Colissimo Shipping

v 12.0 Third Party 250
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Sales (sale_management)
Invoicing (account)
Inventory (stock)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 1816
Technical Name a4o_delivery_colissimo
Versions 14.0 13.0 15.0 12.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Sales (sale_management)
Invoicing (account)
Inventory (stock)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 1816
Technical Name a4o_delivery_colissimo
Versions 14.0 13.0 15.0 12.0

Delivery with Colissimo

Send your packages easily with Colissimo !


  • Support Multi-parcel
  • Return the tracking link.
  • Cancel your send if needed.
  • Configure customs (possibility to use with the Product Harmonized System Codes module by OCA).
  • Add a personalized pricing.
  • Possibility of direct printing upon validation of an order.
  • Allows the selection of relay points on the web store (by adding the a4o_website_delivery_relaypoint module)


IMPORTANT NOTE : If you want to use that module properly, you have to define your costumers in Odoo like this: Firstname Lastname. Then the colissimo module will define your label correctly. e.g: Martin(Firstname) DUPONT(Lastname), on your label will be: DUPONT Martin and that is the correct way to use it, then colissimo can sort correctly.

1. Customize and/or add delivery products

These products will be added to your sale when using « Colissimo » as a carrier. There is at least one product per delivery method.

2. Customize and/or add delivery packages

Configure the use of packages.

Define the characteristics of the packages that can be used.

3. Customize and/or add delivery methods

Adapt the delivery methods to your needs and above all define the connection information.

4. Customize and/or add pricing methods

Add a personalized pricing

Then configure it as you like

5. Add customs rules

Personalized customs options

5.1.(optional) Usage with OCA Product Harmonized System Codes module

If you want to use the OCA Product Harmonized System Codes module please follow the following link for the installation:

5.2. (optional) Configuration of customs options in the product config

If the OCA Product Harmonized System Codes module is installed, then you can configure the H.S Code and the country of origin directly in the product configuration.

5.3. (optional) Generating of customs document (CN23)

When your delivery (if use customs) is validated, your customs document (CN23) will be generated. Click on it for check the informations (H.S code & country origin).

Usage: without relay point

Colissimo distinguishes between the name and the first name. To fill in the labels correctly we have assumed that what separates the name from the first name of an individual is a space. Everything before the space is the first name, everything after the space is the last name.

1. Select the delivery method in sale

  1. Select the carrier.
  2. Get the price of the transport.
  3. Add transport to sale.
  4. Check the amount

Double check that the delivery method has been added to the sale. Then you can validate your sale.

2. Get the label

After confirming the sale, putting the products in a package, shipping this package, you can retrieve the label in the attachments and stick it on the package.

Usage: with relay point

Same remark on the surname and first name as the paragraph «Usage (without relay point)».

1.1 (on the Front) Select the delivery method of the shopping cart in the online store

  1. Select the shipping method.
  2. Choose your relay point.
  3. Validate your cart
  4. That's all on Web Store!
1.1 (on the Back) Select the delivery method in sale

  1. Select the carrier.
  2. Get the price of the transport.
  3. Add transport to sale.
  4. Check the amount
2. Choose the relay point on the delivery slip

  To choose the relay point, you must first put the items in the packages, then open   the relay point selection dialog box.

  1. Go to : Additional Info
  2. Click on -> "Selection of a relay point"

1. Click on the desired relay point

Check the result.

3. Get the label

After confirming the sale, putting the products in a package, shipping this package, you can retrieve the label in the attachments and stick it on the package.

Usage : Delivery Slip

If you do not use the Colissimo pickup service, you have the option of generating the delivery slip summarizing the list of packages sent.

1. Filter the list of pickings

  From the list of outgoing pickings :

  1. Filter the pickings «Done».
  2. Filter the pickings that do not yet have a slip.
  3. Filter the pickings sent by Colissimo.
2. Select the pickings sent and get the slip

  1. Select the pickings.
  2. Launch the recovery of the slip.
3. Display of the slip

  1. List of pickings in the slip.
  2. Delivery slip in pdf format.
4. List the slips

You can also consult the history of the slips.

Usage: Direct printing

Colissimo module add an option for printing directly the label when the delivery form is validate. When you activate the option "direct printing" in the colissimo configuration, you will get the delivery slip in pdf format as before, but that will direct print the label with the printer configured beforehand.

1. Install additionnal module "Report to printer" and restart the server (IMPORTANT!)

For more information on the installation and configuration of this module, consult:

2. Configure your printer(s)

For more information on the installation and configuration of printers, consult:

3. Upgrade colissimo module (IMPORTANT !)

1. Upgrade your module a4o_delivery_colissimo. It's a really important step!

4. Activate the "direct printing" option

In your colissimo configuration you should activate the "direct printing" option.

5. Select your printer

Then open the wizard for select a printer

6. Validate the printer

1. Select and validate the printer you need

7. Ready for direct printing

From now the label will be print directly and automatically on the selected printer when you will validate a delivery order.

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  • If you want to start a discussion with the author, please use the developer contact information. They can usually be found in the description.
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David Thiercelin
on 2/9/23, 6:29 AM


Est-il possible d'avoir ce module sur ODOO 11 CE?

Re: ODOO 11
on 2/9/23, 8:30 AM Author


Oui, envoyez moi un mail que nous évoquions les conditions de mise a disposition pour cette version.

Bien a vous.