POS All In One Futures (Shop & Restaurant)

Odoo 34


v 10.0 v 11.0 v 12.0 Third Party 297
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
Invoicing (account)
Purchase (purchase)
Discuss (mail)
Point of Sale (point_of_sale)
Lines of code 101647
Technical Name pos_retail
Versions 17.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0
You bought this module and need support? Click here!
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
Invoicing (account)
Purchase (purchase)
Discuss (mail)
Point of Sale (point_of_sale)
Lines of code 101647
Technical Name pos_retail
Versions 17.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0

Version: (fixed loading stock)

Why you need buy this module

  • We development Odoo (last times called TinyERP, OpenERP, and now become Odoo) since 2010, and development POS odoo since 2015 to now
  • Module supported Responsive on tablet and mobile app
  • Module supported many version odoo (10,11,12), it free download on 3 versions. Only one time payment for use on 3 versions
  • Module have released to multi stores and multi shop locations around the world
  • We have 200 ++ partners, business used this module around the world
  • Module have 100+ futures for Retail Shop and Restaurant
  • Each table customers, products, orders, invocies. We supported up to 3 millions rows each table. Dont worries about big datas, long times start pos session
  • We tested passed loading 3 millions each table products, customers on pos only need 15 ~ 20 seconds.
  • Easy install module, download source codes and install like 100% module odoo original, no extend install any python libraries another
  • Only one install, only one payment and use forever for any devices
  • Support fix any issues and bugs come from module (no limit time support about it)
  • We have many master odoo programer, easy support anything about odoo
  • We released succeeded 100+ stores of only one odoo server
  • Easy install and easy to use, only click button install and use POS. No need install any another libraries python
  • Fast Validate Closing and Post Entries, each session and each day closing session closing times only few seconds (5,000 ~ 10,000 orders each session)
  • Supported sync between POS Sessions mode Online (all event change Orders). Mode Offline (example: Odoo server down, or your internet have issues) + 300 EUR payment directly to us

Main Futures

  • Module supported Shop and Restaurant both
  • Responsive tablet and mobile web app. Responsive mobile odoo EE app
  • Supported large datas up to 3,000,000 each table products, customers, pos orders and invoices
  • Tracking all actions of pos sessions
  • Light theme and dark theme
  • Daily report sale total by day, month
  • Z-Report by cashiers, by date input
  • Multi Pricelist with Multi Currency and multi Journal Entries difference currency
  • Camera scan barcode without posbox (scanner device)
  • Scan barcode of Lot serial number
  • Auto suggestion lot name with product selected
  • Quickly add partners, products and payment order
  • Sale suggestion for cashiers fast selling products
  • Re-directly odoo login of cashiers, waiters to POS screen
  • POS order note
  • POS order lines note
  • Rounding amount total
  • Sync pricelist to pos sessions without reload pos
  • Show quantity cart customer order
  • Display stock on hand of products, show number limit stock, warning limit stock
  • Sync products, customers, invoices to pos sessions without reload pos
  • Quickly payment, auto fill full amount total
  • Quickly create pos categories, products, customers
  • Cashiers can preview/print receipt without payment
  • Booking, Delivery orders, sync sale orders to pos
  • Create internal transfer between stock locations
  • Create purchase order
  • Create sale order
  • Cashiers, waiters can lock/unlock pos screen when leave shop, leave device use pos
  • Allow customers partial payment orders, and next times will come back and payment full
  • Display discount amount on order lines
  • Allow pos admin set limit of amount discount so cashier can set
  • Allow pos admin set many global discounts, and cashiers only choose discount
  • Multi currency payment order
  • POS user login odoo and auto direct to POS session, without backend sceen
  • Print Voucher card to customer, scan voucher card
  • Customers credit member card
  • Customers wallet card
  • Customers loyalty points
  • Product screen operation, allow pos admin (cashiers) can edi/create new products
  • Loyalty/Reward program, allow admin set rule of loyalty plus point, and rule redeem point
  • Sync between pos sessions, all screen of pos sessions will sync and the same orders and orders detail
  • Allow cashiers selling products via packaging/boxes, price and quantity if items sale auto covert from boxes selected
  • Products can still at many pos category
  • Promotions program, allow cashiers can define many promotion for give gift ... to customers
  • Auto complete search filter when pos sessions input at search box
  • Allow pos admin re-config permissions rule of pos clients (hide/or dishide some function element pos screen)
  • Allow sync realtime between backend odoo with pos sessions (when backend change information of customers, products, invoices, pos orders, booking orders. pos sessions data will change the same)
  • Allow customers/cashiers can signature on receipt
  • Allow pos sessions (sellers) can return products via scanner or manual choose
  • Cross selling
  • Validation delete/edit/close session/remove order/add new order ... on pos screen ....
  • Take away orders, allow cashiers save orders, and loads orders save before
  • Invoices screen management: help you can management invoices, register payment, add credit note....
  • Reprint last order, orders sold out
  • Show invoice number, tin, customer information on receipt
  • POS orders management
  • Re-print receipt of old order
  • Allow return orders (return products) add credit note (covert to creadit card amount) for next use
  • Backend office create order and assigned to Shop
  • Sale price of price included taxes or not
  • Customer screen, show detail order of customer
  • POS auto default customer
  • POS ticket setting font-size
  • Products filter multi branch stores
  • Products sequence on POS product screen
  • Remote sessions management (close, validate and post entries, open .. sessions)

Term and Policy

  • Refund back 100% money if our futures not work correctly (Please check all futures we released bellow)
  • From purchased date to 2 month, Odoo allow refund money (out of this period times, could not refund)
  • Only one time payment and use on 3 version 10,11 and 12. Not 13 and 14 ... (Because we will charge fee upgrade)
  • Free support and welcome any questions from purchased date to 2 months
  • Free report bugs and issues made stuck business, without customs request forever (It mean from purchased to forever)
  • When odoo release new version, we upgrade too. And fee upgrade $ 150 (EUR) (Only Source Code, without database)
  • Not allow editing our source code, and relsale our module to another customers/clients...
  • If wanted editing source codes and resale (like build cloud use our module). Required contact us viva email and made 1 contract long times support

PC, Computer displayed

  • Product screen light mode
  • Product screen dark mode
  • Booked, Quotations screen
  • Clients, customers screen
  • Products operation screen
  • Invoices screen
  • POS orders screen
  • Payment screen
  • Receipt screen

Tablet android and Ipad IOS displayed

Mobile android and Iphone IOS displayed

Please Subscribe our chanel on youtube

  • When we have any new futures, bugs fix, improve .... we will public on youtube
  • When we have guide new future, we will up to youtube

Free trial

  • We have system online running odoo community for demo module POS RETAIL
  • If you like module, please click to link bellow and signup new domain and use our POS now
  • Demo auto delete with period times 1 week
  • If you need more times for review, please email for we can keep your demo always live
  • When input information demo, you can use email, name fake. And dont use caps lock


  • POS Retail & Restaurant Guide v1.0

  • First for all
  1. we not support windows, only support linux, macos
  2. we will stop support if modifiers source codes.
  3. this module followed license odoo proprietary license v1.0, and please reading it before purchase. we dont want conflict with your business in next times
  4. free support, first install from purchase to 2 month. free refund viva odoo store
  5. If your odoo have domain address, made sure longpolling working before. If not please see config bellow
  1. Go to odoo nginx config file and add some lines like that
  2. upstream odoochat {
    # Redirect longpoll requests to odoo longpolling port
       location /longpolling {
       proxy_pass http://odoochat;
  • Add 5 screens to POS screens
  1. product operation screen: for help cashier admin quickly update products information guide
  1. allow your cashiers modifiers products information (list price, name, barcode, default code ....)
  2. allow your cashiers update stock on hand of products
  1. booked order screen: for customers booking order, your shop delivery orders
  1. allow cashier booking orders
  2. when customer go to shop cashiers can search booked order and covert to pos order
  3. or delivery order to customer  guide
  1. invoice screen: for cashiers control invoices, register payment, cancel invoices, confirm invoice ... guide
  2. customer facing screen, help customer go shop fast detail cart in order, total amount need to paid... guide
  3. pos orders screen Guide Video
  1. go to tab order and config it 
  2. allow you search any orders of last times
  3. made return order
  4. reprint order
  • Products extend for POS

  1. Input Security Pin for each user use pos. go to setting / users /tab point of sale 
  1. barcode for scan user card
  2. pin for unlock anything on pos
  3. pos config for login directly from odoo login to pos screen (passing backend screen)
  1. sale extra: buy product x, suggest another products guide
  2. voucher: use for create voucher guide
  3. combo pack: made 1 product included another products and sale. like combo of macdonald guide
  4. credit: product master data of credit card customer guide
  5. multi unit of measure: allow pos cashier sale product viva many units, example: allow sale carrot with kg, g ... and linked to stock. warehouse auto rebuild on hand viva ratio of unit selected guide
  6. multi category: allow 1 products add to many pos category guide
  7. multi variant: allow sale product with multi variants: colors, size ... with price extra guide
  8. cross selling: like sale extra, when customer buy product, suggest customer buy more products with product customer ordered.
  9. price each quantity: allow set price filter by quantity ordered. buy 1 price 10 usd, buy 10 price is 9 usd / item guide
  10. supported scan barcode included field internal ref, supplier barcode
  1. module support scan product viva internal ref
  2. supplier code
  3. default code
  4. and multi barcode at grid view of products
  1. Supported scan multi barcode, create new grid lines allow admin add multi barcode base on 1 product 
  1. go to product form, tab pos extend, sroll your mouse to end of page
  2. you will see grid table add multi barcode
  1. Multi branch Video Guide
  1. POS Orders filter by branch
  2. POS Config filter by branch
  3. Products filter for sale by branch
  4. Customers filter on pos by branch
  1. min sale price, warning or blocking pos cashier when they are add sale price smaller than min price 
  1. check to fields 
  2. add sale min price to product 
  3. when cashier change price, pos auto block if set price smaller than min sale price 
  1. quantity warning when product out of stock on pos
  1. go to product form: general tab, input field qty warning out stock 
  2. when stock on hand of product smaller than or equal this field, product on pos will add ribbon warning
  1. pos sequence for number of display on pos product screen
  1. on product go to tab point of sale input pos sequence field 
  1. product sale viva multi packaging
  1. go to inventory menu / configuration, sroll you mouse to checkbox field: product packages, check to it and click save 
  2. back to products menu and click any product need sale viva package
  3. select tab inventory, scroll your mouse to end of page, you will see grid table packaging, full fill data to this grid table
  4. each line of grid table, you can define sale price, this price will apply on order lines of pos 
  5. go to pos config , tab sale packaging, check to checkbox field sale with package 
  6. reload pos session, if you add product have multi packaging, on line selected will have 1 icon box for select packaging
  7. when package select, price of line will change 

  • Main futures
  1. Support shop & restaurant both, Odoo EE and Community both
  2. Support odoo.sh and your self service both
  3. big datas: support up to 3 millions rows each object products, customers, invoices, orders
  4. Retail settings: Go to Retailers Menu / ReTail Settings Menu
  5. Each POS Config settings form page: This page will display filter by step (4)
  6. Sync between pos sessions, made all orders the same on pos sessions with the same store/location. example you have 1 restaurant or shop and have 1 cashier admin and many waiters take orders. and you need when waiters users take orders (add new orders, add new products, change qty, change discounts ...or any actions on pos screen). will sync directly to cashier admin. for cashier payment order and keep money from customer. this function can help you
  1. when waiter add new order, auto sync to cashier
  2. when waiter add new product, change disc, change price ...change all information of lines, auto sync to cashiers
  3. when change customer auto sync to cashiers
  4. and so, when cashiers payment or do anything, auto sync back waiters
  5. .... guide
  1. Themes: dark mode and light mode 

  1. Module support full responsive on web application and mobile odoo ee app, go to config / tab extend, check to checkbox mobile responsive
  1. Backend config 
  2. POS quickly switch mobile mode 
  1. Add lot, auto suggest lot number with order line selected
  2. Auto complete search, easy to search records
  1. go to pos config / extend tab
  2. and set min char length search
  3. example you set 3 char, back to pos screen now
  4. input to search box (products, customers). if count all character input bigger than 3 
  5. pos auto suggestion all result have result the same 3 character inputed. (like: name, mobile, name of product, ...)
  1. Quickly create customer, product and pos category 
  1. Go product screen Tab 
  2. Reload POS 
  1. Quickly payment with journal method config at pos config guide
  2. Cashier login odoo, auto login directly to pos, without backend page
  1. Go to Settings/User and assigned POS config for seller user
  2. When they login to odoo, system auto direct login to POS and start session
  1. Order Management: go to config / tab order and active it
  1. take note pos order on pos screen
  2. take note pos order line on pos screen 
  3. set guest on pos order
  4. set signature on pos order and display on receipt 
  5. auto default customer, when create new order, this customer auto add to order selected 
  1. Return orders, return products, expired time for return order 
  2. Multi Invoice Journal: Allow cashiers can choice Journal of Invoice create from POS Order Video
  3. Parital payment 
  1. go to tab order and booking active it
  2. this future allow customer payment one part of order total amount order. Example only paid 200 USD 
  3. next time customer come back and made payment full 
  4. And now they come back and paid full 
  1. Rounding amount pos order on pos screen 
  1. go to accounting tab, scroll your mouse to end of page
  2. you will see rounding amount checkbox field
  3. when you checked it, amount total auto rounding with rounding ration is currency rounding ratio 
  1. Sync pricelist and pricelist items when have any update from backend to pos, without reload pos sessions 
  1. first go to sale / configuration and active pricelist 
  2. each pos config, you can add pricelist 
  3. if have any change pricelist and pricelist items from backend, and need sync realtime to pos, backend admin can click to button sync to pos 
  4. when backend admin clicked, pos auto rebuild price with pricelist changed 
  1. Sync products to pos session when backend modifiers products
  1. When have any update from backend
  2. Module with push all sync notifications change to POS
  3. Cashiers can click and sync to backend 
  1. Sync pos orders to pos session when backend modifiers pos orders
  2. Sync sale orders (booking orders) to pos session when backend modifiers 
  3. Sync invoices to pos session when backend modifiers
  4. Show cart quantity product ordered 
  5. display quantity available sale, limit and warning stock out 
  1. availabl for sale 
  2. out stock 
  1. reprint last receipt of last order 
  1. go to pos config, tab receipt and ticket, and check to field print last receipt 
  2. module auto save last receipt of last order
  3. sometimes you need get receipt of last order, you can click on button print bill last order 
  1. review, print receipt order selected before payment
  1. go to pos config, tab receipt and ticket
  2. you will see 1 checkbox is review receipt before payment
  3. above this field have selection field for you can review receipt within price display or not
  4. reload or start pos session back, on left header bar, you will see 1 button ion printer, click on it for review receipt of order 
  1. booking order, booked order screen and delivery order with shipping address
  1. go to tab order and booking 
  2. booking order 
  3. booked list orders 
  1. internal transfer order between stock locations on pos
  1. go to tab warehouse check it 
  2. on pos click button do transfer
  1. create quotation order:
  1. create quotations orders on pos
  2. create quotations and auto confirm, auto paid, auto create picking, auto print receipt 
  1. purchase order:
  1. create purchase orders on pos
  2. create purchased auto invoice, auto picking 
  1. lock/unlock pos screen when leave out work space
  1. go to security tab 
  2. button lock screen when leave out 
  3. Use pos pass pin for unlock
  1. auto logout when pos session log out pos (security tab) 
  2. multi currency payment:
  1. go to accounting tab (pos config) and active future multi currency
  2. go to accounting menu / configuration and active checkbox multi currency
  3. go to configuration of accounting menu, you can add more currency you need
  4. restart pos session, when you at payment screen, header top of payment screen will have box for choice currency
  5. when you select currency difference your company currency, amoutn total need payment will covert from number you input on keyboard (or click on numpad) to your company currency
  6. on post entrie of order will save currency cashier select
  1. discount:
  1. global discount
  2. discount each line
  3. limit discount each pos users, and hight discount approve by pos pass pin manager
  1. loyalty program:  
  1. plus rule: is condition for plus points to customers
  1. 3 rule for plus points:
  1. filter by products customer buy
  2. filter by pos category customer buy
  3. filter by order amount total customer buy
  1. coefficient: is ratio for plus point. 1 (your company currency) = 1 / cofficient (float). example
  1. input 1:  each 1 usd customer get 1    point
  2. input 0.1: each 1 usd customer get 0.1 point
  3. input 10:  each 1 usd customer get 10  point
  1. reward rule:
  1. discount products, discount n(%) and get x points
  2. discount pos category discount n(%) and get x points
  3. free product gift and get x points
  4. use point for payment
  5. cofficient: is ration covert money to points
  1. 1 (your company currency) will covert to n (points). cofficient = 1 / n
  2. example: 100 usd to 1 points input 100
  1. customer wallet: keep money change for next order , go to customer form / point of sale: 
  1. when customers go your shop and bought some products
  2. example: customer buy some products and made totder 98 usd
  3. customer give your cashier 100 usd, now change amount is 100 -98 = 2 usd
  4. but customer no need get 2 usd, they need your shop keep 2 usd for next order they back
  5. when they back, cashiers know they have 2 usd inside wallet customer card
  6. your cashiers suggest customer "do you want use 2 usd for current order?". customer say "ok"
  7. your cashier will select payment method "wallet" and input 2 usd for   
  1. promotion program, support 11 type promotion
  1. promotion support 11 type: 
  2. ON POS screen you will see this button : 
  3. When click on this button at step (b). All promotions ative will display for choice
  4. This is example Promotion applied
  1. discount % base on pos order total amount 
  2. discount % base on pos category of products customer buy
  3. discount % base on quantity products customer buy
  4. discount % pack products. example: customer buy product a,b and c, will discount product d with condition min qty is 1
  5. bought pack products free another products
  6. sale price filter by quantity of product add to cart
  7. discount % base special pos category
  8. discount % for product lowest price item of order lines
  9. multi buy: buy x product (a) quantity applied with new price
  10. buy x get another free:
  1. bought 5 unit get free 1
  2. bought 10 unit get 2 free
  3. bought 15 unit get 4 free
  1. discount first order of customer
  1. promotion support customer group
  2. promotion support birthday date of customers
  1. receipt : go to point of sale / setting / point of sale > tab receipt and ticket active it 
  1. show customer information more: vat, mobile ...
  2. can show invoice number
  3. can show barcode ean13 for scan return order
  4. print web can set font-size viva pos config
  5. show image of product (only print web)
  6. duplicate receipt
  7. show pos line with wise pos category 
  8. auto next screen when print receipt (auto click next order)
  1. invoice screen sort by number, name, origin ...etc. (tab invoice)
  1. like the same backend list(tree) view, on header of table datas, cashiers can click for sort and click one more for un-sort  
  2. click header grid for sort by 
  1. POS order management:
  1. Go to tab Order and active it 
  2. On pos you will have button for go to pos orders screen 
  1. admin remote pos sessions for close session, open session, validate and closing post entries. 
  1. if your bussines have many stores, shop locations, and they online/offline.
  2. and admin need close, lock ... pos sessions of cashier. how to do without remote tool (anydesk, teamview ...)
  3. without tools above,go to pos config or dash board of point of sale (required user pos admin) click to button remote session, you can close, open, closing and post entries, remove cache... any pos sessions you want
  4. Video Guide Click Here
  1. cash control management, put money in/out on pos, required active cash control of odoo original 
  1. Active Cash control 
  2. Go to pos config / accounting tab 
  3. like odoo pos original, when cashier start pos or leave out
  4. cashier will input total money put in / out
  5. this futures help cashier input money in, take money out on pos
  6. help cashier can closing and post entries
  7. when posted entries , pos sessions auto close 
  1. validate actions of cashiers. example: remove order, add discount, change quantity... validate viva pos pass pin cashier use
  1. active validate payment: when cashier click payment, pos will popup and ask pos pass pin of cashier
  2. ative validate discount: when cashier add discount to lines. pos will popup and ask pos pass pin
  3. ........etc 
  1. security (disable or active functions): this future can help you hide some function of cashiers

  1. hide discount button
  2. hide customer select button
  3. hide payment button
  4. hide products screen
  1. customer facing screen 
  1. when customer go your shop
  2. cashier will create order and ordering products
  3. customer will see to device display screen it is correctly and confirm
  4. when customer need payment order, customer see again to display devices and know how many money need to payment
  1. add seller to pos order, report sale amount filter by sale man
  1. we are have difference cashiers and sale mans
  2. cashiers only take money in/out. create orders, and payment orders
  3. how you know performace of your sellers or your waiters for give they commissions
  4. future can help you add sale man to each lines, each order
  5. backend have one report filter by sale man 
  1. tools tip: show information of product (sale description, price, barcode ...). show last price and min price 
  1. when your cashiers move mouse, or click to any lines of order
  2. pos tools tip auto display information of products
  1. show name
  2. show description sale
  3. show cost price
  4. show list price
  5. show last price of current customer
  6. show min price
  7. .......
  1. allow create invoice offline: go to tab accounting 
  1. odoo original when cashiers push orders to backend and have selected invoice (create). odoo backend need few seconds for create invoice and reponse invoice receipt pdf
  2. if you need auto create invoice but no need waiting times for wait invoice reponse.
  3. you can active it. invoice will create the same time order. cashiers will no need waiting invoice response
  1. allow modifiers tax on pos lines : Accounting Tab
  2. allow auto register payment amount invoice : Accounting tab
  3. show tax-included on pos lines
  4. allow lock invoice print when create pos order within invoice selected
  5. warehouse: Go to Inventory Menu / Configuration 
  1. each locations please check to checkbox field  available in pos 
  2. Check qty available of line selected 
  3. allow cashier switch location, quantity available of products will change with location selected 
  4. create internal transfer between stock location 
  5. allow display quantity available of product on pos screen
  6. allow/not allow: add to cart products out of stock
  7. allow setting picking delayed, process order first, 5 minutes later, cron job auto create picking for order
  8. allow validate checking lot/serial cashier input have exist or nor exist.
  9. allow add multi lot base one order line
  10. allow create lots on pos screen
  11. allow scan barcode of lot, auto add product to order lines
  1. You can print this barcode label
  2. On pos, you can scan this barcode. POS auto add product of this lot and add lot to line
  3. You can add sale price of lot, this price will replace public price of product 
  2. Multi Stock Warehouse Locations: For checking all Product Available On hand
  1. Active Warehouse Future: Go to Retailers Menu / ReTail Settings 
  2. Go to Point Of Sale / Settings / Point Of sale [Tab Warehouse ]
  3. Start POS Session you will see button Multi Locations 
  4. Click button POS auto popup all Stock Locations for checking Stock On Hand (Product Available Quantity) 
  5. When You clicked apply, stock on hand of products will replace old number on hand and change to new quantity on hand of locations selected 
  1. Made order and picking location difference POS Config Stock Location: Default Odoo POS Original not allow create picking location difference with POS Stock Location, this future can allow cashier made order and add location difference POS Stock Location, stock on hand of products will reduce from location selected 
  2. product screen: 
  1. 2 display mode is box view (like default odoo pos product screen) and list view (like list/treen view of backend)
  2. sort by product name a to z, z to a, sort price low price to high price, high price to low price. sort by pos sequence field of product 
  3. allow display cost price of product or hide
  4. allow display sale price with tax or only price with current pricelist selected
  5. allow display product ref or hide
  6. allow hide product image or not hide
  1. client screen: 
  1. check duplicate email
  2. check duplicate phone
  3. hide country, barcode, tax, pricelist ...
  4. allow update clients/add client or not
  5. sort clients by name, mobile, email
  1. extend:
  1. medical insurance
  2. print cashier card
  3. tablet mobile responsive 
  4. reset pos sequence sessions 
  5. turn on/of printer
  6. change logo of pos session
  7. quickly and auto suggestion search products, customers
  1. keyboard event
  1. product screen
  1. c: go to client screen
  2. space: payment
  3. q: change mode quantity
  4. d: change mode discount
  5. p: change mode price
  6. a: call popup add customer
  7. g: call popup add pos category
  8. w: call popup add product
  9. f: auto payment full
  10. 1 to 9: input number
  11. +/-: minus
  1. payment screen
  1. esc: back to product screen
  2. f: payment full
  3. p: partial payment
  4. space: validate button
  5. c: go customer screen
  6. v: input voucher
  7. s: signature order
  8. n: change note
  9. i: select invoice button/un select invoice
  1. report : go to config, tab report 
  1. order summary
  2. product sale summary
  3. payment summary
  4. sale details
  5. sale analytic
  6. z-report
  7. tracking pos users
  1. return : go to tab order and active return function
  1. return order
  2. return part of order
  3. quickly return product missed order
  1. pos big datas and cache
  1. reinstall cache 
  2. remove cache 
  1. backup and restore orders: go to point of sale / config / point of sale
  1. choice tab order, sroll your mouse to end of page, you will see checkbox backup and restore order
  2. start pos session back
  3. this future can help you backup all orders of current sessions to backend or json file (export)
  4. you can restore orders back viva backend or json file 
  1. set logo each pos config
  1. go to config pos, each config you can set logo
  2. this logo will display on receipt
  3. on pos screen, on right bar header, you can click to it and change logo 
  1. remove orders blank
  1. see to header order widget, you can see logo 
  2. button can help you fast remove all orders blank

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Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Please log in to comment on this module

  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.
on 1/17/21, 9:07 AM

Thanks for Time and Support.

on 1/17/21, 9:04 AM

Perhaps words will not help me in saying the word of truth in you, for you are the yes of the employees, and you are the finest of the good, and without your efforts we would not have been able to continue success, and we would not have been able to place our institution on the map of success in a record period, thank you, and distinguished you to fill the earth with love and generosity.

on 1/17/21, 8:59 AM

Great Support From Bruce.. Thanks

on 1/17/21, 8:56 AM

Great Support From Bruce.. Thanks for Time and Support.

Thank you for the availability and the respect of the commitments made.
on 3/26/20, 5:04 AM

Médaille d'Or de l'Assistance pour Nguyen Trung Thanh
on 12/29/19, 1:40 AM

Pour ceux qui hésite encore sur le choix de module de caisse, vous venez de trouver le bon !! Ce module est fantastique, il répond a tous les demandes. Son interface est tout simplement magnifique. Une rapidité en caisse inégalé Le meilleur pour la fin: J'ai vraiment l'impression que Nguyen Trung Thanh est superman, Il est toujours disponible. quelque soit votre problème, vous serez assisté dans un temps record. Le Top Service après-vente de la communauté Odoo. Merci Nguyen Trung Thanh

Nguyen Trung Thanh...Many Many Thanks to you
MindBiz Solutions
on 11/24/19, 3:34 AM

Your Module is fantastic..I really appreciate your work and unmatched service.. Love to work with your company in future too. Really Great ..Bro.

Excelent Apps
on 9/13/19, 2:18 AM

Great Support From Bruce.. Thanks for Time and Support.

Excellent application It covers everything I need for my clients.
Joel Navas
on 9/11/19, 10:02 PM

I have covered the needs of my clients, restaurant, shops and businesses. Excellent support and attention. Bruce listens to the needs and gives us solutions.

Thanks Thanh for great work
Doan Tien Thinh
on 6/19/19, 10:04 AM

Thanks Thanh for great work shortly go live next week

Perfect module
josue cascante
on 5/9/19, 3:38 PM

Great Support, help you in every moment to solve improvements or bug tested in v12 Odoo very satisfied Only detail does not exist in Spanish

Re: Perfect module
on 6/26/19, 3:05 AM Author

Dear I very happy can help you grow your business. About translate you can translate module like translate module odoo origina, nothing difference And so if need more support please email to me thanhchatvn@gmail.com Many thanks

awesome !!!
Alvin Kurnia Kamal
on 2/8/19, 5:21 AM

so many thanks. this is a great module. the developer fix and help my problem so fast. thanks Bruce. :)

Amazing Module
on 12/20/18, 4:04 AM

Dear NGUYEN TRUNG THANH Thanks For your support and amazing module I have downloaded the latest version and install it on new database and it has been worked Thanks

Poor support and not recommended
Brian Alvaira
on 12/14/18, 9:57 PM

Modules work fine except for some delayed and bugs. Very poor support and it will take a lot of days just to contact the developer and sometimes leave you hanging. Never have bought this module if I known.

shopping experience
John Valero
on 3/28/23, 10:34 PM

I asked several questions about some modules that this developer offers, but we ended up arguing, because I wanted to be sure of the investment that was intended to be made, the seller is not friendly, and he gets angry for asking what benefits his development has that justifies the cost of they. I do not recommend it

on 9/10/21, 9:49 AM Confirmed Purchase


How can i test your app?

Best Regards

Not working module
Islam Salah
on 4/19/21, 11:14 PM

after install module and try to open session it says loading to res.company and nothing change , please advise urgently 

Re: Not working module
on 4/20/21, 12:10 AM Author

Dear Islam,

Please contact direct us via Skype for quickly support from US



on 1/17/21, 9:10 AM

With all the pride that I have been given, I raise to you all the most beautiful bouquets of love, praise and thanks for what you have provided and offered for the sake of your work, and you are always keen on the best performance and best results, and this gives a great impetus towards success and continuous work.

on 1/2/21, 11:10 AM


Odoo Server Error

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 656, in _handle_exception

    return super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 314, in _handle_exception

    raise pycompat.reraise(type(exception), exception, sys.exc_info()[2])

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/tools/pycompat.py", line 87, in reraise

    raise value

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 698, in dispatch

    result = self._call_function(**self.params)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 346, in _call_function

    return checked_call(self.db, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/service/model.py", line 98, in wrapper

    return f(dbname, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 339, in checked_call

    result = self.endpoint(*a, **kw)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 941, in __call__

    return self.method(*args, **kw)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 519, in response_wrap

    response = f(*args, **kw)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/addons/web/controllers/main.py", line 967, in call_button

    action = self._call_kw(model, method, args, {})

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/addons/web/controllers/main.py", line 955, in _call_kw

    return call_kw(request.env[model], method, args, kwargs)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/api.py", line 759, in call_kw

    return _call_kw_multi(method, model, args, kwargs)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/api.py", line 746, in _call_kw_multi

    result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs)

  File "<decorator-gen-61>", line 2, in button_immediate_install

  File "/odoo/custom/addons/base/models/ir_module.py", line 74, in check_and_log

    return method(self, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/odoo/custom/addons/base/models/ir_module.py", line 445, in button_immediate_install

    return self._button_immediate_function(type(self).button_install)

  File "/odoo/custom/addons/base/models/ir_module.py", line 561, in _button_immediate_function

    modules.registry.Registry.new(self._cr.dbname, update_module=True)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/registry.py", line 86, in new

    odoo.modules.load_modules(registry._db, force_demo, status, update_module)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/loading.py", line 421, in load_modules

    loaded_modules, update_module, models_to_check)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/loading.py", line 313, in load_marked_modules

    perform_checks=perform_checks, models_to_check=models_to_check

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/loading.py", line 188, in load_module_graph

    model_names = registry.load(cr, package)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/registry.py", line 241, in load

    model = cls._build_model(self, cr)

  File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/models.py", line 439, in _build_model

    raise TypeError("Model %r does not exist in registry." % name)

TypeError: Model 'pos.payment.method' does not exist in registry.

on 1/2/21, 10:08 PM Author

Please email to us thanhchatvn@gmail.com if you are purchased module (purchased support only)


Authorize discounts
on 12/28/20, 1:44 PM

Good day, we could indicate what options we have to authorize a discount remotely, say through a code of coordinates or through an sms that comes to the administrator an email with a code to be entered. 

Thank you very much 

nice modul
abyan faizel
on 8/14/20, 12:39 AM

can i get your skype id?

Re: nice modul
on 8/14/20, 1:08 AM Author

Dear Please contact me : https://join.skype.com/invite/j2NiwpI0OFND Thanks

v13 update
on 5/10/20, 10:49 PM Confirmed Purchase

The peace Sorry for the inconvenience but I could benefit from the v13 update

Re: v13 update
on 5/10/20, 11:10 PM Author

Dear fesnerga123, Sorry for don't get full your mean Can you explain what you wanted to our email: thanhchatvn@gmail.com Thanks

Upgrade to Ver 13.
MindBiz Solutions
on 1/24/20, 5:37 AM Confirmed Purchase

Hi. Kindly upgrade my Pos retial purchased ready to pay Euro150 as mention fee for this. send a Invoice to pay. After payment send me the download link of ver 13. -- Your temrs from this web page Free report bugs and issues made stuck business, without customs request forever (It mean from purchased to forever) When odoo release new version, we upgrade too. And fee upgrade $ 150 (EUR) (Only Source Code, without database)

on 12/22/19, 10:59 AM

Hello I want to buy this module but a little information is possible this module in French

Re: language
on 12/22/19, 9:45 PM Author

Dear Yes, Module support your country

Odoo V12 & V13
Akram Malik
on 10/29/19, 3:40 AM

Hi, If we purchase this module for Odoo V13, Do we get it for Odoo V12 as well?

Re: Odoo V12 & V13
on 10/29/19, 4:10 AM Author

Dear Thanks for your questions, so on version Odoo 13 Odoo wrote on header each app "Starting version 13.0, every version of the module is bought separately. Please be careful when adding the product to your cart.". It mean - If you add to cart and selected version 13, source codes only for 13 - If you add to cart and selected version 12, you will have source codes for 12, 11 and 10 So if you need both version (12 and 13). Required 2 times payment (on 12 and on 13) Thanks

Update for Odoo Version 13
Akram Malik
on 10/24/19, 3:21 PM

Hi Dear, you responded that it will be available for Version 13 by the end of this month, could you please confirm a date by which it will be available?

Re: Update for Odoo Version 13
on 10/24/19, 9:12 PM Author

Dear We will release at 30.10.2019 Many Thanks

Re: Update for Odoo Version 13
on 10/24/19, 9:12 PM Author

Dear We will release at 30.10.2019 Many Thanks

Can't find menu Retailers > Retail Setting
Loc Nguyen
on 10/15/19, 4:12 AM

Hi, In my Pos Retail app, I can't find menu Retailers > Retail Setting as mentioned in this userguide Is this old feature or the updated one? My package is "pos_retail-", purchased in this September.

Re: Can't find menu Retailers > Retail Setting
on 10/15/19, 5:07 AM Author

Dear Loc, You can update directly from odoo store, now is version 7.5.2.x If you need support direct me, you can contact me viva skype thanhchatvn Many Thanks

What does this means
Akram Malik
on 10/9/19, 1:53 PM

Hi, in the top of this page where you have written the introduction text for your module, I have read the following point, could you please elaborate what does it mean? "Supported sync between POS Sessions mode Online (all event change Orders). Mode Offline (example: Odoo server down, or your internet have issues) + 300 EUR payment directly to us"

Re: What does this means
on 10/9/19, 8:45 PM Author

Dear Akram, Current module supported good sync between sessions but required all sessions online internet or odoo server the same local network with pos seasions We have solution turn off internet, or server turn off but sync still working, it a extends custom and we charge 300$ for it If you have any questions can contact us viva skype thanhchatvn Many Thanks

Re: What does this means
on 10/9/19, 8:45 PM Author

Dear Akram, Current module supported good sync between sessions but required all sessions online internet or odoo server the same local network with pos seasions We have solution turn off internet, or server turn off but sync still working, it a extends custom and we charge 300$ for it If you have any questions can contact us viva skype thanhchatvn Many Thanks

Odoo Version 13
Akram Malik
on 10/7/19, 4:44 AM

Dear could you please tell me when it will be available for Odoo Version 13?

Re: Odoo Version 13
on 10/7/19, 9:01 AM Author

Dear End of this month we will upgrade to 13 Thanks

One User for multi pos multi shop
Jumeldi Panca Putra
on 8/20/19, 12:16 AM

Dear Author, 1. Can we use multi pos and multi shop with one user simultaneously by many cashier/employee? 2. If so, is there a password input for each of employee to load pos interface? 3. can it be applied for enterprise database?

Re: One User for multi pos multi shop
on 8/21/19, 2:21 PM Author

Dear Jumeldi, We have another module supported it, and depend on this module here : https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/12.0/pos_retail_multi_session/ Many Thanks

Mohammad salman
on 8/12/19, 4:34 PM

The amount of products sometimes shows up, sometimes doesn't show up, and when they show up, they don't decrease when they're sold.

Re: Mohammad salman
on 8/12/19, 9:09 PM Author

Dear Contatc us viva skype thanhchatvn for support, please dont comment here. We have not notification for support you Thanks

Mohammad salman
on 8/11/19, 5:07 PM

How it /Allow sync realtime between backend odoo with pos sessions /

Re: Mohammad salman
on 8/11/19, 8:24 PM Author

Dear, Please reading document guide of app of this app Thanks

internal server error
dion arya pamungkas
on 8/8/19, 10:32 PM

hi, when i want to open free trial, its show error internal server error. what happen?

Re: internal server error
on 8/8/19, 11:08 PM Author

Dear, Many thanks for reported, we upgrade and system back now

Error while enabling loyalty program
Oscar Mojica
on 7/2/19, 12:07 PM Confirmed Purchase

Hi I tried to use the loyalty program but when POS finished loading the screen stays in gray and don't show me any error o message! This just happen when I enable a loyalty program. Hope you can help me. Regards!

Re: Error while enabling loyalty program
on 7/2/19, 8:52 PM Author

Dear Please give me detail issue viva email thanhchatvn@gmail.com or skype thanhchatvn I will support you now Many thanks @Oscar

quantity reflected in POS sessions does not decreases
on 6/13/19, 2:16 AM Confirmed Purchase

Problem: If items are bought in the POS system, the quantity reflected in POS sessions does not decreases.

Re: quantity reflected in POS sessions does not decreases
on 6/26/19, 3:03 AM Author

Dear Please active your odoo longpolling. Module required it working for tracking stock on hand of products. And so if need quickly support please email to me : thanhchatvn@gmail.com Have nice day for you

About issues i send
omar bakry
on 6/3/19, 5:25 PM Confirmed Purchase

i need support email to send issues What Skype you update me

on 5/30/19, 6:54 AM Author

@Omar: Your issue we fixed and updated to you via skype @Mohammed: i have many feedback for you, hope work well

printing issue
on 5/25/19, 2:36 PM Confirmed Purchase

Dear Developer, We have bought your module and connected into 4 kitchen printers via raspberry, however 1st order is printing, second is not, but third will print second order and third together. could you support for this issue? thanks

Re: printing issue
on 6/26/19, 3:04 AM Author

Dear We updated to you last week but have not any response ? Can you update for me back about response update Thanks

Some issues in module
omar bakry
on 5/13/19, 7:44 AM Confirmed Purchase

1- list view is not working 2- in reciept there is no prices printed although i choose to display price 3- Product doesn't sync although i chose to sync product and refresh in 30 sec 4- if it is possible to replace the middle menu to the left and make it 2 columns only 5- it took so long to load the session although it is 5000 items only

Successfully installed
Doan Tien Thinh
on 5/8/19, 10:02 PM Confirmed Purchase

Successfully installed, thanks Thanh for great supports

Nzoji Carlos
on 3/19/19, 5:42 AM

this is a great module , it is fixed

POS Network printing
on 3/1/19, 10:26 AM Confirmed Purchase

Dears, I donot have pos box what is the way that i can add network printer?

on 2/28/19, 10:03 PM Author

Dear Ayman Salem, Please contact me via skype thanhchatvn and email thanhchatvn@gmail.com. Sorry i missed your message because when you comment here, we have not email or any notification Many Thanks

Ayman Salem
on 2/17/19, 4:46 AM

Hi There I've purchased this module but i have a problem with it When i try to scan the lot barcode it doesn't work I followed all the instructions in the video

the warning was fixed
Doan Tien Thinh
on 1/21/19, 7:21 AM Confirmed Purchase

Great thanks, it is fixed, see you around.

great supports
Doan Tien Thinh
on 1/20/19, 8:14 AM Confirmed Purchase

Thanks Bruce, the new version was successfully upgraded. It works properly. Best

Thanks, NGUYEN
Muhammad Jamal
on 12/24/18, 5:07 AM Confirmed Purchase

The URL working well and we are testing it now I will contact you on your mail Many thanks for your response

Dear Muhammad
on 12/23/18, 11:18 PM Author

Our module supported both EE & CE version (enterprise and community) And supported v10, 11 and 12 and later will upgrade 13 ... I didn't answer because when you push message here, we have not any notification from odoo apps. If you need any request or any questions, please inform me viva email: thanhchatvn@gmail.com Many Thanks

The demo database still down
Muhammad Jamal
on 12/22/18, 7:28 AM Confirmed Purchase

The demo database still down and you didn't answer, is it working well on the enterprise?

Dear Muhammad
on 12/21/18, 9:39 PM Author

Our server trial demo down last day We just made server online back, you can try again now Many Thanks

Dear Alvin
on 12/21/18, 9:38 PM Author

May be you copy module to server missing file Please contact us email: thanhchatvn@gmail.com or skype thanhchatvn Many thanks

Alvin Kurnia Kamal
on 12/21/18, 5:31 AM Confirmed Purchase

Odoo Client Error Uncaught Error: QWeb2: Template 'shop_logo_widget' not found http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/251-46904ec/web.assets_common.js:2908 Traceback: Error: QWeb2: Template 'shop_logo_widget' not found at Object.exception (http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/251-46904ec/web.assets_common.js:2908:7) at Engine._render (http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/251-46904ec/web.assets_common.js:2953:103) at Engine.render (http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/251-46904ec/web.assets_common.js:2949:151) at Class.renderElement (http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/251-46904ec/web.assets_common.js:3113:1073) at Class.renderElement (http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/359-a51c761/point_of_sale.assets.js:1672:921) at Class.prototype.(anonymous function) [as renderElement] (http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/251-46904ec/web.assets_common.js:3010:559) at http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/251-46904ec/web.assets_common.js:3113:917 at http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/251-46904ec/web.assets_common.js:547:681 at fire (http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/251-46904ec/web.assets_common.js:541:299) at Object.add [as done] (http://sistem.rajalistrik.com:8069/web/content/251-46904ec/web.assets_common.js:542:467)

Alvin Kurnia Kamal
on 12/21/18, 5:23 AM Confirmed Purchase

Uncaught Error: QWeb2: Template 'shop_logo_widget' not found what should i do ?

POS Blank Page
Alvin Kurnia Kamal
on 12/21/18, 5:21 AM Confirmed Purchase

Hi, i have some bug. My POS going to blank page after installing this module. please help me

Is it working on Enterprise?
Muhammad Jamal
on 12/20/18, 7:38 AM Confirmed Purchase

Dears, Is this module working on the enterprise? and I tried to signup but the URL not found http://bi.posodoo.com/saas_client/new_database?access_token=RHqfonurxCcdxIqelfH63q1PkJ8CAT&state={%22p%22%3A+4%2C+%22d%22%3A+%22BI.posodoo.com%22%2C+%22a%22%3A+31} I planed to but this product, so i need to test it. Many thanks

on 12/18/18, 9:51 PM Author

Dear ben.milyarder: all in one, included all modules to one Dear mina2017: Please remove module pos_cache

fisrt thank you for your quick reply and support and this is the message that appear to me ad really tahnk you for this wonderfull module but may be i have a problem in my installation
on 12/18/18, 4:36 AM Confirmed Purchase

Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fields' of undefined http://localhost:8069/web/content/1479-dfe889f/point_of_sale.assets.js:660 Traceback: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fields' of undefined at child.initialize (http://localhost:8069/web/content/1479-dfe889f/point_of_sale.assets.js:660:232) at child.initialize (http://localhost:8069/web/content/1479-dfe889f/point_of_sale.assets.js:702:60) at child.initialize (http://localhost:8069/web/content/1479-dfe889f/point_of_sale.assets.js:907:28) at child.Backbone.Model (http://localhost:8069/web/content/1477-fc315b9/web.assets_backend.js:39:1299) at child [as constructor] (http://localhost:8069/web/content/1477-fc315b9/web.assets_backend.js:81:455) at child [as constructor] (http://localhost:8069/web/content/1477-fc315b9/web.assets_backend.js:81:455) at child [as constructor] (http://localhost:8069/web/content/1477-fc315b9/web.assets_backend.js:81:455) at child [as constructor] (http://localhost:8069/web/content/1477-fc315b9/web.assets_backend.js:81:455) at child [as constructor] (http://localhost:8069/web/content/1477-fc315b9/web.assets_backend.js:81:455) at child [as constructor] (http://localhost:8069/web/content/1477-fc315b9/web.assets_backend.js:81:455)

I'm really interested on your module
on 12/17/18, 3:09 AM

Hi TL Technology,, I'm interested in this module, and have a couple of questions also : 1. Do you have any demo link so i could try all futures for maybe a week ? 2. Is Big Data feature modules already includes in this module (450 euro)?? 3. Besides this POS All in One Module, I'm seeing other modules which names is related, such as Big Data Module, POS Base, POS Discount Validation, POS Multicurrency Payment, POS Create Sales Order, POS Customer Pricelist, etc... are they includes on POS All In One Futures module ??

Great supports! thanks for your time.
Doan Tien Thinh
on 12/16/18, 8:20 PM Confirmed Purchase

Great Support
Le Thi Diem Lan
on 12/16/18, 2:41 AM

Thanks for great supports on configuring the modules Lan

on 12/16/18, 12:16 AM Author

Dear Brian May be we missed your request because i have see any request support from you. Can you contact me skype thanhchatvn or email to thanhchatvn@gmail.com Thanks

i Cant use
Nzoji Carlos
on 12/3/18, 11:51 AM

Hi I bought your software 3 months ago and so far I can not work with it. I want your help in the following: I want a portuguese version And installation manuals pls

Kari Lindgren
on 11/28/18, 9:16 AM

This app works for Odoo 12 CE version? Have you used PosBox with this?

Kari Lindgren
on 11/28/18, 9:14 AM

What equipment you have tested with this app? Barcode reader, cash box, card reader, printer etc?

on 11/18/18, 4:34 AM Author

Dear Amitendra On top this page have button Live Preview click and go to link http://posodoo.com/web/signup for signup demo Thanks

Need to see demo
Amitendra Singh
on 11/16/18, 8:32 PM

Hi, I would like to see demo before purchase. Amit

on 11/12/18, 12:30 PM Author

Dear Lan Thanks so much for your rate, keep your work. We always keep support you grow your pos system Regards

[5 stars] Excellent POS APP
Le Thi Diem Lan
on 11/11/18, 5:43 PM

The best of apps, their support awesome, always available and fast support. Some issues not coming this module but they support too. Keep your work. Thanks so much

5 stars for great supports
Doan Tien Thinh
on 11/7/18, 4:55 AM Confirmed Purchase

Thanks for great supports on configuring the modules. Best Thinh

on 11/2/18, 1:34 AM

The module is great and on top of it, their support is awesome. Always ready to help and resolve issues as well as take requests for changes and execute everything quickly. Awesome guy to work with.

christian muland
on 10/25/18, 2:06 AM

Excellent, Bravo. Which kind of POS machine will you recommand me to use?

Thanks so much
on 10/23/18, 12:46 PM Author

@Mr.Thinh: Thanks so much your comment, hope you doing well. If have troubles, inform me. We always support you

5 stars *****
Doan Tien Thinh
on 10/21/18, 10:30 PM Confirmed Purchase

Excellent job, the v12 is working properly. Best