into Magento

For each Magento shops you can create workflow configuration

Free Support

You will get 365 Days free support incase any bugs or support while installing and testing the module.

At GlobalTeckz we specialize in providing ERP implementation using the best of industry methodology that ensures successful ERP implementation. Be it manufacturing trading or eCommerce industry our resource thirve to make every project success for our clients. Globalteckz is an official partner of one of the leading open source erp solution named as Odoo and have completed more than 50+ implementation across the globe.

If you feel that this module (Odoo Magento 2) can be helpful for your business feel free to email us on sales@globalteckz.com

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