odoo16 Advance Search Sidebar with Hierarchy Parent Children Tree



v 14.0 Third Party 95
Odoo Online
On Premise
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 10759
Technical Name app_web_superbar
Versions 13.0 12.0 10.0 17.0 16.0 11.0 14.0 15.0
You bought this module and need support? Click here!
Odoo Online
On Premise
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 10759
Technical Name app_web_superbar
Versions 13.0 12.0 10.0 17.0 16.0 11.0 14.0 15.0

Advance Search, Advance Filter with Parent Children Tree.

Buy this 1 Advance Search Apps in odoo Store. Get free 20+ Free related apps.

Also We provide pro version app_web_superbar_pro. Just pay extra $68 if you already buy [app_web_superbar]

Buy You can get more detail for the pro version.

Visit to get [app_web_superbar_pro] Demo

Easy to navigator and browse any data. Support Search more, list, kanban, pivot, graph view.

Date range or datetime range search, number range search, boolean search, lazy search for big data.

What you see is what you get for [app_web_superbar_pro]. Online demo user/password: demo/demo Click to get demo.

Key features:
  • Update: v16.22.12.28, Release odoo 16 version
  • Update: v15.21.12.06, Release odoo 15 version
  • Update: v14.20.11.06, Release odoo 14 version 2.0
  • Update: v13.019.12.20, fix icon show if set the section icon.
  • Update: v13.019.12.08, add parameter support: searchpanel_domain_group_id.
  • Update: v13.019.05.24, Support group, Support multi company in view(only for odoo12,13).
  • Update: v13.019.05.23, Enhance UI. Add Pos Function.
  • Easy to show parent children tree for tree, kanban, pivot, graph view.(Note that there would be little different in UI between odoo12,11,10)
  • Filter product of any data in "Search More..." popup windows.
  • Responsive UI.Only show when width > 992px;
  • Product navigate by category or type is ready. Click to download.
  • Pos navigate by category or store is ready. Click to download.
  • Account chart navigate by type is ready. Click to download.
  • Contacts navigate by company is ready. Click to download.
  • Sale order navigate by partner and channel is ready. Click to download.
  • CRM browse by stage and team is ready. Click to download.
  • Purchase order navigate by partner is ready. Click to download.
  • Stock location navigate by parent, Picking by type is ready. Click to download.
  • HR employee navigate by department is ready. Click to download.
  • MRP manufacture order navigate by state workcenter is ready. Click to download.
  • Apps Navigator by Category, Module Navigator is ready. Click to download.
  • It is so easy to customize, you can use it in anywhere in odoo(Extra pay for support).


So Easy to navigator and search any data.

Product by category or type in kanban view


Filter product or any data in search more windows

Free to Use in product category.

Free to Use in POS point of sale.

POS product and order.

POS report.

Use in HR employee.

Use in Account.

Use in Sale.

Use in CRM.

Use in purchase.

Use in MRP.

Use in stock.

Use in contacts.

Apps Navigator by Category, Module Navigator is ready.


How to use! This app need no extra module. The price already included

1. Buy and Install app_web_superbar. Important! Reboot odoo after installed.

2. Easy use of superbar

Show superbar in list view.

Show superbar in kanban view.

Show superbar in pivot view.

Show superbar in graph view.

Click switch to show or hide superbar.

Select Multi Nodes

Set multi field to search or filter

4. If you want to customize, Use follow param to setup widget(Extra pay for support):

Attribute of superbar

  • In search view xml, Write the <searchpanel> tag,
  • field: like normal field define

Also We provide pro version app_web_superbar_pro. Just pay extra $68 if you already buy [app_web_superbar]

Buy You can get more detail for the pro version.

Technical Help & Support

For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us


Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)


Visit our website for more support.


Please log in to comment on this module

  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.
No service at all!!!!
on 1/24/23, 6:12 AM

I have been trying to get in touch with them for over a year now, where I would like them to fix the above module so that it works together with the document app that you can get in Odoo's system.

Re: No service at all!!!!
ivan deng
on 1/29/23, 9:00 AM Author

What a spam client

Already reply ur mail. But i think u do not understand without basic technology knowledge.


 an over a year order, pls dont keep rubbish  mail me every week.
pls check the policy in odoo website.

Tom Lanbacher
on 9/14/21, 3:17 AM


You have to read my informations. I'm using version   Thas means It belongs to Odoo 13 and NOT Version 14

I know that superbar is working for Products and for Emplyees  - BUT THIS IS NOT THE QUESTION!!

I like to have superbar for CONTACTS! Do you understand  >> for CONTACTS! Is this supportet some how by any of your apps or not?

If not, can you do this as custom work?

ivan deng
on 9/14/21, 6:40 AM Author

already reply below.

also i would update in odoo 13 of "app_contacts_superbar" tomorrow.

pls download in odoo store later.

about the contact's category, it is a m2m field, so cant not get a parent tree in search bar.

And we update the category of contact, it only support like multi select.

pls search and get free app update.


Contact - Subcategories
Tom Lanbacher
on 9/13/21, 11:15 AM

Hi Ivan

I already have the latest version installed. An still can not see subcategories like you show in your app description: https://prnt.sc/1rkq113
how to get this feature?

Can you finally answer if you have this feature in your apps or not?

Re: Contact - Subcategories
ivan deng
on 9/13/21, 12:20 PM Author

in our description , we note that would be little diffrent in UI between odoo version.

about your question.

1.  "-xxx" header for hide/show, it is not available in odoo14

2. "show child node", this is support native in odoo 14, so no need any more. This is only for Hierarchy model like product category.  you can get "app_product_superbar" in free in odoo store to get it. and know how this look like.

3. "Hierarchy tree", also get "app_product_superbar", or "app_hr_superbar" .  you can get it and know how this look like.  
pls set a category with parent,  and hr department with parent.

ivan deng
on 9/8/21, 3:23 PM Author

contact thing, i would check later if contact available for tree.

about the feathures, pls click the header, u can see what happen, Just in different look like description.

and the list in snap that is odoo function, which module have what kind of view.

Also your 200 issue is odoo origin limit.

Also u can mail to my backup mail 300883@qq.com  which already provide.

pls tell odoo version. tks

Tom Lanbacher
on 9/8/21, 9:18 AM

Ivan, also this two features are missing if I install you modules:



This menus and functions belong to which app?  Please send details¨.

Thank you

Tom Lanbacher
on 9/8/21, 9:09 AM

Ivan, you don't sent me any email in the last 8 days!

I was trying to communicate by guohuadeng@hotmail.com   but you don't answer.

I have a simple question: how to make subcategories for Contacs like we have for Products?



Please can you now answer this question?

Thank you

ivan deng
on 9/13/21, 8:39 AM Author

about the contact's category, it is a m2m field, so cant not get a parent tree in search bar.

And we update the category of contact, it only support like multi select.

pls search and get free app update.


Missing documentation - communication with support don't work
Tom Lanbacher
on 9/6/21, 3:50 AM

This is problematic for a modul with this amount > 200

No documentation and the communication with support is allmost not possible. The support always refers to demo links that don't work. Either they do not understand the messages for linguistic reasons or there is no running support.

It was not possible to find out to configure Contact > ztree or subcategories

Re: Missing documentation - communication with support don't work
ivan deng
on 9/6/21, 2:29 PM Author

hi, i already sent you the mail.

also i update the product superbar for you. you can just download from store.

you can just add   limit=1000 in xml to beyond the 200 limit.

feel sorry for u do not get the reply.

but we do reply the issue.

Any other issue, u can mail




on 5/8/21, 4:35 AM

