Odoo Backend Add Tawk.to



v 13.0 Third Party 3
Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 41
Technical Name odoo_add_tawk_to
Versions 15.0 16.0 17.0 12.0 14.0 13.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 41
Technical Name odoo_add_tawk_to
Versions 15.0 16.0 17.0 12.0 14.0 13.0

Odoo Backend Add Tawk.to

Allows you to add Tawk.to in your Odoo Backend

1. Enter your Tawk.to id.
2. Tawk.to in odoo Backend.

If You Need Any Help Please Contact

Email Id: erpmstra@gmail.com

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jill Saavedra
on 8/10/20, 2:22 PM

Buenas tardes, Me indica por favor a través de que medio puedo solicitar información del costo de integración Tawk.to para mi pàgina WEB Odoo SH, el precio de $10.64 es mensual o anual o? Así mismo, estoy interesado en adquirir también la integración chat WhatsApp. Atento a sus indicaciones. Gracias y Saludos. Atentamente, JillS.

ErpMstra Softwar
on 8/11/20, 12:40 AM Author

Hi, Please contact me by my email id erpmstra@gmail.com for proper discussion. Thanks

odule integrated with the Mesangens?
Diego Silva dos Santos
on 6/13/20, 10:53 AM

Hello, is this module integrated with the Mesangens? Module, For example, the message history is saved on twik and is it not the message module? is the same with records in form views with message support?

Re: odule integrated with the Mesangens?
ErpMstra Softwar
on 6/13/20, 11:24 AM Author

Hi, Please contact me by my email id erpmstra@gmail.com for proper discussion. Thanks