v 8.0 v 9.0 v 10.0 Third Party 2022
Download for v 10.0 Deploy on Odoo.sh
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Technical Name vieterp_mailbox
Versions 10.0 9.0 8.0
You bought this module and need support? Click here!
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Technical Name vieterp_mailbox
Versions 10.0 9.0 8.0

1. Main features

  1. Sending email from odoo
  2. Receiving email from odoo
  3. Composing email from odoo
  4. Choosing template when composing email

2. Why choose this?

  1. Quickly compose email by using template
  2. Don't need to setup any email client on computer
  3. Can access it from any where

3. Settings




4. Support

For any feedback, please send email to info@vieterp.net or website www.vieterp.net

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  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author, please use the developer contact information. They can usually be found in the description.
Please choose a rating from 1 to 5 for this module.
Not bad
Muhammad Saleem
on 2/21/17, 7:28 PM

Just needs some more working. Not showing in Discuss module as shown above. Showing separately as Link Tracker does. No settings for Incoming. Can't receive emails. But can send successfully though.

Hi Dear
on 1/4/17, 3:22 AM Author

Please help us rate this module. If you need any support, please let us know.

David Thiercelin
on 9/1/20, 5:02 AM

Dear support,

When would you have a version ODOO 11 working?

We are very much interested.
Thank you for your hard work

Imap error on odoo 11
Gagea Alexandru
on 7/3/19, 4:53 AM

Hello, I installed this module on odoo 11 CE . Pop server works just fine, however, the imap server does not. I'm encountering the bellow error. Any ideas ? raise AttributeError("Unknown IMAP4 command: '%s'" % attr) AttributeError: Unknown IMAP4 command: 'quit' Thank you !

on 6/23/19, 11:58 AM

Hello I Have this error could you help fo tix that please SMTPRecipientsRefused: {'secretariat@lexinta-service.com': (550, 'Verification failed for \nThe mail server could not deliver mail to bounce+7@ The account or domain may not exist, they may be blacklisted, or missing the proper dns entries.\nSender verify failed')}

Should installation on Odoo 11 CE work?
Gene May
on 12/30/17, 4:47 PM

Looks like a very useful app. Tried to install on Odoo 11 CE (required dependencies are installed). Installation failed with error messages below. Will you be supporting installation on Odoo 11 CE , and if so in what time frame. Thanks. extract of main error nodes: psycopg2.IntegrityError: null value in column "model_id" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (446, Fetchmail Inbox Service, ir.actions.server, null, null, action, 1, 2017-12-30 04:16:14.094635, 1, 2017-12-30 04:16:14.094635, ir_cron, object_write, 5, null, null, # Available variables: # - env: Odoo Environment on which the a..., null, null, null, null, f). During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: odoo.tools.convert.ParseError: "null value in column "model_id" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (446, Fetchmail Inbox Service, ir.actions.server, null, null, action, 1, 2017-12-30 04:16:14.094635, 1, 2017-12-30 04:16:14.094635, ir_cron, object_write, 5, null, null, # Available variables: # - env: Odoo Environment on which the a..., null, null, null, null, f). " while parsing /odoo/custom/addons/vieterp_mailbox/data/cron.xml:4, near Fetchmail Inbox Service 1 minutes -1 fetchmail.server.inbox _fetch_mails ()

How can I fix IMAP problem
on 5/31/17, 7:22 AM

I have activated developer mode. What should I change?

Not working for me
on 4/6/17, 6:14 AM

Email don't come to the inbox and when I try to send I get this odoo warning: MissingError One of the documents you are trying to access has been deleted, please try again after refreshing.

Fix For IMAP
Purnendu Singh
on 3/8/17, 2:25 AM

Hello Raphael Mutili, I have proposed a solution to the author. Until then you can use this module by modifying the form view of Mail Server. For that activate the developer mode and edit form view. Replace with Save the form and reload the page. Select Server type IMAP instead of POP and check. Hope this will help you. Regards,

Raphael Mutili
on 2/21/17, 9:35 PM

Module works only with POP protocol but doesn't work IMAP. We want to keep a copy in the server. Or fix the IMAP errors.

AttributeError: Unknown IMAP4 command: 'quit'
Raphael Mutili
on 2/20/17, 10:50 AM

Same Error "h_mails(cr, uid, *()) failed in Job 94 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/odoo/openerp/addons/base/ir/ir_cron.py", line 138, in _callback getattr(model, method_name)(cr, uid, *args) File "/opt/odoo/openerp/api.py", line 268, in wrapper return old_api(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/odoo/addons/fetchmail/fetchmail.py", line 187, in _fetch_mails return self.fetch_mail(cr, uid, ids, context=context) File "/opt/odoo/openerp/api.py", line 268, in wrapper return old_api(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/odoo/openerp/api.py", line 399, in old_api result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/odoo/addons_geeker/vieterp_mailbox/models/fetchmail_server.py", line 24, in fetch_mail result = super(vieterp_fetchmail_server, self).fetch_mail() File "/opt/odoo/openerp/api.py", line 266, in wrapper return new_api(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/odoo/openerp/api.py", line 592, in new_api result = method(self._model, cr, uid, self.ids, *args, **old_kwargs) File "/opt/odoo/addons/fetchmail/fetchmail.py", line 262, in fetch_mail pop_server.quit() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/imaplib.py", line 223, in __getattr__ raise AttributeError("Unknown IMAP4 command: '%s'" % attr) AttributeError: Unknown IMAP4 command: 'quit'" It works for POP but IMAP does not work for all versions, V8, V9. V10 Used different servers. Please fix the error otherwise for POP Server it is working.

Hi Alan Luo
on 1/10/17, 12:06 PM Author

Hi Alan Luo, We fixed the problem. So, you can update the latest version. Please let me know if you have in trouble. Cheers, VietERP

In 2 different systems and tried 3 mail server, always wrong
Alan Luo
on 1/10/17, 4:44 AM

h_mails(cr, uid, *()) failed in Job 94 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/odoo/openerp/addons/base/ir/ir_cron.py", line 138, in _callback getattr(model, method_name)(cr, uid, *args) File "/opt/odoo/openerp/api.py", line 268, in wrapper return old_api(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/odoo/addons/fetchmail/fetchmail.py", line 187, in _fetch_mails return self.fetch_mail(cr, uid, ids, context=context) File "/opt/odoo/openerp/api.py", line 268, in wrapper return old_api(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/odoo/openerp/api.py", line 399, in old_api result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/odoo/addons_geeker/vieterp_mailbox/models/fetchmail_server.py", line 24, in fetch_mail result = super(vieterp_fetchmail_server, self).fetch_mail() File "/opt/odoo/openerp/api.py", line 266, in wrapper return new_api(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/odoo/openerp/api.py", line 592, in new_api result = method(self._model, cr, uid, self.ids, *args, **old_kwargs) File "/opt/odoo/addons/fetchmail/fetchmail.py", line 262, in fetch_mail pop_server.quit() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/imaplib.py", line 223, in __getattr__ raise AttributeError("Unknown IMAP4 command: '%s'" % attr) AttributeError: Unknown IMAP4 command: 'quit'