AA-Employee Attendance Penalty



v 13.0 Third Party 3
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Attendances (hr_attendance)
Discuss (mail)
Employees (hr)
Project (project)
Lines of code 21477
Technical Name hr_attendance_penalty
Versions 14.0 13.0 17.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Attendances (hr_attendance)
Discuss (mail)
Employees (hr)
Project (project)
Lines of code 21477
Technical Name hr_attendance_penalty
Versions 14.0 13.0 17.0

AA-Employee Attendance Penalty

This employee attendance penalty module allows you to record the attendance penalties and policy of every employee who marks their attendance using any attendance system.

In this module we have developed a penalty record system through which we can analyze different factors like when employees are late, take half day, or early check out from the office or take leave from the office etc. On the basis of these penalty scores we can find which employee has got the highest penalty and which has the lowest.

How Does It Work?

The Employee Attendance Penalty Module is simple and easy to use. The employees just have to check in and check out. The penalties are applied on the basis of the check in and check out and according to rules that are defined in the attendance policy table.

Main Features

Overtime calculation features are also added to this module

Penalties are editable by the administrator of the system in case of any wrong data from the attendance source.

It is also a customizable module. You can change the penalty in the policy table.

Scoring the employees becomes easy with this system.

This module helps in payroll making.

Groups are added for selecting the month, year, or day-wise penalty

Check in/out record with proper Penalty

Get rid of manual calculation. The system will automatically grade Employee according to penalty. The Penalty is a number defined in Attendance Policy table. Through which Employee check in and Check out is monitored. There are rules that are defined through which penalty will be applied

can Check there penalties day, week, month or year wise

Groups are added for more clear view. Employee of the organization can apply different Groups to see day, week, month or year wise result. Basis on group Employee can see Total Penalty day, week, month or year wise.

Hr Manager or Administrator
can change Employee penalty

Incase of any wrong data the Hr Manager or Administrator of system can change the penalty of there Employees. There are two penalties "Penalty" and "Final Penalty". Penalty is not editable. It is changing dynamically on the basis of time. While Final Penalty is editable for Administrator. This change in Employee attendance will also be recorded in Log table located in Reporting

Overtime Calculation Feature
Calculates overtime basis of office hours

Overtime feature added which Calculates the overtime based on office working hours. This feature helps in Payroll making. Extra paid hours can be easily seen from this option

Customize Attendance Policy Table
Easy Customize

The table lets you easily customize the Attendace Policy table. You can change the penalties (Action column).

Install Time off and then isntall AA-Employee Attendance Penalty from app

Then create the Attendance Policy table

Go to main settings of odoo. Hover in the technical menu. In technical menu scroll down and click on working times. In working times create a new working time or select existing one.

Attendance Policy Table

Now in working time you see Attendance Policy tab. Click on this tab and create a Attendance Policy table. Save the changes

  1. In "Policy Name" column there are different policy we have defined for Employyes. On the basis of that we are assigning penalty to Employee. Like if xyz employee enter late into office there penalty would be 0.1
  2. The second column "Rules" are the technical python code which assign penalty.
  3. In "Policy Status" we have "Sign in" and "Sign out". Some policy are depend upon "Sign in" like when Employee become late then this Late arrival will be calculated on "Sign in". Similarly if the employee leaves early then this early out will be calculated on "Sign out"
  4. "Action" column are the numbers in decimal format. They are the penalty applied against the "Rules" and "Policy Status"
  5. Process column contains "Keep processing" and "Stop processing"

Select Employees Profile

Make sure that in the employee profile, you have selected the same working times in which you have defined the Attendance Policy table. Otherwise the rules and policy will not be applied

All settings are set now

When the Employee Check in and Check out, proper penalties applied according to Attendance Policy table. Below image is the sample attendance record

Attendance Change log

We have added a feature through Administrator can track all the changes made to Employee Check in, check out, penalty, old penalty, new penalty thus all the chnages made to Employee attendance. This settings is located under menu Reporting (Change logs)

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