v 13.0 Third Party 7530
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 5891
Technical Name formio
Versions 17.0 11.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 12.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 5891
Technical Name formio
Versions 17.0 11.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 12.0

Form Builder & Forms integration

Build easy-to-use, professional and versatile Forms to integrate and collect any information you need for your business.

Compatible with Enterprise and Community

Works on Odoo.sh


Subject Description
Form Builder Powerful "drag & drop" Form Builder in Odoo.
Form Builders (designs) are stored in database (form builder) records.
Forms - Form submissions are stored in database (form) records.
- Create / publish / share a Form in backend, website, portal, by email or a hyperlink.
- Assign Form(s) to (portal) user and send invitation by mail.
- View, analyse, use and share Forms (submissions data).
JSON data - A Form Builder (design) is stored as JSON data in the schema field of a form builder record.
- A submitted Form (input data) is stored as JSON data in the submission field of a form record.
Highly configurable Easily configure your Forms deployment, publishing and other functionalities (in the Form Builder).
Integration (ERP, workflow, website, e-commerce) Benefit from real power by integrating Forms with your workflow, ERP, website, e-commerce and other business apps / modules.
- Implement automated actions to handle Form submissions to integrate with anything you want.
- Visit the other Forms modules to get a basic idea of configurable integration modules -- Click the author link "Nova Code" in the top.
Populate Form fields with Odoo fields/data Example: populate a selection/dropdown field where choices are Odoo Products, filtered by some product-category.
Multilingual & Translations management - Forms and Builders are multilingual.
- Language-switch buttons are automatically available in the form and form builder.
- Manage custom translations (e.g. labels, select choices, buttons) in the Form Builder.
- The default language is determined and automatically determined / set by: website → logged in (portal) user.
- If the website is enabled, the language (translations) also react upon the website language-switch.
Upgrade-tool formio.js library assets Upgrade the formio.js library assets (js, css) when a new version is available, by just a few clicks.
Developer Friendly - Extend, customize the Odoo Forms modules.
- Develop new Odoo Forms modules.
- Develop custom Form components e.g. QR-code scanning, a value slider, reCAPTCHA component (already released as module) etc.
Installation After installation you can start right away. No extra technical requirements or setup.
Odoo database migration Form builders, forms (submissions) and other related data remain compatible in newer Odoo versions, even when you migrate the database.
Mainly due to the JSON data storage of the form builders (designs) and form submissions.
We open source - LGPL-3 licensed
- Issue reports and contributions are welcome on https://github.com/novacode-nl/odoo-formio

Releases and Changelog

Changelog is available on the GitHub project

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User Documentation

User Documentation is available on the GitHub Wiki


Visit the online Demo

Click the "Live Preview" button in the top.

Users (email / password)

  • demo / demo
  • portal / portal

Form Builders

Configure, design and store in Odoo

Form Builders

Form Builder Configuration

Form Builder

Forms & Submissions

Create a Form (in Odoo or by hyperlink)

Form: Pending

Form: Completed

Form: Submission form-view

Form Submissions

Module configuration


List of Available & Installed formio.js versions

Download & Install Available formio.js versions

Higly recommended additional modules

The modules below get your forms usage and implementation to the next level.

Name URL Pricing
Filestore Storage https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/formio_storage_filestore/ Free
QWeb Reports https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/formio_report_qweb/ Free
Components API https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/formio_components_api/ Premium, purchase a license
Theming https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/formio_theming/ Premium, purchase a license
ETL Interface https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/formio_etl/ Premium, purchase a license
Deploy Tool https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/formio_deploy/ Premium, purchase a license

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  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author, please use the developer contact information. They can usually be found in the description.
Please choose a rating from 1 to 5 for this module.
Very Good Job- Well Done
Doğan Üstündağ
on 5/14/20, 6:39 AM

I have not fully checked all related mods. But this is a very good 3rd party mod. with related mods. for engineering calculations etc.. The provider has done very good works. Thanks Dogan

Re: Very Good Job- Well Done
Bob Leers
on 5/14/20, 7:51 AM Author

Thanks for your review and rating Doğan! By the way.... Soon a NEW Form.io module "ETL Interface" shall be released - Explore all Forms data as records in generated models and configurable views (tree/list, form, search, graph). The ETL Interface can be setup in every Form Builder.

Flex Keller
on 8/9/22, 6:09 AM

I get the following error:


it is too big to post here.

Bob Leers
on 8/9/22, 8:40 AM Author

Ok I see. 

Seems the external ID of the NL language can’t be found in your odoo installation.

Please could you submit a GitHub issue so I can analyse and follow up, reply from there?


Flex Keller
on 7/19/22, 3:34 AM

I'm also not able to install V13


Bob Leers
on 7/19/22, 4:09 AM Author

I need more info.

yes, thanks for the update
Gobezu Sewu
on 5/9/21, 9:49 AM

I was unable to uninstall it

I hope to get back to it at later date

unable to uninstall
Gobezu Sewu
on 5/9/21, 12:00 AM

I keep getting the following error code when trying to uninstall.

Please help!

AttributeError: 'psycopg2.extensions.cursor' object has no attribute 'postcommit'
Re: unable to uninstall
Bob Leers
on 5/9/21, 2:47 AM Author

Thanks for your issue report.

Has been solved now. Please download and replace the module.

Bob Leers
on 8/10/20, 2:25 PM Author

Regarding the (Form.io Form) snippet... You need the module "Form.io Website" - https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/website_formio/ (V13 tough).

Can't find the form.io builder snippet
on 8/10/20, 1:41 PM

I installed Form.io, Form.io Website and Form.io CRM on Odoo V12 but can't seem to find the form builder (Form.io Form) snippet like you have in your demo site. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks in advance.

Re: Can't find the form.io builder snippet
Bob Leers
on 8/10/20, 2:08 PM Author

Hi Odi, this is currently only available in V13. Would you like to backport it? Please send me a mail "bob (at) novacode (dot) nl" or submit a pull-request on GitHub :) Greets, Bob

Bob Leers
on 8/8/20, 3:04 PM Author

Regarding a file-upload server as storage type... I know somebody who implemented a Angular (ng) upload server for form.io files. LINK: https://github.com/walkerblackwell/formio-upload-unauthenticated It also requires a webproxy (e.g. nginx) front-end with htpasswd or some other separate authentication scheme for download of files. Otherwise everything is public by default.

Really looks good, but
on 8/7/20, 7:22 PM

I need a pointer on how to link a data container (file storage) for the Upload content. Thank you, d

Re: Really looks good, but
Bob Leers
on 8/8/20, 6:53 AM Author

Hi Damon, currently one can upload and store files (in form submission_data) with Base64 storage type - configured in the File component. The other storage types ain't supported (yet) by this integration module. I know it's still a disadvantage. Maybe I, or Formio JS library or contributors can come up with a solution (e.g. a new component, extension or an integration feature in this Odoo module). Best ! greets, Bob