Sythil SAAS Server

v 9.0 v 10.0 Third Party 390
Download for v 10.0 Deploy on
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Website Builder (website)
Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Technical Name sythil_saas_server
Versions 9.0 10.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Website Builder (website)
Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Technical Name sythil_saas_server
Versions 9.0 10.0


Share your Odoo instance with others
*IMPORTANT* Be security conscious when you set up the SAAS users permissions, if a user has sufficient permissions to install a hacking module they could steal confidential information from other databases inside the instance
*IMPORTANT* Setting up a database filter is advised but not neccassary for the saas environment to work, you can find documentation on db filter on the offical Odoo website


1. Create a template database for the user to pick from
2. Go to <domain_name>/try/package and select one of the templates setup
3. Enter in details about the new database
4. The template database will be cloned and the user can sign in using the credentials entered in the form

Manage SAAS databases

Track SAAS databases

Keep track of all your saas database.

1. Go to 'Saas->Saas Databases'

Sign up via web form

Let others try out your specially setup odoo configuration

1. Go to the <domain_name>/try/package on your website
2. Enter details on the webform
3. The template database will be cloned and the user can login using the credentials provided in the form

Create new database on website

Template Databases

Template Databases Tree Template Databases Form

Create database templates for different types of systems.

1. Create a new database in your Odoo instance
2. Make changes to the database, it will act as a template so setup your modules and make any other changes you like
3. Install 'sythil_saas_client' module, this will create a template saas user in the system
4. Configure the new saas user with the permissions you want the new user to possess upon creating thier system
5. Go back to your saas server database
6. Go to 'Saas->Template Databases'
7. Type in the display name and the actual database name
8. New users will get a copy of your template database expect the saas user template will have the name, email, login and password that was provided on the web form

SAAS Portal

After users sign up for there first system they can access the saas server portal to manage thier databases

1. Login as a saas user
2. Go to the now visible SAAS Portal website menu
3. From there you can go to any of your databases or freely export your database

SAAS Portal

Extra Modules


Installed on a template database, creates a saas user which will become the new users when a system is created

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Works fine except for subscription payment method.
on 3/16/20, 8:12 PM

Hi, I installed the Server and Client modules and it seems to be be working fine, except for the subscription. Looks like there is no payement method available. Is that normal, are there any other configuration to do beside the Payment Acquirers setup ?

Can this module work on an odoo 8 project
on 10/20/19, 11:24 AM

Hi, can this module work on an odoo 8 project Regard