Odoo all import for Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory,BOM, Pricelist, Payment, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer.

Odoo 19


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Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory Management (stock)
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Lines of code 5606
Technical Name bi_generic_import
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Versions 9.0 8.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 17.0 16.0 11.0 10.0
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory Management (stock)
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Purchase Management (purchase)
Sales Management (sale_management)
Invoicing Management (account_invoicing)
Discuss (mail)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 5606
Technical Name bi_generic_import
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 9.0 8.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 17.0 16.0 11.0 10.0

Odoo Import Bridge(CSV or Excel File)

All Import Data of Odoo like Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory,Bill of material, Customer/Supplier Payment, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer, Pricelist(Sale, Purchase and Product), Chart Of Account.

Importing all kind of data now easy never been before, Importing different sort of data is always been headache,Module is like VLC player of Odoo.

It can import all important data whether its Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory, Bill of material,Customer/Supplier Payment,Serial number with Stock, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer, Sale Pricelist, Purchase Pricelist and Product Pricelist, How resourceful it is ,It can reduce you work efforts and makes your life hassle free.

You can checkout Lower version for this module
Basic Odoo Import Bridge(CSV or Excel File) Module.

You can checkout Advance version for this module
Advance Odoo Import Bridge(CSV or Excel File) Module.

If you want to import extra fields from defualt odoo apart from our sample files, we will add those on our import module without any extra cost. You can purchase our module and contact us on sales@browseinfo.in
e.,g If you want to add Analytic accounts on sale order or analytic tags details on sale order line or on purchase order vendor reference we will add without any cost


Import Order

Import sale order, purchase order and invoice with external sequence.

Import Order Lines

Import sale order lines, purchase order lines and invoice lines.

Import Product Template with Attributes

User are allowed to import or update product template with attributes and without attributes.

Import Product Variant with Attributes

User are allowed to import or update product variant with attributes and without attributes.

Import Accounting Data

Import bank statement lines, journal entry, customer and supplier payment and chart of account.

Import Bill of Material

Import multiple bill of material with multiple components.

Different Warning

Support different warning and validation.

Support Translation

Support translation in multiple language.

Import Warehouse Data

Import inventory with serial number and expiry data, delivery, shipment and internal transfers.

Import Pricelist

Import sale, vendor and product pricelist.

Import and Update Master Data

Import and Update products, templates, product variant, customers and vendors.

Import Order with Date

You can Import Date which you have in your Database instead of default that Odoo provides.

Supported Community and Enterprise Edition

Works for Community and Enterprise both Edition.

CSV/XLS file Supported

You can import CSV or XLS file both as per as your convenience.

Import Customer/Supplier Invoice

Data File Sample.

You have 3 different options to import invoice order.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

- Invoice number for the invoice.
- Vendor/Customer name for the invoice order.
- Currency for the invoice.
- Product name for the invoice order.
- Quantity for the above product.
- UOM for the above product.
- Description for the product
- Price for the above product.
-Name of salesperson
-Tax for the product
-Date of invoice
-Name of Chart Of Account
-Discount for the product

The "INVOICE ID" should be same, as you can see in the image,"INVOICE ID" is same for different product list.This defines single invoice with different product lines.

Tax column is important you have to add "Tax column" though there is no need of adding tax.

1. When code is selected in Import option, please select file that contains code of products.

2. When barcode is selected in Import option, please select file that contains barcode of products.

3. When Name is selected in Import option, please select file that contains name of products.

Import Invoice Menu

Menu for importing data of invoice orders.

Import Invoice Wizard.

1. Sequence Option :

If you want to import details of invoice number from CSV/XLS you can also have option regarding this in import invoice wizard.

If you select "Use Excel/CSV Sequence Number" option then name field will came from CSV/XLS file.

2. Invoice Stage Option :

If you select "Import Draft Invoice" option then invoice will be import in draft stage.

If you select "Validate Invoice Automatically With Import" option then invoice will be import in validate/Open stage.

3. Account Option :

If you want to import Account from XLS/CSV so you have option for "Account Option" regarding this in import invoice wizard.

4. Type :

You have also option for import invoice for Customer, Vendors, Customer Refund(Customers Credit Note) or Vendors Refund(Supplier Credit Note).

5. Import Product By :

You have also option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

If you want to create product while importing invoice order then you have to select import with "Name".

After importing CSV/XLS with "Import Draft Invoice" option then you can see the invoice is in draft stage and invoice number is same as we given in CSV/XLS file.

Import Invoice Tree View

This is the tree view of invoice created from given data file.

If you select "Validate Invoice Automatically With Import" option then you can see the invoice is in Open stage.

If you select "Use System Default Sequence Number" option then name field will follow the system sequence.

If all taxes are found in system then invoice will be generated.

If you select "Customer Credit Note" option then you can see the invoices created as a Customer Credit Note (Customer Refund).


1. It will generate error if you import wrong partner.

2. It will also generates errors when you import wrong value of Currency,Pricelist,UOM,Salesperson and Tax.

Import Invoice Lines

Data File Sample.

You have 3 different options to import invoice line.

If you want to import product with "Take Details From The Product" option then follow given XLS format.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

If you want to import product with "Take Details From The XLS File" option then follow given XLS format.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

-Product name for invoice order line.
- Quantity for above product.
- UOM for above product.
- Description of product
- Price for above product.
-Tax for product
-Discount for the product

If there is need of adding "Tax" you can add it but if there is no need of adding "Tax" you have to leave it blank.

1. When code is selected in Import option, please select file that contains code of products.

2. When barcode is selected in Import option, please select file that contains barcode of products.

3. When Name is selected in Import option, please select file that contains name of products.

Import Invoice Lines Menu

Menu for importing data of Invoice Lines.

Import Invoice Lines Wizard.

1. Product Details Option :

If you select "Take Details From The Product" option then product and product quantity will be taken from selected XLS file, Other product details(UOM, Price) will be taken from already created products.

If you select "Take Details From The XLS File" option then all details will be taken from selected XLS file.

2. Import Product By :

You have also option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

If you want to create product while importing invoice line then you have to select import with "Name".

Import Invoice Line View.

After importing CSV/XLS with "Take Details From The Product" option then you can see the imported product details is taken from already created product.

If you select "Take Details From The XLS File" option then you can see the imported product details is taken from XLS file.

Import Journal Items

Data File Sample.

- Name of the label for journal entry.
- Partner name belong to the journal entry.
Analytic account
- Analytic account of partner used for the journal entry line.
- Name of chart of account
Date Maturity
- Date of the journal entry.
- Debit amount of the journal entry.
- Credit amount of the journal entry.
Amount Currency
- Amount currency of the journal entry.
- Currency of the journal entry.

Import Journal Items

On the form of journal entry you can find the button for importing journal items for that particular journal entry.

After clicking that button a wizard will be open where you have to select the format of the file from which you will import your data and the file for it.

After importing the file in corerect format and well balanced journal items all journal items will be linked with that journal item.


1. It will generate error if currency is not found in the system.

2. It will also generates errors if account code and analytic account is not found in the system.

Import Customer/Supplier Payment

Data File Sample.

- Customer/Supplier name for payment.
Payment Amount
-Amount of payment for customer/supplier payment.
Payment Journal
-Payment journal type for customer/supplier payment.
Payment Date
- Payment date for customer/supplier payment.
- Invoice payment receipt number for customer/supplier payment.

Import Payment Menu

Menu for importing data of Customer/Supplier Payment.

Import Payment Wizard.

In this wizard you have to upload properly formated XLS file you want to import.

Import Payment View.

This is the tree view of newly created customer payments from given data file.

If you want to upload supplier(vendor) payment then select "Supplier Payment".

This is the example of newly created supplier payments.


1. If you enter wrong customer/supplier then it will raise warning.

2. If you enter wrong journal then it will raise warning.

Import Bank Statement Lines

Data File Sample.

- Date of the Bank Statement.
- Reference of the Bank Statement.
- Customer name for the Bank Statement.
- Memo for the Bank Statement.
- Amount for the Bank Statement.
- Currency for the Bank Statement.

Accounting Dashboard.

Click on Create Statement link to create account bank statement.

Click on Add Lines button to import bank statement lines

Import Bank Statement Lines wizard.

If you want to import details of bank statement lines from CSV/XLS you can also have option regarding this in import bank statement lines wizard.

Import Bank Statement Lines View.

After importing CSV/XLS you can see the imported bank statement lines under Transactions tab.


1. It will generate error if you not define Date field value while importing data.

2. It will generate error if you not define Memo field value while importing data.

Import Journal Entry/Items

Data File Sample.

- Name of the label for journal entry.
- Partner name belong to the journal entry .
Analytic account
- Analytic account of partner used for the journal entry line.
Date Maturity
- Date of the journal entry.
Debit Amount
- Debit amount of the journal entry.
- Credit amount of the journal entry.
Amount Currency
- Amount currency of the journal entry.
- Currency of the journal entry.

Import Journal Items Button.

On the form of journal entry you can find the button for importing journal items for that particular journal entry.

Import Journal Entry Wizard.

After clicking on button a wizard will be open where you have to select the format of the file from which you will import your data and the file for it.

After importing the file in correct format and well balanced journal items all journal items will be linked with that journal item.


1. If currency is not found in the system, It will raise error.

2. If account code is not found in the system, It will raise error.

3. If analytic account is not found in the system, It will raise error.

Import Sales Order

Data File Sample.

Given below is the sample of import file.

You have 3 different options to import sale order.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

- Sale order number
- Customer name for the sale order.
- Pricelist is used for identify Currency for the sale order.
- Product name for the sale order line.
- Quantity for the above product.
- UOM for the above product.
- Description for the product
- Price for the above product.
- Name of salesperson.
-Tax for the product
- Date of sale order.
- Discount for the product.

The "ORDER" should be same, as you can see in the image,"ORDER" is same for different product list.This defines single order with different product lines.

Tax column is important you have to add "Tax column" though there is no need of adding tax.

1. When code is selected in Import option, please select file that contains code of products.

2. When barcode is selected in Import option, please select file that contains barcode of products.

3. When Name is selected in Import option, please select file that contains name of products.

Import Sale Order Menu.

Menu for importing data of Sales Order.

Import Sales Order Wizard.

1. Sequence Option :

If you want to import details of sales number from CSV/XLS you can also have option regarding this in import sales wizard.

If you select "Use Excel/CSV Sequence Number" option then name field will came from CSV/XLS file.

2. Quotation Stage Option :

If you select "Import Draft Quotation" option then sale order will be import in draft stage.

If you select "Confirm Quotation Automatically With Import" option then sale order will be import in Sale Order stage.

3. Import Product By :

You have also option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

If you want to create product while importing sale order then you have to select import with "Name".

After importing CSV/XLS with "Import Draft Quotation" option then you can see the sale order is in draft stage and Sequance(Sale Order number) is same as we given in CSV/XLS file.

Import Sale Order Tree View.

This is the tree view of sales order created from given data file.

If you select "Confirm Quotation Automatically With Import" option then you can see the sale order is in sales order stage.

If you select "Use System Default Sequence Number" option then name field will follow the system sequence.

If all taxes are found in system then sale order will be generated.


1. It will generate error if you import wrong pricelist.

2. It will also generates errors when you import wrong value of Currency,Customer,UOM,Salesperson and Tax.

Import Sale Order Lines

Data File Sample.

You have 3 different options to import sale order line.

If you want to import product with "Take Details From The Product" option then follow given XLS format.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

If you want to import product with "Take Details From The XLS File" option then follow given XLS format.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

-Product name for sale order line.
- Quantity for above product.
- UOM for above product.
- Description of product
- Price for above product.
-Tax for product
- Discount for the product.

If there is need of adding "Tax" you can add it but if there is no need of adding "Tax" you have to leave it blank.

1. When code is selected in Import option, please select file that contains code of products.

2. When barcode is selected in Import option, please select file that contains barcode of products.

3. When Name is selected in Import option, please select file that contains name of products.

Import Sale Order Lines Menu.

Menu for importing data of Sale Order Lines.

Import Sale Order Lines Wizard.

1. Product Details Option :

If you select "Take Details From The Product" option then product and product quantity will be taken from selected XLS file, Other product details(UOM, Price) will be taken from already created products.

If you select "Take Details From The XLS File" option then all details will be taken from selected XLS file.

If you select "Take Details With Adapted Pricelist" option then all details will be taken from product applied Pricelist.

2. Import Product By :

You have also option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

If you want to create product while importing sale order line then you have to select import with "Name".

Import Sale Order Line View.

After importing CSV/XLS with "Take Details From The Product" option then you can see the imported product details is taken from already created product.

If you select "Take Details From The XLS File" option then you can see the imported product details is taken from XLS file.

If you select "Take Details With Adapted Pricelist" option then you can see the imported product details is taken with adapted pricelist.


1. It will generate error if you import wrong UOM.

2. It will generate error if you import wrong Tax.

Import Product Template and it's Product Variants with Attributes and Attributes Values

Here this import "Product Template with Attributes" feature allows user to import product template with multiple product variant along with its attributes and attributes value. single line of template with multi attribute creates several variant automatic same as odoo process. if we assign 2 attribute with 3 values then it will create 1 product template with attributes value along with 6 variants.

Import/Update Product Template

Data File Sample.

Given below is the sample of import file to upload product,It is mandatory to use given format to create XLS file.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

- Name of the product.
- Internal reference of the product.
- Category of the product.
- Type of the Product.
- Barcode of the product.
- Unit of Measure of the product.
- Purchase uom of the product.
- Sale price of the product.
- Cost price of the product.
- Weight of the product.
- Volume of the product.
-taxes of salable product
-taxes of purchase product
- tracking of the product
- Product Attributes.
- Format of the product attributes:-
Product attributes & value are separate by ':'
Product new attributes are separated by ';'
Product new attribute line is seprated by '#'
Note: Ex. Product Name - 'SHIRT' , Product Attributes - 'Size:XL;XXL#Color:Red;White' in that 'Size & Color' is an attributes, 'XL,XXL' & 'Red,White' is a value, attributes & value are separated by ':', new attributes are separated by ';' , 'Size:XL;XXL' & 'Color:Red;White' is a separate attribute line and it is separated by '#'.

Import Product Template Menu

Import Product Variants Wizard with Attributes

In this wizard you have to tick 'Import Variants' for upload properly formated XLS file which you want to import for upload new product variants or update data of existing product.

Created Product Variants View with Attributes

Import Product Template Wizard without Attributes

In this wizard you have to upload properly formated XLS file which you want to import for upload new product or update data of existing product.

Created Product Template View without Attributes

Figure shows the products created from given data file.

You can update product by search product by their "Name" or "Internal Reference(Code)" or "Barcode"

If you added value on column that field will be updated rest other you can put blank and we have to keep format of the file same as current.

Product After Updated Data is Displayed.

Import Products With Vendor

Data File Sample.

- Vendor Name for Supplier Info.
- Product Name for Supplier Info.
- Delivery Time.
- Quantity of Above Selected Product.
- Price of Above Selected Product.

Import Supplier Info Menu.

Menu for importing data of Supplier.

Import Supplier Info Wizard.

In this wizard you have to upload properly formated XLS file you want to import.

While importing Supplier Info, If you want to create product which is not available in your system then select first option, It will create new product and link supplier info with it.

If you want to just link supplier info with exsiting product you can go for the second option.

Created Product View.

This is the view of newly created product template. It will work in the same way with other products also.


1. It will generate error if product template is not existing and we select second option.

Import Product Variants with Attributes and Attributes Values

Here this import "Product Variants with Attributes" feature allows user to import product variant along with it's attributes and attributes value. single line of attribute create single variant automatic same as odoo process. if we assign 2 attributes with 2 values then it will create 1 product variant with 2 attributes value.

Import and Update Product Variant

Data File Sample.

Given below is the sample of import file to upload product,It is mandatory to use given format to create XLS file.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

-Name of Product
Internal Reference
-Reference for product.
-Category of product.
-Type of product
-Barcode of product
-Unit of messure for product
Purchase UOM
-Purchase product unit of messure
Customer Taxes
-taxes of salable product
Vendor Taxes
-taxes of purchase product
-Description of product
Invoice Policy
-Invoice policy of product
Sale Price
-Price of product saleble product varaint
Cost Price
-Cost price of product varaint
-Weight of product varaint.
-Volume of product varaint.
Image Path
-Path of the product image.
Can Be Sold
-True/False for sold product.
Can Be Purchase
-True/False for purchase product.
On Hand Quantity
-On hand quantity of product.
- Product Attributes.
- Format of the product attributes:-
Product attributes & value are separated by ':'
Product new attributes are separated by ';'
Note: Ex. Product Name - 'Monitor' , Product Attributes - 'Size:32inch;Resolution:720p' in that 'Size & Resolution' is an attributes, '32inch' & '720p' is a value, attributes & value are separated by ':', new attribute is separated by ';'.

Configuration of Product Variant

Figure shows the access right given to user then user can see the 'Import Product Varaint' menu.

Product Variant Menu

Figure shows the menu for importing data of Product variants.

Import Product Variant Wizard with Attributes

In this wizard you have to tick 'Import Attributes' for upload properly formated XLS file which you want to import for upload new product variants or update data of existing product.

Created Product Variants View

Import Product Variant Wizard without Attributes

In this wizard you have to upload properly formated XLS file which you want to import for upload new product or update data of existing product.

Product Variant View

Figure shows the products variant created from given data file.

You can update product by search product by their "Barcode" or "Internal Reference(Code)"

Product After Updated Data is Displayed.

Import Inventory

Data File Sample.

You have 3 different options to import inventory.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

1. Import Inventory with Expiry Date and Import Location on inventory line.

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

2. Import Inventory without Expiry Date and with Import Location on inventory line.

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

3. Import Inventory without Import Location on inventory line.

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

1. When code is selected in Import option, please select file that contains code of products.

2. When barcode is selected in Import option, please select file that contains barcode of products.

3. When Name is selected in Import option, please select file that contains name of products.

Import Inventory Menu.

Menu for importing data of Inventory.

Import Inventory Wizard.

Figure shows a wizard for importing inventory where you can define name of inventory, location of warehouse and the format of file you want to import.

1. Serial/Lot number with Expiry Date Option :

If you select "Import Serial/Lot number with Expiry Date" option then it will import inventory with product Lot number and Expiry Date.

2. Import Location on inventory Line Option :

If you select "Allow to Import Location on inventory line from file" option then it will import inventory line with location which given in XLS/CSV file.

3. Import Product By :

You have also option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

Here you can see existing Lot/Serial number which we can use for inventory.

Inventory Adjustments.

If you select "Allow to Import Location on inventory line from file" option then in inventory line location is imported from given XLS/CSV file.

Product Lot/Serial Number.

If you have entered the Lot number which is not available in the system, then it will assign new Lot/Serial number for that product.

After importing CSV/XLS you can see the Serial/Lot number and Expiry Date same as we given in CSV/XLS file.

Import Incoming Shipment/Delivery Order/Internal Transfer

Data File Sample.

You can import Incoming Shipment/Delivery Order/Internal Transfer from Picking Type.

- Stock Picking Name
- Name of the customer.
Source Document
- Name of the Source Document.
- Date of Picking.
- Product name for the Picking.
- Quantity for the above product.
LOT Number
- LOT number for the above product.

Import Incoming Shipment/Delivery Order Menu.

Menu for importing data of Incoming Shipment/Delivery Order.

Import Incoming Shipment/Delivery Order Wizard.

In this wizard you have to upload properly formated XLS and CSV file you want to import.

Delivery Order View.


1. It will generate error if you not select a proper file.

Import Purchase Order

Data File Sample.

You have 3 different options to import purchase order.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

- Purchase number for the purchase order.
- Vendor name for the purchase order.
- Currency for the purchase order.
- Product name for the purchase order.
- Quantity for the above product.
- UOM for the above product.
- Description for the product
- Price for the above product.
-Tax for the product
- Date of purchase order.

The "PURCHASE ID" should be same, as you can see in the image, "PURCHASE ID" is same for different product list.This defines single order with different product lines.

Tax column is important you have to add "Tax column" though there is no need of adding tax.

1. When code is selected in Import option, please select file that contains code of products.

2. When barcode is selected in Import option, please select file that contains barcode of products.

3. When Name is selected in Import option, please select file that contains name of products.

Import Purchase Order Menu.

Menu for importing data of Purchase Orders.

Import Purchase Order Wizard.

1. Sequence Option :

If you want to import details of purchase number from CSV/XLS you can also have option regarding this in import purchase wizard.

If you select "Use Excel/CSV Sequence Number" option then name field will came from CSV/XLS file.

2. Purchase Stage Option :

If you select "Import Draft Purchase" option then purchase order will be import in RFQ (Request For Quotation) stage.

If you select "Confirm Purchase Automatically With Import" option then purchase order will be import in Purchase Order stage.

3. Import Product By :

You have also option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

If you want to create product while importing purchase order then you have to select import with "Name".

After importing CSV/XLS with "Import Draft Purchase" option then you can see the purchase order is in RFQ stage and Sequence(Purchase Order number) is same as we given in CSV/XLS file.

Import Purchase Order Tree View.

This is the tree view of purchase order created from given data file.

If you select "Confirm Purchase Automatically With Import" option then you can see the purchase order is in Purchase Order stage.

If you select "Use System Default Sequence Number" option then name field will follow the system sequence.

If all taxes are found in system then purchase order will be generated.


1. It will generate error if you import Unavailable UOM.

2. It will also generates errors when you import wrong value of Currency,Customer,Pricelist,Salesperson and Tax.

Import Purchase Order Lines

Data File Sample.

You have 3 different options to import purchase order line.

If you want to import product with "Take Details From The Product" option then follow given XLS format.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

If you want to import product with "Take Details From The XLS File" option then follow given XLS format.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

-Product name for Purchase order line.
- Quantity for above product.
- UOM for above product.
- Price for above product.
- Description of product
-Tax for product

If there is need of adding "Tax" you can add it but if there is no need of adding "Tax" you have to leave it blank.

1. When code is selected in Import option, please select file that contains code of products.

2. When barcode is selected in Import option, please select file that contains barcode of products.

3. When Name is selected in Import option, please select file that contains name of products.

Import Purchase Order Lines Menu.

Menu for importing data of Purchase Order Lines.

Import Purchase Order Lines Wizard.

1. Product Details Option :

If you select "Take Details From The Product" option then product and product quantity will be taken from selected XLS file, Other product details(UOM, Price) will be taken from already created products.

If you select "Take Details From The XLS File" option then all details will be taken from selected XLS file.

If you select "Take Details With Adapted Pricelist" option then all details will be taken from product applied Pricelist.

2. Import Product By :

You have also option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

If you want to create product while importing purchase order line then you have to select import with "Name".

Import Purchase Order Line View.

After importing CSV/XLS with "Take Details From The Product" option then you can see the imported product details is taken from already created product.

If you select "Take Details From The XLS File" option then you can see the imported product details is taken from XLS file.

Import/Update Partners

Data File Sample.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

- Partner Name
-Partner Type.
- Partner's Parent Name.
- Partner's Address.
- Partner's Address.
- Partner's City.
- Partner's State.
- Partner's Zip code.
- Partner's Country.
- Website of partner.
- Partner's Phone Number.
- Partner's Mobile Number.
- Partner's Email Address.
- True/False for customer.
- True/False for Vendor.
- Salesperson of partner.
- Partner's Internal Reference.
- Days for customer's payment term.
- Days for vendor's payment term.

Import Partners Menu.

Menu for importing data of Partners.

Import Partner Wizard.

In this wizard you have to upload properly formated XLS or CSV file you want to import for create partner or update partner data.

Created Partner Kanban View.

Kanban view of partner after update partner data.


1. It will generate error if you import Unavailable Salesperson.

2. It will also generates errors when you import wrong value of Company,Unavailable Parent,Unavailable Payment term.

Import Bill of Material

Data File Sample.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Main Product Name
- Product Name
- Reference for bill of material
- Quantity of main product.
Product of Material
- Name of the the product used in manufacturing of main product .
Quantity of sub product
- Quantity of material product.
Unit of Measurement
-UOM for sub product .

Import Bill Of Material Menu.

Menu for importing data of Bill of Material.

Import Bill of Material Wizard.

In this wizard you have to upload properly formated CSV or XLS file you want to import with BOM type.

Bill Of Material View

This is tree and form view of BOM from given data file.


1. It will generate error if product does not available.

2. It will also generates errors when you import wrong value of UOM.

Import Sale Pricelist

Data File Sample.

You have 3 different options to Import Sale Pricelist.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

- Define pricelist name.
- Pricelist currency.
- Apply on global/category/product/product variant.
- Define category/product variant/product.
- Define product min. quantity.
- Define start date.
- Define end date.
- Define type of price computation.
- Define price which will use for computation.

Import Sale Pricelist Menu.

Menu for importing data of sale pricelist.

Import Sale Pricelist Wizard.

1. Import Product By :

You have option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

2. Import Product Variant By :

You have option to import products variant by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

3. Compute Type By :

You have option to import products by select type for pricelist computation.

When you select 'Formula' in computation type then at that time you need to add some extra columns in your CSV or XLS file as shown in below image.

Sale Pricelist View.

Import Vendor Pricelist

Data File Sample.

You have 3 different options to Import Vendor Pricelist.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

- Define vendor name.
- Define product.
- Define product variant.
- Define minimal quantity.
- Define price.
- Define currency.
- Define start date.
- Define end date.
- Define delay.

Import Vendor Pricelist Menu.

Menu for importing data of vendor pricelist.

Import Vendor Pricelist Wizard.

1. Import Product By :

You have option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

2. Import Product Variant By :

You have option to import products variant by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

Vendor Pricelist View.

Import Product Pricelist

Data File Sample.

You have 3 different options to Import Product Pricelist.

If you are using only numeric value for Internal ref or Barcode field then please make sure the cell type/format is Text/Character

Import with Code.

Import with Barcode.

Import with Name.

- Define product name.
- Define pricelist name.
- Define a price.
- Define minimum quantity.
- Define start date.
- Define end date.

Import Product Pricelist Menu

Menu for importing data of product pricelist.

Import Product Pricelist Wizard.

1. Import Product By :

You have option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

Product Pricelist View.

Import Chart Of Account

Data File Sample.

Import Chart Of Account Menu.

Menu for importing data of vendor pricelist.

Import Chart Of Account Wizard.

In this wizard you have to upload properly formated XLS or CSV file which you want to import chart of account data.

Chart Of Account View


1. It will generate error if you select invalid file.

2. It will generate errors when you import wrong value of Tax, Account.

Installation Guide

Menu for importing data of vendor pricelist.

Before installing this module you have to install following packages in your system.

1.sudo pip install xlrd

2.sudo pip install xlwt


1.sudo apt-get install python-xlrd

2.sudo apt-get install python-xlwt

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Free Support

You will get 90 Days free support incase any bugs or issue (Except data recovery).

At BrowseInfo we offer end to end solution for Odoo services. Which includes analysis & consultation on the workflows and integration part. Please note that You're not allowed to distribute this module after purchase! Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on ticket@browseinfo.in or raise a ticket on support.

Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.
Good module overall and efficient support
Capomondo SA
on 12/13/18, 12:17 PM

We used to import invoices from our former accounting system. We just had one bug : you could not duplicate invoices that were imported, maybe the bug is fixed now. Thanks

Installed in v11
Victor Torralba
on 6/12/18, 3:36 AM

It works perfectly. However, if you see any issue, the support team resolves it quickly and, if it is necessary, it connects to your system by teamviewer to check the issue in your environment. Thank you.

Installed in odoo 10
on 5/9/18, 11:45 PM

I bought the app, then I contacted them to answer my questions and they kindly answered me. A great after-sales service. Thanks

Very good import module
Gerardo Mignone
on 4/3/18, 10:07 AM

Great and powerful module I like the product because was very helpful to migrate from my software to odoo and also to import order line from ddt, purchase order using xls files, with very semplicity ... Very timely responses and regular updates to the product, especially if bugs are found this module should be part of every Odoo install, a standard Highly recommended. Thanks for all !! Gerardo

Doğan Üstündağ
on 2/23/18, 4:44 AM

The installation issue has been solved. Thanks

Support is Great
Rob van der Holst
on 1/15/18, 12:38 PM

Nice Tool. I had some issues with Dutch VAT but the support fixed it quick. Good support.

Quality app with solid customer service
Jared Van Nieuwenhuyzen
on 12/13/17, 11:39 AM

Very happy with the app and the quality of customer service regarding customization and implementation concerns.

on 4/27/18, 1:06 PM Author

Thank you for purchasing our module, Seems like you have configuration missing, please contact us on email at sales@browseinfo.in or contact us by skype at "Support Odoo Browseinfo (live:tasks_30)" and our support team will do the team viwer with you and fix your issue. Regards

on 4/27/18, 1:01 PM Author

Thank you for showing interest in our module. Yes, our module helps to import data from xero please contact us at sales@browseinfo.in and we will provide you more details about it. Regards

David Smith
on 4/24/18, 8:12 AM Confirmed Purchase

Error. Please help. This is even with your Sales/ProductImport sample files. The operation cannot be completed, probably due to the following: - deletion: you may be trying to delete a record while other records still reference it - creation/update: a mandatory field is not correctly set [object with reference: categ_id - categ.id]

Installed in Odoo 11 and working really good
Jonathan Leal
on 4/13/18, 3:28 PM Confirmed Purchase

Installed in Odoo 11, some issues in the begining , but we received support inmediately and they solved the issue really quickly.

Interested in purchasing
Andrew Buttner
on 4/12/18, 10:53 PM

Hi We are running odoo 10 and we are wanting to import our data from Xero (Sales & Purchase Transactions, etc.) Does your tool support version 10 and can it import from Xero?

Sewer Marchlewicz
on 2/9/18, 2:39 PM

Hi, is it possible to import variants of products?

on 2/3/18, 6:13 AM Author

did you install package for python3? try to install package with pip3 install xlrd and pip3 install xlwt also if you provide your skype contact to our support team , we will fix your issue using teamviwer. Thanks

Doğan Üstündağ
on 1/28/18, 12:57 PM Confirmed Purchase

I have installed both python-xlrd and xlwt packages. No use. It does not install on odoo11.

on 1/17/18, 2:00 AM Author

Maybe you didn't installed python-xlrd and xlwt package properly on your odoo instance or odoo is not properly installed at your end otherwise our module is successfully installed at your end too. because more then 100 odoo instance our module is installed and people are successfully using it too. Apart from this installation is not in part of our job after you purchase module, that you have to do it but as we care for our client we help on installation to all of our client. So still if you have issue, please contact our team on skype/email we will install module for you. Thanks

Doğan Üstündağ
on 1/14/18, 10:04 AM Confirmed Purchase

I have tried both on community and on-premise 11. On Odoo community 11, There is no data inserted by me or any 3rd party apps. I am sorry but i have no time to fix your bug with your support team. This is not my task. Your module does not install on 11 . This is the error message on community 11 bi_generic_import

on 1/12/18, 9:55 AM Author

Module works fine here , may be you have some other custom apps which can create issue .Anyway, Would you please contact to our support team on sales@browseinfo.in and our support team will do teamviwer with you and fix issue.

odoo11 error
Doğan Üstündağ
on 1/7/18, 7:21 AM Confirmed Purchase

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/models.py", line 971, in _validate_fields raise ValidationError("%s\n\n%s" % (_("Error while validating constraint"), tools.ustr(e))) odoo.tools.convert.ParseError: "Error while validating constraint Field `custom_seq` does not exist Error context: View `bi.import.invoice.inherit.form` [view_id: 2992, xml_id: n/a, model: account.invoice, parent_id: 752] None" while parsing /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/bi_generic_import/views/account_invoice.xml:4, near bi.import.invoice.inherit.form account.invoice

on 12/1/17, 4:26 AM

Oh. comment format is so awful :)

Very responsive guys, thank you. But we fixed ourselves Inventory Adjustment import problem.
on 12/1/17, 4:23 AM

There was a problem when Importing Inventory Adjustment by barcode. We had barcodes like 88295, 11125, 20351931. Excel formats it to floats like 88295.0, 11125.0, 20351931.0. So we could not import these products to Inventory adjustment and I had fixed stock.py by adding following codes: if row_no <= 0: fields = map(lambda row:row.value.encode('utf-8'), sheet.row(row_no)) else: line = (map(lambda row:isinstance(row.value, unicode) and row.value.encode('utf-8') or str(row.value), sheet.row(row_no))) if line: values.update({'barcode':line[0],'quantity':line[1]}) if values['barcode'].endswith('.0'): values['barcode'] = values['barcode'][:-2] I just shared for anybody who needed help.

on 11/28/17, 5:00 AM Author

Right now we have only customer column, but if you want we can adjust customer reference column also for you(add one more new column) you can contact us on contact@browseinfo.in or sales@browseinfo.in.

on 11/28/17, 4:58 AM Author

David Smith
on 11/24/17, 7:38 PM Confirmed Purchase

Hi! What field do we use for customer reference whilst Importing Sales Orders. Thanks!

on 10/25/17, 7:29 AM Author

Would you please send email on our support team as sales@browseinfo.in. Our team will look your issue and help you to solve this out. Thanks

on 10/21/17, 8:49 AM Confirmed Purchase

fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".xlsx") 改为: fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False,suffix=".xlsx")

on 10/21/17, 8:49 AM Confirmed Purchase

Hi,when we use Odoo all import for Sales, Purchase module,there's error below: 1.I found the c:\\users\\admini~1\\appdata\\local\\temp\\2\\tmpzmu5hs.xlsx ,there is no file found 2.my system upload file correctly Please tell us what's wrong may happen? Odoo Server Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\http.py", line 649, in _handle_exception return super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\http.py", line 687, in dispatch result = self._call_function(**self.params) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\http.py", line 334, in _call_function return checked_call(self.db, *args, **kwargs) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\service\model.py", line 119, in wrapper return f(dbname, *args, **kwargs) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\http.py", line 327, in checked_call result = self.endpoint(*a, **kw) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\http.py", line 947, in __call__ return self.method(*args, **kw) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\http.py", line 511, in response_wrap response = f(*args, **kw) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\addons\web\controllers\main.py", line 888, in call_button action = self._call_kw(model, method, args, {}) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\addons\web\controllers\main.py", line 876, in _call_kw return call_kw(request.env[model], method, args, kwargs) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\api.py", line 681, in call_kw return call_kw_multi(method, model, args, kwargs) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\odoo\api.py", line 672, in call_kw_multi result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\source\addons\bi_generic_import\models\product.py", line 102, in import_product workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(fp.name) File "D:\GreenOdoo10\runtime\python\lib\site-packages\xlrd\__init__.py", line 395, in open_workbook with open(filename, "rb") as f: IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'c:\\users\\admini~1\\appdata\\local\\temp\\2\\tmpzmu5hs.xlsx'