Product Dimensions(Height/Width) on Sales, Purchase, Invoice and Manufacturing in odoo

Odoo 5


v 9.0 v 10.0 v 11.0 v 12.0 Third Party 97
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Manufacturing (mrp)
Purchase (purchase)
Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Inventory (stock)
Lines of code 695
Technical Name bi_product_dimension
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 9.0 10.0 11.0 15.0 17.0 12.0 14.0 13.0 16.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Manufacturing (mrp)
Purchase (purchase)
Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Inventory (stock)
Lines of code 695
Technical Name bi_product_dimension
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 9.0 10.0 11.0 15.0 17.0 12.0 14.0 13.0 16.0

Product Dimension and product measurement (Height/Width) Value on Sales, Purchase, Invoice and Manufacturing

This app helps you to add product measurement variable height and width on product, based on that it will dynamically calculate Quantity of Product in Meter Square and Price of it. This plugin will be mainly useful for Banner and Paper industry , where customer can order product in different dimension with different height and width and based on that price need be calculated for that product size.
Also if you are not managing the stock of your product and purchasing it from any other supplier . then with default odoo procurement method "Make to order + buy" will generate Purchased same as requested from the customer.
Same if you are manufacture and you make product based on customer request for different size this plugin also works for MRP and generate manufacturing(production) order for requested dimension(height/width) by customer from the Sale.

looking for Advance Product Dimension (Height/Width/Length) Apps, please check below module link
Advance Product Dimension & Measurement (Height/Width/Length) Odoo Apps.

Multi Language Translation Available

We have added Translation using google translate for English (US), Arabic, French / Français, Spanish / Español and Dutch / Nederlands, if you want to change translation terms or add new translation provide us translation, we will add that without any cost.

English Arabic French Spanish Dutch


Add variable Height and Width as Product Dimension.

Allow to add variable Height and Width as Product Dimension on Sales/Purchase and Manufacturing Order.

Calculates Product UOM (Mt.)2 based on height and width.

Automatically calculates product UOM (Mt.)2 based on height and width , also price will be calculated based on (Mt.)2.

Option 1 : Price Calculation based on Dimension(m2)

Configuration for Calculation of Unit Price

User have to select "Price Calculation based on Dimension(m2)" option under Sales > Configuration > Settings menu.

In this option net price will calculated based on : UNIT PRICE * QTY * M2.

Product Dimension on Sales

While creating Quotation, Salesman can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of product in order line, by default "Sale Price for (M2)" selected on order line.

User can see the height width M2 and net price of product is display on generated order.

Product Dimension on Invoice

While invoice created from the sales order same height(Mt.)/width(Mt.) will be passed on invoice line for product. Also billing user can add height and width of product in invoice line.

User can see the height width M2 and net price of product is display on generated invoice.

Product Dimension on Purchase

When purchase generated by the purchase user, purchase user can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of product in order line and based on that (Mt.)2 price will be calculated according to its height and width. Also Same will be automatically effected when Purchase has been generated from the sales order(by confirm sales).

User can see the height(Mt.), width(Mt.), (Mt.)2 and net price of product is display on purchase order and also for request for quotation.

Product Dimension on Vendor Bill

While supplier invoice created from the purchase order same height(Mt.)/width(Mt.) will be passed on invoice line for product.

User can see the height(Mt.), width(Mt.), (Mt.)2 and net price of product is display on generated bill.

Product Dimension on Manufacturing

When Manufacturing order created by the production user , production user can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of main product on manufacturing order and based on that (Mt.)2 price will be calculated according to its height and width. Also Same will be automatically effected when manufacturing has been generated from the sales order(by confirm sales).

User can see the height(Mt.), width(Mt.), (Mt.)2 and net price of product is display on Production Order.

Option 2 : Price Calculation based on Qty

Configuration for Calculation of Unit Price

User have to select "Price Calculation based on Qty" option under Sales > Configuration > Settings menu.

Product Dimension on Sales

While creating Quotation, Salesman can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of product in order line and based on that (Mt.)2 will be calculated automatically according to its height and width.

User can see the height width and M2 of product is display on generated order.

Product Dimension on Invoice

While invoice created from the sales order same height(Mt.)/width(Mt.) will be passed on invoice line for product. Also billing user can add height and width of product in invoice line and based on that (Mt.)2 will be calculated automatically according to its height and width.

User can see the height width and M2 of product is display on generated invoice.

Product Dimension on Purchase

When purchase generated by the purchase user, purchase user can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of product in order line and based on that (Mt.)2 will be calculated automatically according to its height and width. Also Same will be automatically effected when Purchase has been generated from the sales order(by confirm sales).

User can see the height(Mt.), width(Mt.) and (Mt.)2 of product is display on purchase order and also for request for quotation.

Product Dimension on Vendor Bill

While supplier invoice created from the purchase order same height(Mt.)/width(Mt.) will be passed on invoice line for product.

User can see the height(Mt.) width(Mt.) and (Mt.)2 of product is display on generated invoice.

Product Dimension on Manufacturing

When Manufacturing order created by the production user, production user can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of main product on manufacturing order and based on that (Mt.)2 will be calculated automatically according to its height and width. Also Same will be automatically effected when manufacturing has been generated from the sales order(by confirm sales).

User can see the height(Mt.) width(Mt.) and (Mt.)2 of product is display on Production Order.

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At BrowseInfo we offer end to end solution for Odoo services. Which includes analysis & consultation on the workflows and integration part. Please note that You're not allowed to distribute this module after purchase! Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on or raise a ticket on support.

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This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
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  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
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Good Support and Module
Tom Lanbacher
on 2/19/20, 10:21 AM

I found a issue with units and the support solved this issue within a fiew days. I thank you

Re: Good Support and Module
on 2/20/20, 12:44 AM Author

Hello sir Thank you for feedback , actually it was improvement, Browseinfo Did you for you as you are really understanding client Regards

Re: Good Support and Module
on 2/20/20, 12:45 AM Author

Hello sir Thank you for feedback , actually it was improvement, Browseinfo Did you for you as you are really understanding client Regards

Fachmi Ma'asy
on 5/2/19, 2:35 AM

Support and this module very usefull, especially for business printing

Re: great
on 5/2/19, 3:18 AM Author

Thank you sir , your words are inspiration for us

Lets meet in court
Muhammad Zubair Riaz
on 11/8/21, 6:22 PM Confirmed Purchase

The only way I have to file a case against you in Ahmedabad city,  Module costed me around 200$  but I can spend 10000$ on case also, Good bye from here.

Re: Lets meet in court
on 11/9/21, 6:13 AM Author

Hello Sir,

We at once we had the meeting with the you regarding the issue of the app related to the stock qty is not taking correct qty according to height and width in mm 

Your app flow should be  :- Suppose today if we have created the sales order with product  called Product A whose UOM should M2 so added the sale order line we have added the Height = 4 mm and width = 2 mm and in the qty he has added "5m" so the delivery order it should take 10 m from on hand qty and should deducted the qty from total on hand qty  

Our app Flow :-

Suppose today if we have created sale order with the product Called Product A whose UOM will be M2 and added the sale order line height = 4 mm and width = 2 mm so according to the height and width the subtotal will be changes according to this.and suppose the order qty is 5 m2 then in the delivery order it will addd the qty = 5 m2 not the 10 m2 because we have not added any feature in the related to the inventory module it is working same as the default odoo inventory flow and we have not mentioned anything related inventory flow(Which client is mentioning) to this in the app description too.

After this we have discussed whole flow of the app and your flow and "it is not issue but we have to change the customization"

Our skype team has also responded you as below,
Hello Sir,

We have checked your video, what you are looking for is dimension app for "Inventory " management, which is not part of our app.

If you look into the apps description , you can see our app is only for "Sales, Purchase, Invoice and Manufacturing" not for inventory . 

So this is not issue but its new feature request which can't be consider as a bug.

Above is the mail sent by our team member on the ticket and same has sent too skype also to you. after this reply there is no communication through skype we have attached screenshot in the ticket.

So after the above you are  trying to show us the flow in the different way the same things sir , replying same thing that this inventory flow we have not added the feature if you want then will require the customization .

After that yesterday we have checked the your email, so according to your client mail trail 
you are trying to explain forcing us to change the flow of the app according to your requirement free of cost which is not possible.


Module is sending wrong data
Muhammad Zubair Riaz
on 11/5/21, 3:32 AM Confirmed Purchase

I contacted your support team, but they don't want to understand what I am trying to explain to them, here is image of that module, and any one see and check

really it is more than 20 days I am sending them email, but no result, Also I want to ask, what is the procedure of refund here in Odoo apps? that will be great if some one can share link or refunding rules.

really this browseinfo guy are time wasting people, now even they are not replying for emails. get professionals like other Belgium guys. here is jim browning research about you guys,

Re: Module is sending wrong data
on 11/8/21, 6:57 AM Author

Hello Sir,

As you have mentioned it is customization, not the issue of our module.

We have not added any featured inventory module .

Sale order line/purchase order line has default qty (default odoo field) which is 20 qty and that same qty passed on delivery line.

As we told you before we didn't change anything on the delivery order/Receipt/inventory module. That's why you will see the same as default odoo works (with default qty field ). Regards

Very bad support | Module have stock valuation Problem
Muhammad Zubair Riaz
on 10/30/21, 5:43 PM Confirmed Purchase


I have purchase this module for odoo 12 community, Installed and have problem with stock valuation, here is Video

have sent you multiple emails created ticket, then spoke with your representative on skype, and showed him my test instance with fresh install.

there were two issues, 

1- Stock valuation problem with this module,
2- Purchased other module from Browseinfo "Sale_discount", both of them are also not working together, while "Sale_discount" working fine individually, While your teams said it is customization issue and will cost me, even Modules from same browseinfo.

OK. I don't wanna use that "Sale_Discount", and wasted my money, but at-least fix this dimension module, We were purchasing "branch" module but my company owner now changed mind due to this kind of support. 

Re: Very bad support | Module have stock valuation Problem
on 11/1/21, 8:19 AM Author

Hello Sir,

Please contact us at our team will help you further.


on 11/17/20, 2:13 AM


We need this kind of calculation on website ecommerce. Is it possible to get?

Best regards,

Jarmo Nurmela

on 11/17/20, 3:47 PM Author

Hello Sir,

Thank you for showing interest in Browseinfo app. yes It is possible, Please provide your email and skype or hangout details so our Team can communicate with you and provide you demo easily. 

Have nice day 


demo server
on 7/21/20, 12:45 PM

please can i test addon on demo server?

Re: demo server
on 7/22/20, 2:42 AM Author

Hello sir Please contact us via our team will assist you Regards

Good Support and Module
Tom Lanbacher
on 2/19/20, 10:19 AM Confirmed Purchase

I had some issues regarding units and they helped me and solved this within a fiew days. thank you