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Sale of Real Estate Property Management



v 10.0 v 11.0 v 12.0 Third Party 8
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Sales (sale)
eCommerce (website_sale)
Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Website Builder (website)
Technical Name real_estate_property_app
Versions 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Sales (sale)
eCommerce (website_sale)
Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Website Builder (website)
Technical Name real_estate_property_app
Versions 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0

Sale of Real Estate Property Management

User/Partner/Agent/Broker Commissions

This module provide features to allow your customers or vistors to request for quote from website shop/ecommerce for property you are selling and manage Sales Commission by Sales/Invoice/Payment to Internal Users and External Partners/Agents/Brokers.

Sales of Property Online Website Shop/Ecommerce

This module allow you to publish your properties on website shop and allow your customer/vistor on website to get quote for that property. This app support installment to be shown on website using product attribtes which you have to configure in backend on product template form.

Your customer/visitor can view your propert location in google map on website shop page and also they can download documents you have uploaded on product form like Specifications, Payment plans, Plans of building, design and model documents. By clicking on get quote they can fill details and request for quote to your company.

This module allow you to create installment based on number of installment configured on product form. This will add button on Sales order form to create installments in single click.

Sales Commission for Users/Agent/Brokers

This module will allow your company to setup internal users and external partners job positions who is going to receive commission on Customer form and allow to setup percentages on Sales team / Product / Product Category.

This module provide feature to manage sales commision with different options. You can configure after installing module on your database what option/policy your company is following to give sales commissions to your sales persons and other expternal partners related to that sales. For example you can set up commission to Sales man, Sales manager, Sales agent, Branch manager, External Agents etc..

Module will allow you to select and configure When to Pay and Calculation based on . Here you can define policy which will be used to give commission to your sales team and other external partners related to that sales.

For every Calcalulation based on we are allowing you to set: Percentage based on users job position.
System will work only with SINGLE option at time ie for example you can set When to Pay = Invoice confirm and calculation based on = Product category so system will set workflow based on that and create sales commissions.

Please note that When to Pay = Customer payment is only supported with Calculation based on Sales Team. - Other options (Product and Product Category) are NOT supported in matrix for Customer payment.

For down payment % and fixed amount, you have to configure percentage on down payment product and this way module will allow down payments invoices to process with sales commission.

Main advantage of using this app is that allow you to edit percentage at time of processing sales. For example initial you can setup your percentage of sales team/ product / category but when you create Sales order/ Invoice you can modify that percentage. This modification allow for percentage with Sales team policy as well as on product and product category where you can open/edit Sales order line / Invoice line and edit percentage.

Workflow will be:
Option1 : Sales Confirmation -> Create Sales commission worksheet (if not created for current month) -> Add Sales commission lines on worksheet -> For every sales of current month, system will append sales commission lines on worksheet. -> End of month Accountant can review worksheet and create commision invoice to pay/release commision to sales persons and external partners/agents.
Option2 : Invoice Validate -> Create Sales commission worksheet (if not created for current month) -> Add Sales commission lines on worksheet -> For every invoice validation of current month, system will append sales commission lines on worksheet. -> End of month Accountant can review worksheet and create commision invoice to pay/release commision to sales person and external partners/agents.
Option3 : Customer Payment -> Create Sales commission worksheet (if not created for current month) -> Add Sales commission lines on worksheet -> For every payment from customer of current month, system will append sales commission lines on worksheet. -> End of month Accountant can review worksheet and create commision invoice to pay/release commision to sales person and external partners/agents.

Commission to sales users, other users and external partners/agents always will be in company currency. Multi currency is supported for this module so sales order/ invoice / payment can be in different currency but system will take care for it and create commission lines in company currency. So you do not have to worry about it.

Sales Commission product is created using data and you still can change commission product on commission worksheet to create commission invoice.
Commission amount will be based on Net Revenue Model where it consider amounts without taxes. (This app does not support Gross Margin Model).

New Menus

---- Sales/Property/Property Types
---- Sales/Configuration/Sales Commission Level
---- Invoicing/Commissions
---- ---- Invoicing/Commissions/Commission Worksheets
---- ---- Invoicing/Commissions/Sales Commissions Lines
---- Sales/Commissions
---- ---- Sales/Commissions/Commission Worksheets
---- ---- Sales/Commissions/Sales Commissions Lines

Create Product Attribute for Installments Plan

Configure Product Attribute Values

Create Product Property Types

Configure Variants on Product Form

Product Property Details

Set a Number of Installment on Product Variant

Select Documents on Product Template View

This document will be visible on product page and allow your customer/vistor to download.

Website Admin Settings for (Property Location on Google Map) on Website

Product Cart/Page on Shop

Quote Request Wizard by Clicking Get Quote

Thanks Massage

Backend Sale Quotation Created Automatically

Create Installment Invoice using Button

This will create number of invoices based on number of installment.

Invoice Smart Button on Quote/Order Form

Installment Invoices

Sales Commission to User/Partner/Agent/Brokers in Detail

Initial Settings for Sales Commissions Process

Sales Commission Levels

You can setup and create all commission levels which are going to receive commission on your company Sales activities.

Customer Form - Set Commission Leves

So you have to setup Sales Commission Level on that Commission Level for every customers and this will be used while creating commission record. For example when you do sales for Jackspon then selected levels of user will be receving commissions based on % configured on Sales team/ Product / Product Category.

Calcalulation based on = Product Category

If you have select Calcalulation based on product category then you have to specify percentages by each levels and that will be used to give commission to users and external partners.

Calcalulation based on = Product

If you have select Calcalulation based on product then you have to specify percentages by each levels and that will be used to give commission to users and external partners.

Calcalulation based on = Sales Team

If you have select Calcalulation based on sales team then you have to specify percentages by each levels and that will be used to give commission to users and external partners.

When to Pay = Sales Confirmation

When to Pay = Sales Confirmation then order confirmation of your sales order will create sales commission for selected users and external partners.

Sales Commissions Users Setting (For When to Pay = Sales Confirmation)

When you select customer on Quote/Order then Levels configured on that customer will automatically pop up on this screen so you only have to enter internal user or external partners value in this tab.

Sales Commissions Level % Setting (For When to Pay = Sales Confirmation AND Calcalulation based on = Sales Team)

Sales Commission Lines with Sales Confirmation Option

When to Pay = Sales Confirmation with Calc Based on = Product

When to Pay = Invoice Validate

Sales Commissions user Setting (For When to Pay = Invoice Validate)

When to Pay = Invoice Validate then validation of invoice will create sales commission for selected users and external partners.

Sales Commissions Level Setting(For When to Pay = Invoice Validate AND Calcalulation based on = Sales Team)

Sales Commission Lines with Invoice Validate Option

When to Pay = Customer Payment

Sales Commission Lines with Customer Payment Option

Sales Commission Worksheet

System will create sales commission worksheet for every sales users/ External partners and levels for every month automatically and insert all sales commision lines shown above inside that and using this Sales Commission Worksheet account team can pay sales commission.

Using create invoice button account department can release payment and create commision invoice.

PDF Report for Sales Commission Worksheet by Sales Person/Manager and External Partners

Contact / Support

If you need any help or want more additional features,
you may contact us through e-mail at
Skype: mustufa_probuse

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Reply: Brenno Campos Garcia
on 12/17/17, 11:37 PM Author

Hi Brenno Campos Garcia, Please contact us by email We will provide more details about your question. Regards, Mustufa Rangwala

Brenno Campos Garcia
on 9/14/17, 12:27 PM

Does this module have the functionality to allocate the property or just sales?