Odoo 15,14,13 Customize OEM(Boost, Data reset)

Odoo 69
v 14.0 Third Party 46128
Download for v 14.0 Deploy on Odoo.sh
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 1728
Technical Name app_odoo_customize
Versions 11.0 9.0 12.0 10.0 14.0 16.0 13.0 15.0 17.0
You bought this module and need support? Click here!
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 1728
Technical Name app_odoo_customize
Versions 11.0 9.0 12.0 10.0 14.0 16.0 13.0 15.0 17.0

odoo Tweak,Ai Employee,Boost,Customize All in One.

Customize,UI,Boost,Security,Data,Development Enhance

For Odoo17. Please get from the follow github. Done for 85%.


This is a Long Term Support Apps.Update: v14.24.03.11

  • 1. Deletes Odoo label in footer
  • 2. Replaces "Odoo" in Windows title
  • 3. Customize Documentation, Support, About links and title in usermenu
  • 4. Adds "Developer mode" link to the top right-hand User Menu.
  • 5. Adds Quick Language Switcher to the top right-hand User Menu.
  • 6. Adds Country flags to the top right-hand User Menu.
  • 7. Adds English and Chinese user documentation access to the top right-hand User Menu.
  • 8. Adds developer documentation access to the top right-hand User Menu.
  • 9. Customize "My odoo.com account" button
  • 10. Standalone setting panel, easy to setup.
  • 11. Provide 236 country flags.
  • 12. Multi-language Support.
  • 13. Change Powered by Odoo in login screen.(Please change '../views/app_odoo_customize_view.xml' #15)
  • 14. Quick delete test data in Apps: Sales/POS/Purchase/MRP/Inventory/Accounting/Project/Base Models.
  • 15. Reset All the Sequence to beginning of 1: SO/PO/MO/Invoice...
  • 16. Fix odoo reload module translation bug while enable english language
  • 17. Stop Odoo Auto Subscribe(Performance Improve)
  • 18. Show/Hide Author and Website in Apps Dashboard (odoo 11 only)
  • 19. One Click to clear all data (Sometime pls click twice)
  • 20. Show quick upgrade in app dashboard, click to show module info not go to odoo.com
  • 21. Can clear and reset account chart. Be cautious.
  • 22. Update online manual and developer document to odoo12.
  • 23. Add reset or clear website blog data
  • 24. Customize Odoo Native Module(eg. Enterprise) Url
  • 25. Add remove expense data
  • 26. Add multi uninstall modules
  • 27. Add odoo boost modules link.
  • 28. Easy Menu manager.
  • 29. Apps version compare. Add Install version in App list. Add Local updatable filter in app list.
  • 30. 1 key export app translate file like .po file.
  • 32. Fix odoo bug of complete name bug of product category and stock location..
  • 33. Add Demo Ribbon Setting.
  • 34. Add Remove all quality data.
  • 35. Fixed for odoo 14.
  • 36. Add refresh translate for multi module.
  • 37. Easy noupdate manage for External Identifiers(xml_id).
  • 38. Add Draggable Dialog enable.
  • 39. Only erp manager can see debug menu.
  • 40. Fix support for enterprise version.
  • 41. Fix odoo bug, when click Preferences menu not hide in mobile.
  • 42. Add menu navbar setup for top or bottom. navigator footer support.
  • 43. Check to only Debug / Debug Assets for Odoo Admin. Deny debug from url for other user.
  • 44. Check to stop subscribe and follow. This to make odoo speed up.
  • 45. Add addons path info to module.
  • 46. Add Help documentation anywhere. easy get help for any odoo operation or action.

If you want to change the login page.

Please modify the file \views\app_odoo_customize_views.xml

This module can help to white label the Odoo. Also helpful for training and support for your odoo end-user.
The user can get the help document just by one click.

Help Document Anywhere

Get Help Documentation on current odoo operation or topic.

You can use you company logo for the document with you help document

You can set extra help doc for any addons

Must in development mode

New Ai Center Support

You can install Ai service like chatgpt and google bard and azure openai.

Odoo Customize(Debranding Title,Language,Documentation,Quick Debug)

Multi-language support: Chinese ready

How to use: Go to Settings -> odooAi -> Customize Boost Odoo

OEM White label your odoo

Replaces "Odoo" in Windows title, Deletes Odoo label in footer, Customize all odoo link to my link

Mobile Enhance. Add menu navbar setup for top or bottom. navigator footer support.

Easy set navbar on bottom or top.


Eonly Debug / Debug Assets for Odoo Admin. Deny debug from url for other user.stop subscribe and follow. This to make odoo speed up.

Add quick operation for odoo modules.

Refresh translate. Upgrade, Uninstall, help on topic

Easy mass module operation

Easy Export translate follow your language

Add Draggable and sizeable Dialog enable.

Show/Hide Author and Website in Apps Dashboard


After uncheck "Show Author in Apps Dashboard"

Show quick upgrade in app dashboard, click to show module info not go to odoo.com

No more redirect to odoo.com

Setup more flags: just rename the flag pic to locale code of the country

You can find the pictures in "\app-odoo\app_odoo_customize\static\src\img\flags"

Customize Extra enterprise Module Url(eg. Enterprise).

Quick Delete test Data.

You can quickly delete all the test data in Apps: Sales/POS/Purchase/MRP/Inventory/Accounting/Message/Workflow etc.

Multi-language Support..

Also you can get more powerful odoo apps from us. . like [superbar widget]

This moduld allows user to quickly customize and debranding Odoo. Quick debug, Language Switcher, Online Documentation Access,Quick Data Clear.

Support odoo 16,15,14,13, 12, 11, 10, 9. Including community and enterprise version.

This is a Long Term Support Apps.

Update: v16.23.09.13

UI enhance. follow odoo16 setup UI.

46. Add Help documentation anywhere. easy get help for any odoo operation or action.

45. Add addons path info to module.

Update: v16.23.08.15

43. Check to only Debug / Debug Assets for Odoo Admin. Deny debug from url for other user.

44. Check to stop subscribe and follow. This to make odoo speed up.

Update: v16.23.07.25

42. Add menu navbar setup for top or bottom. navigator footer support.

Update: v16.23.07.14

41. Fix odoo bug, when click Preferences menu not hide in mobile.

Update: v16.23.05.04

Fix bug in mobile view in popup menu.

Update: v16.23.02.17

Fix odoo Debug and Debug Assets.

Update: v16.23.02.06

Fix odoo ribbon.

Fix odoo translate update.

Update: v16.22.10.21

Add odoo16 support.

Update: v15.21.10.21

odoo15 remove data optimization. Easy and fast remove big data.

Update: v15.22.03.15

Add odoo15 supported.

Update: v13.21.08.04

39. Only erp manager can see debug menu..

38. Add Draggable Dialog enable.

37. Easy noupdate manage for External Identifiers(xml_id).

Update: v14.21.03.31

Account date reset, and account chart reset support multi company reset.

Update: v14.21.03.30

38. Add Draggable Dialog enable.

37. Easy noupdate manage for External Identifiers(xml_id).

Update: v14.21.03.03

Fixed odoo Title.

Update: v14.20.12.29

36. Add refresh translate for multi module.

Update: v14.20.08.29

35. Add odoo 14 Support.

34. Add Remove all quality data(for odoo Enterprise)

33. Add Demo Ribbon Setting.

32. Fix odoo bug of complete name bug of product category and stock location.

Update: v13.20.08.29

36. Add odoo 14 support.

Update: v13.20.04.12

31. Show or hide odoo Referral in the top menu.

Update: v13.20.03.23

30. 1 key export app translate file like .po file.

Update: v13.20.02.25

28. Easy Menu manager.

29. Add Install version in App list. Add Local updatable filter in app list.

Update: v13.19.10.19

27. Add Odoo 13 support, all function add

Update: v12.19.04.30

26. Add multi uninstall modules

Update: v12.19.04.18

25. Add remove expense data

Update: v12.19.04.17

Add Customize Odoo Native Module(eg. Enterprise) Url

Update: v12.19.3.15

Add reset or clear website blog data

Update: v12.19.3.12

Optimize chinese translate and document.

Fix bug: Data reset.

Update: v12.19.1.20

Fix bug: Save config error.

Update: v12.19.1.05

Fix bug: If you install Muk moudle, odooapp customize would pop error like "attachment_location". Sometime you need to uninstall this app and restart odoo, install again to take affect.

Update: v12.0.12.25

add 22. Update online manual and developer document to odoo12.

Update: v12.0.11.08

Add 21. Reset Account Chart.

Update: v12.0.9.30

Add 20. Show quick upgrade in app dashboard

Update: v12.0.9.25

Now ready for Odoo 13,12, please email to me. guohuadeng@hotmail.com

Update: v12.0.7.23

Fix Login bug when install website.

Add 19. One Click to clear all data (Sometime pls click twice)

Add 18. Show/Hide Author and Website in Apps Dashboard

More Powerful addons:

odooai.cn Awesome Odoo Addons

Odoo 16, 15, 14, 12, 11, 10 Support. Community and Enterprise version support

  • 1. Deletes Odoo label in footer
  • 2. Replaces "Odoo" in Windows title
  • 3. Customize Documentation, Support, About links and title in usermenu
  • 4. Adds "Developer mode" link to the top right-hand User Menu.
  • 5. Adds Quick Language Switcher to the top right-hand User Menu.
  • 6. Adds Country flags to the top right-hand User Menu.
  • 7. Adds English and Chinese user documentation access to the top right-hand User Menu.
  • 8. Adds developer documentation access to the top right-hand User Menu.
  • 9. Customize "My odoo.com account" button
  • 10. Standalone setting panel, easy to setup.
  • 11. Provide 236 country flags.
  • 12. Multi-language Support.
  • 13. Change Powered by Odoo in login screen.(Please change '../views/app_odoo_customize_view.xml' #15)
  • 14. Quick delete test data in Apps: Sales/POS/Purchase/MRP/Inventory/Accounting/Project/Base Models.
  • 15. Reset All the Sequence to beginning of 1: SO/PO/MO/Invoice...
  • 16. Fix odoo reload module translation bug while enable english language
  • 17. Stop Odoo Auto Subscribe(Performance Improve)
  • 18. Show/Hide Author and Website in Apps Dashboard (odoo 11 only)
  • 19. One Click to clear all data (Sometime pls click twice)
  • 20. Show quick upgrade in app dashboard, click to show module info not go to odoo.com
  • 21. Can clear and reset account chart. Be cautious.
  • 22. Update online manual and developer document to odoo12.
  • 23. Add reset or clear website blog data
  • 24. Customize Odoo Native Module(eg. Enterprise) Url
  • 25. Add remove expense data
  • 26. Add multi uninstall modules
  • 27. Add odoo boost modules link.
  • 28. Easy Menu manager.
  • 29. Apps version compare. Add Install version in App list. Add Local updatable filter in app list.
  • 30. 1 key export app translate file like .po file.
  • 32. Fix odoo bug of complete name bug of product category and stock location..
  • 33. Add Demo Ribbon Setting.
  • 34. Add Remove all quality data.
  • 35. Fixed for odoo 14.
  • 36. Add refresh translate for multi module.
  • 37. Easy noupdate manage for External Identifiers(xml_id).
  • 38. Add Draggable Dialog enable.
  • 39. Only erp manager can see debug menu.
  • 40. Fix support for enterprise version.
  • 41. Fix odoo bug, when click Preferences menu not hide in mobile.
  • 42. Add menu navbar setup for top or bottom. navigator footer support.
  • 43. Check to only Debug / Debug Assets for Odoo Admin. Deny debug from url for other user.
  • 44. Check to stop subscribe and follow. This to make odoo speed up.
  • 45. Add addons path info to module.
  • 46. Add addons path info to module.

If you want to change the login page.

Please modify the file \views\app_odoo_customize_views.xml

This module can help to white label the Odoo. Also helpful for training and support for your odoo end-user.
The user can get the help document just by one click.

Help Document Anywhere

Get Help Documentation on current odoo operation or topic.

You can use you company logo for the document with you help document

You can set extra help doc for any addons

Must in development mode

New Ai Center Support

You can install Ai service like chatgpt and google bard and azure openai.

Odoo Customize(Debranding Title,Language,Documentation,Quick Debug)

Multi-language support: Chinese ready

How to use: Go to Settings -> odooAi -> Customize Boost Odoo

OEM White label your odoo

Replaces "Odoo" in Windows title, Deletes Odoo label in footer, Customize all odoo link to my link

Mobile Enhance. Add menu navbar setup for top or bottom. navigator footer support.

Easy set navbar on bottom or top.


Eonly Debug / Debug Assets for Odoo Admin. Deny debug from url for other user.stop subscribe and follow. This to make odoo speed up.

Add quick operation for odoo modules.

Refresh translate. Upgrade, Uninstall, help on topic

Easy mass module operation

Easy Export translate follow your language

Add Draggable and sizeable Dialog enable.

Show/Hide Author and Website in Apps Dashboard


After uncheck "Show Author in Apps Dashboard"

Show quick upgrade in app dashboard, click to show module info not go to odoo.com

No more redirect to odoo.com

Setup more flags: just rename the flag pic to locale code of the country

You can find the pictures in "\app-odoo\app_odoo_customize\static\src\img\flags"

Customize Extra enterprise Module Url(eg. Enterprise).

Quick Delete test Data.

You can quickly delete all the test data in Apps: Sales/POS/Purchase/MRP/Inventory/Accounting/Message/Workflow etc.

Technical Help & Support

For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us


Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)


Visit our website for more support.


Please log in to comment on this module

  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author, please use the developer contact information. They can usually be found in the description.
Please choose a rating from 1 to 5 for this module.
on 2/8/22, 10:09 PM
  File "/home/odoo14/odoo-14/odoo/tools/convert.py", line 530, in _tag_record
    raise Exception("Cannot update missing record %r" % xid)
Exception: Cannot update missing record 'base.module_web_studio'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

  File "/home/odoo14/odoo-14/odoo/http.py", line 316, in _handle_exception
    raise exception.with_traceback(None) from new_cause
odoo.tools.convert.ParseError: while parsing /home/odoo14/odoo-14/odoo/my_addons/app_odoo_customize/data/ir_module_module_data.xml:4, near
<record model="ir.module.module" id="base.module_web_studio">
            <field name="website">https://www.sunpop.cn</field>

Error Delete invoice
on 3/8/21, 10:55 AM

This Module  Not Clear Account Move 

Re: Error Delete invoice
ivan deng
on 6/4/21, 5:36 AM Author

in communicate version is ok.

in enterprise, you should add some code by yourself.

Replaces "Odoo" in Windows title is not working in odoo14
on 2/19/21, 3:22 AM

would you please update it

Re: Replaces "Odoo" in Windows title is not working in odoo14
ivan deng
on 10/2/21, 2:02 AM Author

support now.

pls update

on 2/8/22, 10:14 PM

App Settings: "My Odoo.com Account Title" is not work
Komarov Oleksandr
on 5/21/21, 12:27 PM

App Settings: "My Odoo.com Account Title" is not work
it's not change name of menu "My Odoo.com account" in User menu.

but "My Odoo.com Account Url" - is work fine.

32. Fix odoo bug of complete name bug of product category and stock location
Jamie Perry
on 1/4/21, 5:36 PM

(32) Please explain what bug this is fixing? or refer me to the file in this module that fixes the bug so I may understand.