SW - Penal Sanctions Management



v 11.0 Third Party 1
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On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Employee Directory (hr)
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Lines of code 945
Technical Name hr_penal_sanction
Versions 11.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Employee Directory (hr)
Leave Management (hr_holidays)
Discuss (mail)
Calendar (calendar)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 945
Technical Name hr_penal_sanction
Versions 11.0

Penal Sanctions

Gain the ability to create and impose penalties based on employees' violations.

Smart Way Business Solutions

Ability to categorize violations.
Ability to impose a deduction penalty on violation categories.
Adds a 'Penal Sanctions' smart button on the employees' profiles for any desired history review.
Easy to use, simple and effective.
Free feature updates, upgrades and bug fixes.
Compatible with Odoo Community and Enterprise editions.

User Guide

Configure your "Penal Sanctions Categories" by navigating to the menu item in configurations in "Employees"

From "Penal Sanctions Categories", configure the type and number of stages, (Verbal Warning, Written Warning, Termination...etc) for each category and which of these stages to be activated.

You can also ceate and configure each stage to your preferences and set a salary deduction amount whether it's 'Fixed' or per 'Day'.

Create and adjust Violation Lines per category.

Navigate to "Penal Sanctions" in "Employees" to create a new violation record. And fill in the needed details, (Employee Name 'ie: Max', Category Type...etc) and notice that once you choose the violation, the "Instance of Violation" field will be automatically filled informing you of how many times this violation has been commited by this particular employee and keep track of their violations record.

Once the record is saved, the chain of approval starts with the employee's Direct Manager (ie: Hans) who can view all his subordinates' 'Penal Sanctions' & approve them by clicking on 'First Approval' button.

The next level of approval is by the Department Manager (ie: Antone) , who can view & approve all the department related employees 'Penal Sanctions', also clicks on 'Second Approval' button which moves the request to the last level of approval conducted by HR Department Manager who needs to confirm the motion.

You can print the employee's 'Penal Sanction' report and have your employee sign it for notification purposes and to be added to their file. Notice that you can keep the report templates as default or create a new one yourself.

Notice that when creating a new 'Employee Payslip', a 'Penal Sanction' line is added to the 'Employee Payslip' under the 'Other Inputs' table if the category's stage is set to have a 'Salary Deduction'.

After computing the sheet, you will be able to see the added 'Penalties Deduction' rule in the payslip (Don't forget to first add the rule to the 'Salary Structure' from Payroll Configurations).

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Safaa R. Shalhoub
on 1/31/19, 10:37 AM

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