Department Contracts Access and Handover

v 14.0 Third Party 29
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Employee Contracts (hr_contract)
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Lines of code 302
Technical Name department_contracts_access
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Employee Contracts (hr_contract)
Employees (hr)
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Lines of code 302
Technical Name department_contracts_access


Department Contracts Access and Handover

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Having access to the Contract details of one's Department Employees is a common need for Department Managers. Odoo does not seem to satisfy this need. This module creates a new Contracts Manager role that enables Department Managers to have read-only access to the Contracts of their Department's Employees. The module also provides the ability to easily share the read-only access to the Employees' Contracts of the selected Company Department(s) with any User who is a Contracts Manager, even if this User is not the Manager of any Department themself. That might be helpful if the unit is temporarily led by another Manager who is not its Department Manager.

Key Features


The Department Manager can view the Employees' Contracts of the specific Department(s).


The Contracts Administrator can share the access to the Employees' Contracts of any Company Department(s) with any User within the Contracts Manager group, as well as revoke this access when needed.


The User becomes a Contracts Manager by being assigned to the Contracts Manager group Go to: Settings > Manage Users > Specific User > HR Section > Contracts select.

Any User who is a Contracts Manager has read-only access to the Employees' Contracts of the Department where they are set as the Department Manager and of all the Departments that are shared with this User.

1st screenshot AS A DEPARTMENT MANAGER IN THE CONTRACTS MANAGER GROUP, YOU CAN VIEW ALL THE CONTRACTS OF YOUR DEPARTMENT'S EMPLOYEES AND OF ALL THE SHARED DEPARTMENTS' EMPLOYEES Go to: "Employees" app > Employees > Contracts 2nd screenshot You can also view the Contracts of the specific User Go to: "Employees" app > Employees > specific Employee Card 3nd screenshot

Finally, click on the "In Contract" link in the top right corner of this Card.

4nd screenshot As a Contracts Administrator, you can share the access to the Employees' Contracts of any Company Department(s) with any User within the "Contracts Manager" group Go to: "Employees" app > Configuration > Department Contracts Handover > Create 5th screenshot

After the "Create" button is clicked, you can share the access to the Employees' Contracts of any Company Department(s) by choosing:

    dot the Department whose Employees' Contracts you want to share;

    dot the User the Employees' Contracts should be shared with;

    dot if the access to the Contract of the Department Manager should be shared;

    dot the expiration date till when the access is shared; infinite access will be provided if the expiration date field is left blank.

6th screenshot
The Contracts Administrator can see the list of all the sharing records Go to: "Employees" app > Configuration > Department Contracts Handover

The Contracts handover table includes the records about all the non-expired sharings. All expired records are deleted once a day by a cron job.

7th screenshot The Contracts Administrator can delete sharing records and thus revoke the access sharing Go to: "Employees" app > Configuration > Department Contracts Handover

Check the corresponding record line and choose "Delete" in the "Action" submenu.

8th screenshot
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