Customer Product Name and Code Odoo, Search by Customer Product Name or Code, Custom Product Name and Code for Partners



v 14.0 Third Party
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 109
Technical Name dev_customer_product_name
Versions 15.0 17.0 14.0 16.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 109
Technical Name dev_customer_product_name
Versions 15.0 17.0 14.0 16.0
Devintelle Consulting Services Pvt Ltd

Customer Product Name & Code Odoo

Search by Customer Product Name or Code in Sale Order

Configure Custom Product Name and Code for Partners/Customers


Customer Product Name & Code Odoo app allows you to configure custom product names and codes for different customers. It also allows you to search products based on customer selection by custom names and codes.
To use the app, simply go to the Products menu and select the product that you want to configure. Then, click on the "Sales" tab. Here, you can enter a custom product name and code for each customer.
Once you have configured the custom product names and codes, you can search for products based on customer selection by custom names and codes. To do this, simply go to the Sale menu and select Quotation or Sale Order. Then, click on the "Products" button and select "Search Products". In the search bar, you can enter the customer product name or code to search for the product.
This app is useful for businesses that sell different products to different customers, or that use different product names and codes for different customers. For example, a manufacturer might sell the same product to different retailers under different brand names.

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  • arrow Configure custom product names and codes for different customers
  • arrow Search for products based on customer selection by custom names and codes
  • arrow Display the custom product name and code on sale orders

Configuration in Product Screen

To configure product names for various customers, navigate to the Product Screen and access the Sales Tab. Here, you should choose the specific customer you want to configure and proceed to input the corresponding product name and code tailored to that particular customer.

Searching Product by Custom Product Name in Sale Order

After configuring the product name for a particular customer or partner, you can effortlessly search for the product using its customized product name when creating a sales order for the selected customer.

Searching Product by Custom Product Code in Sale Order

After configuring the product code for a particular customer or partner, you can effortlessly search for the product using its customized product code when creating a sales order for the selected customer.

Version 1.0 | Released on : 29th September 2023

arrow Initial Release.
  • arrow Is this app compatible with Odoo Enterprise?
    • Yes, our app works with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community.
  • arrow If need of customization in this app, How can i contact ?
    • Please contact us on
  • arrow Do i get free support?
    • Yes, you will get free support for 90days.
  • arrow Do i get free updates?
    • Yes, you will get free updates for lifetime.
  • arrow Do i have to buy this module for each version ?
    • Yes, you have to buy this module for each version.


DevIntelle will provide FREE 90 days support for any doubt, queries, and bug fixing (excluding data recovery) or any type of issues related to this app. This is applicable from the date of purchase.






DevIntelle Consulting Services Pvt Ltd is an Odoo service provider India/USA based consulting company with 12+ years of experience. We provide a wide range of services, including implementation, customization, migration, support, and training. Devintellecs experienced team of Odoo can help you get the most out of your Odoo ERP system and achieve your business goals.

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