Office 365 Connector

v 12.0 Third Party 667
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Calendar (calendar)
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Lines of code 502
Technical Name connector_office_365
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Calendar (calendar)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 502
Technical Name connector_office_365

Office 365 Connector

License: AGPL-3

This module allows you to synchronize your Office 365 calendar with Odoo.

Table of contents


For this module you need to install requests-oauthlib.

Open the terminal and run: sudo pip3 install requests-oauthlib


First you have to register your Odoo server with the Microsoft App Registration Portal:

  1. Go to;
  2. under Converged applications click ‘Add an app’;
  3. fill in any name e.g. ‘My Odoo Server’;
  4. click ‘Generate New Password’ and store the password we will need it later;
  5. click ‘Add Platform’ and select ‘Web’;
  6. enter the redirect url e.g.: ‘’ replace ‘’ with the address of your Odoo server (note that your Odoo server has to be accessible via HTTPS);
  7. add the following permissions: ‘User.Read’, ‘Calendars.ReadWrite’, and ‘offline_access’.

It should look like this:

Screenshot Microsoft App Registration Portal

Setup Odoo:

  1. Go to Settings > General Settings;
  2. fill the Client ID with the Client ID / Application ID from the Microsoft App Registration Portal;
  3. put the password from before in Client Secret.


To start synchronizing your calendar:

  1. Go to Calendar;
  2. click Sync with office 365;
  3. you’ll be redirected to the login page of Office 365;
  4. login into you’re account;
  5. on completion you’ll be redirected (if setup properly) back to your Odoo server.

The synchronization is personal per user.

Known issues / Roadmap

  • Synchronize contacts
  • Synchronize files
  • Synchronize notes

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  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author, please use the developer contact information. They can usually be found in the description.
Please choose a rating from 1 to 5 for this module.
on 5/2/20, 4:02 AM

Great but a small adjustment would make it way better
Reese Martin
on 12/23/19, 12:36 AM

To anyone confused why this is a sync app that only goes one way, which is a misleading use of the word, I believe to make it work both ways simply add the following code on line 206 of the file: (pretty sure the comment system will remove my line breaks so it is what it is, good luck) to_add =[ ('office_365_id', 'not in', ids), ('office_365_id', '=', False), ('user_id', '=',, ('start', '', start) ]) for event in to_add: event._office_365_push_create() It just searches for events that don't have o365 equivalents and adds them using the existing function the author already made for us. So I am not sure if there is some issue I am not seeing but this, in my opinion, should be in the app by default.

Re: Great but a small adjustment would make it way better
Dennis Sluijk
on 1/2/20, 4:02 AM Author

Feel free to make a PR in

Tanya Díaz Ortiz
on 1/29/20, 8:48 AM

Can you help me, please? AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application: ....

Events created in Odoo dont show up in Office 365
Reese Martin
on 12/5/19, 4:05 PM

Using Odoo v12 with all steps above configured. Events created in Office 365 do come through to Odoo and updating that same event in Odoo works fine. However, events you create in Odoo do not show up in Office 365 and when you sync your calendar with Office 365 it will remove your Odoo created events.

Re: Events created in Odoo dont show up in Office 365
Dennis Sluijk
on 12/6/19, 3:46 AM Author

Hello Reese Martin, thanks for your feedback. I've updated the module with a fix for the removal of "non- Office 365" events on sync issue. "However, events you create in Odoo do not show up in Office 365" this is as intended.

Bug not solved
on 7/19/19, 3:36 PM

hi, I have the same problem. AADSTS50011: The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application: I've miss something ? Best regards Stéphane

on 7/5/19, 6:27 AM

I get the same error.

John Doel
on 6/5/19, 3:42 AM

Hi, this issue has been fixed.

Hey there! I have configured step of all of the above but facing issue
on 5/26/19, 8:33 AM

Sorry, but we’re having trouble with signing you in. AADSTS50011: The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application: 'ea*b-1*5a-**e92-bbdf-aacde16fc337'.