Dashboard Widget Template Pack (Sales)



v 12.0 Third Party 5
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 6583
Technical Name dashboard_widgets_sale
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 12.0 13.0 17.0 15.0 14.0 16.0
You bought this module and need support? Click here!
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 6583
Technical Name dashboard_widgets_sale
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 12.0 13.0 17.0 15.0 14.0 16.0

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Free new templates added regularly

Sales       Purchasing       Inventory       And more coming soon!

Quickly and Easily add amazing and powerful dashboards from our library of dashboards. Once added they can be customised easily to suite our exact needs.

Dashboard Template Library

Create Powerful Dashboards

Gain comprehensive business insights through dynamic graphs, charts, KPI cards and more...

Create multiple dashboards
Powerful query editor
Charts including line, bar, pie, radar
KPI Cards
Goals and forecasts
Flexible and configurable options
Create Powerful Dashboards


  • 27 April 2022 - Allow dashboard parameters options to be filtered.
  • 26 April 2022 - Allow dashboard parameters to be empty to not apply parameter.
  • 24 April 2022 - Add pointer icon for values that can be drilled down into
  • 16 July 2021 - Added SQL data source for dashboards (KPI Card and charts)
  • 14 July 2021 - Allow dashboard tile names to be expressions like email templates eg. "Sales report for ${user.name}"
  • 4 June 2021 - Add dashboard parameter option that can be python code
  • 25 May 2021 - Add option financial year date range
  • 18 March 2021 - Add option to duplicate dashboard as a copy or as a linked dashboard
  • 17 March 2021 - Add additional date range types (Yesterday, Last week (Monday-Friday), Last week (Monday-Sunday), last week (Sunday-Saturday),
  • 11 March 2021 - Allow filtering dashboards based on dashboard-wide parameters such as records, numbers or text
  • 10 March 2021 - Add parameters to dashboard to allow all tiles in a dashboard to read common parameters. eg. change a parameter to change the entire dashboard
  • 12 February 2021 - Enhanced record list dashboard to allow related fields and advanced python code to evaluate the value of columns
  • 4 February 2021 - Add new example dashboards for sales in dashboard library
  • 29 January 2021 - Use regex to format chart labels
  • 29 January 2021 - Allow specifying per user goals
  • 28 January 2021 - Add new date range type "This Month To Date Last Year"
  • 28 January 2021 - Add new date range type "This Month Last Year"
  • 26 November 2020 - Advanced python goal filtering to allow advanced python dashboards to apply specific goals for data based on data or current user
  • 26 November 2020 - Advanced python goal filtering to allow advanced python dashboards to apply specific goals for data based on data or current user
  • 20 November 2020 - Allow exporting dashboard to excel
  • 9 October 2020 - Allow adding per user group filters for dashboards. eg. sales person can only see their own records, while manager can see all when looking at the same dashboard
  • 9 October 2020 - Allow sending dashboard emails as the dashboard recipient
  • 8 October 2020 - Allow dashboard to have a quick change date range to change for the whole dashboard at once
  • 7 October 2020 - Allowed sub-dashboard drill-down actions
  • 2 October 2020 - Additional dashboard templates added
  • 1 October 2020 - Odoo v14 Version available
  • 31 August 2020 - Created Dashboard template library (Sales, Purchasing, and Inventory)
  • 25 August 2020 - Improve live preview dashboards
  • 10 August 2020 - Improve scheduled emails for dashboards
  • 10 August 2020 - Add new accumulation settings on charts
  • 10 June 2020 - Add date filter type for 'Today' and 'Yesterday' for On/Not On/After/On or After/Before/On or Before
  • 5 June 2020 - Add option to allow tiles to be scrollable when they take up more space then given (eg. for data tables to allow scrolling).
  • 2 February 2020 - Allow drag & drop and resize of dashboards.
  • 25 October 2019 - New dashboard type for 'Record List' to show a list of records from a query. Select columns, format data, column labels.
  • 24 October 2019 - Improve dashboard configuration screen to make it easier to create and setup dashboard items.
  • 23 October 2019 - Allow limiting results to top X results
  • 15 October 2019 - Improvements for v13
  • 2 October 2019 - Add in "Next x days/months/years date range options
  • 1 October 2019 - Allow setting chart max/min axis and decimal precision on axis
  • 17 September 2019 - Scheduled emails - Automatically email a copy of dashboards each day/week/month
  • 13 September 2019 - Advanced line chart - Show average lines on one graph
  • 12 September 2019 - Formatting - Allow a prefix such as $ to chart values
  • 29 August 2019 - Advanced Goals - Allow goals to be prorated by current progress in goals. Eg. 30% though the goal period will show an expected target of 30% of the goal period
  • 15 August 2019 - Tables - Allow showing tables of data
  • 15 August 2019 - Advanced Tables - Allow python code to generate custom tables
  • 1 August 2019 - Formatting - Use friendly scale values eg $1K, $1M, etc
  • 17 July 2019 - KPI Card - Allow using a cached value for the dashboard that is refreshed daily for slow running queries
  • 13 July 2019 - Advanced KPI Card - Allow KPI cards to be generated dynamically with python code entered into Odoo UI
  • 3 July 2019 - Embedded content - Allow embedding HTML/URL content as a dashboard item
  • 21 May 2019 - Dashboard display - Allow playing a sound (Buzzer, Cheer, or custom) when the dashboard value increases or decreases. Useful for TV dashboard displays for alerts, KPI goals
  • 29 April 2019 - Graph - Add Pie/Radar graph types
  • 23 March 2019 - KPI Card - Add forcast options to KPI cards
  • 20 March 2019 - Dashboard Display - Allow tagging dashboard items to allow better organisation and re-using dashboard items on multiple screens
  • 14 March 2019 - Query - Allow changing aggregation method (Odoo v12+) for sum, average, etc
  • 8 March 2019 - Dashboard Display - Add live preview of dashboard items while editing

Dashboard Charts & Graphs

View your data in fresh and intuitive formats

Pie Chart

Drill-down: Click to open data
Allow multiple grouping of data
Pie Chart
Pie Chart with multiple groups

Radar Chart

Drill-down: Click to open data
Allow multiple grouping of data
Radar Chart
Radar Chart with multiple groups

Line Chart

Drill-down: Click to open data
Allow multiple grouping of data
Optional goal line that varies with date
Line Graph

Advanced Line Chart

Drill-down: Click to open data
Allow multiple grouping of data
Optional goal line that varies with date
Advanced Line Graph

Bar Chart

Drill-down: Click to open data
Allow multiple grouping of data
Optional goal that varies with date
Bar Chart

Stacked Bar Chart

Drill-down: Click to open data
Stack bars and allow extra bar for optional goal line
Allow multiple grouping of data
Optional goal that varies with date
Bar Chart Stacked

Dashboard Parameters

Easily see a dashboard for a specific user, customer, sales team and more.

Date ranges: Today, this week, this month, last month, etc
Records: Choose any record type such as user, customer, sales team, warehouse, etc
Numbers: Allow filtering based on a number. eg. Only show sale orders over $X
Text: Allow filtering based on a text. eg. Only show sale orders with product names containing a word
Dashboard Parameters

KPI Cards

High level insights into business performance, forecasts and targets

KPI Card
KPI Card color editing

Standard KPI Card

Drill-down: Click to open data
Easily set background color
Allow goals and forecasts
See goal and forecast variation
Configurable options

Advanced KPI Card
Advanced KPI Card

Advanced KPI Card

Drill-down: Click to open data for each query
Show result of two queries
Show result as a ratio of the result from two queries
Configurable options

Dashboard Tables & Lists

Clear detailed data at your finger tips

Record Lists

Drill-down: Click to open records
Filter records, sort data and set the max number of results
Select columns, label columns and specify value formats (eg. currency, date formats, rounding, etc)
Record List
Record List Config

Pivot Tables

Drill-down: Click to open data to see details
Allow multiple grouping of data
Show the same data as the charts/graphs as a table for clear detailed view of data
Advanced: Use Python code to create powerful query table options
Query Table
Query Table

Drill down into data

Simple. Drag & Drop Interface

Drag and Drop dashboard tiles to create your customised dashboard

Responsive layouts that let you set and resize tiles to ensure your dashboard stays beautiful.

Limitless potential to demonstrate your business analytics in a clear and professional manner.

Built for TV Displays

Auto refresh dashboards to keep the team informed

KPI Card

Standard KPI Card

Keep the team informed
Improve team moral
Unlimited TV displays
Auto-refresh displays

Keep up-to-date with scheduled emails

Send an email of your dashboards automatically

Automated Emails

Send dashboards easily
Snapshot data for your team
Configurable schedules
Unlimited email schedules
KPI Card

Creating A Dashboard

Create a new dashboard easily with powerful reporting features

Advanced query editor
Auto date ranges (eg. this month, this year, last month, etc)
Group date fields by month, week, day
Measure query by result record count or a specific field eg. invoice total
Allow group by two levels deep to create multi-series graphs
Allow selecting a specific action to open data with when clicked (eg. Open in kanban view)
Creating your first dashboard

Drill down into data

Drill down into data

Drill down into any data through a chart or KPI card

Seamlessly navigate your data with dynamic click-through on all graph, chart and card types.

Explore your dashboard results by drilling down into data filtered by time period, category and other groupings of your choice.

Other Features

Query Editor

Advanced query editor
Auto date ranges (eg. this month, this year, last month, etc)
Measure query by count or a specific field eg. total
Allow group by two levels deep to create multi-series graphs
Allow selecting a specific action to open data with when clicked (eg. Open in kanban view)

Goal Editor

Allow goal to change with date (eg. Monthly goal with seasonal variation or yearly goal for year on year growth goals)
For KPI cards a goal can be good when the value is above or below the measured value

Dashboard Editor

Preview the dashboard item
Easily configure flexible and powerful dashboard items
Add notes that are displayed on the dashboard
Add notes that are shown on the back-end only


Have suggestions, feedback or issues?

Purchased the app?

Issues - Issues will be addressed with the highest priority.
Suggestions - We love suggestions and will do our best to add your ideas to the road map.
Feedback - We welcome feedback so that we can continue to improve this app for our users.
Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Icons made by Smashicons and Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

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  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
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