All in One Repair- Repair Approvals, Repair order Team, Repair order mass confirm duplicate, repair order invoice status, repair customer website portal, create task, mrp work order from repair orders



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All in One Repair Orders

All in One Repair- Repair Approvals, Repair order Team, Repair order mass confirm duplicate, repair order invoice status, repair customer website portal, create task, mrp work order from repair orders, mass update repair order, repair order start end time, repair order xls report, export repair order pdf, reapir archive, reapir order multiple images, repair order bulk cancel

Included Modules

Demo Videos

Repair Archive

Key Features
  • arrow Archive Repair Order
  • arrow Unarchive Repair Order
  • arrow Archived filter is added for Repair Order
  • Archive Repair Order arrow
  • Apply Archived Repair Order filter arrow arrow
  • Unarchive Repair Order arrow

Repair Approval

Key Features
  • arrow Add pre-defined Double Approval limit on Repair Order
  • arrow When Repair Order exceeds pre-defined limit then repair order will go into Double Approval state
  • arrow Only user with Allow to Approve Repair Orders from Double Approval access right approve Repair Order from Double Approval state
  • arrow When Repair Order goes into the Double Approval state a notification email is sent to the users who have Allow to Approve Repair Orders from Double Approval access right
  • Set pre-defined Double Approval Limit on Repair Order arrow
  • Repair Order exceeds pre-defined limit arrow
  • Repair Order goes into Double Approval state and authenticated user approves it arrow
  • Repair Order confirmed successfully arrow

Repair Team

Key Features
  • arrow Create multiple Repair Teams
  • arrow Assign Team Leader to the repair team
  • arrow Add multiple members to the repair team
  • arrow Group repair team records by Team Leader in list view of repair team
  • arrow Assign repair team to the Repair Order
  • arrow Group repair orders by Repair Team in list view of repair orders
  • Separate menu for Repair Team arrow arrow
  • Group Repair Team by Team Leader arrow
  • Assign Repair Team to the Repair Order arrow
  • Group Repair Order by Repair Team arrow

Repair Multi Image

Key Features
  • arrow Show before repair product image
  • arrow Show after repair product image
  • arrow show the before and after image of repair product in pdf report
  • Before Image Of Repair Order arrow
  • After Image Of Repair Order arrow
  • Print Report Of Repair Order arrow
  • PDF Report Of Repair Order arrow

Repair From Workorder

Key Features
  • arrow Add create repair order button on work order form.
  • arrow will create repair order from work order on button click
  • arrow created repair order will be show on workorder screen
  • Click On Create Repair Order Button on Workorder Screen arrow
  • Add A Repair Order Details And Click On Create Repair Order arrow
  • Created Repair Order from Workorder arrow
  • Created Repair Order Will Shows In Workorder Screen arrow

Repair Mass Mail

Key Features
  • arrow Send Mass Emails from the Repair Order
  • Select Multiple Repair Orders and send Mass Mail arrow
  • Click on send button to send Mass Email arrow

Repair From Manufacturing Order

Key Features
  • arrow Add create repair button on manufacturing order form.
  • arrow will create repair order from manufacturing order on button click
  • arrow created repair order will be show on manufacturing order screen
  • Click On Create Repair Button on Manufacturing Order Screen arrow
  • Add A Repair Order Details And Click On Create Repair Order arrow
  • Created Repair Order from Manufacturing Order arrow
  • Created Repair Order Will Shows In Manufacturing Order Screen arrow

Repair Order from Lead

Key Features
  • arrow Add create repair order button on Lead form.
  • arrow will create repair order from Lead on button click
  • arrow created repair order will be show on Lead screen
  • Click On Create Repair Order Button on Lead Screen arrow
  • Add A Repair Order Details And Click On Create Repair Order arrow
  • Created Repair Order from Lead arrow
  • Created Repair Order Will Shows In Lead Screen arrow

Bulk Cancel Repair Orders

Key Features
  • arrow Cancel multiple repair orders at same time.
  • Select Multiple Repair Orders And Click On Bulk Cancel arrow arrow
  • Cancelled Repair Orders arrow

Repair Order Portal

Key Features
  • arrow Portal User can access their Repair Orders
  • arrow Portal User can download Repair Order PDF report from the Website
  • arrow Sort Repair Orders by :
    • Create Date
    • Status
  • arrow Filter Repair Orders by :
    • All
    • Last 30 Days
    • Last 7 Days
    • Last Week
    • This Month
    • Today
    • This Week
    • This Year
    • Yesterday
  • arrow Group Repair Orders by :
    • All
    • State
    • Product
  • Go to Repair Orders arrow arrow
  • All Repair Orders arrow
  • Download Repair Order as PDF Report arrow
  • Repair Order grouped by State arrow
  • Repair Order grouped by Product arrow
  • Various Filter By options provided arrow
  • Various Sort By options provided arrow

Repair Start End Time

Key Features
  • arrow Click on Start repair button on repair order form this will be show a starting time of repair product
  • arrow When product will repaired click on End repair button on repair order form this will be show a End time of repair order
  • arrow The start and end time will be shows on repair order form.
  • Click On Start Repair Button arrow arrow
  • Click On End Repair Button arrow arrow
  • Start And End Time Will Show On Repair Order Form arrow

Export Repair Order

Key Features
  • arrow Export multiple repair orders information into excel sheet.
  • Export Repair Orders arrow arrow
  • Excel File : Exported Repair Orders arrow

Mass Update Repair Tags

Key Features
  • arrow Update tags of multiple Repair orders
  • Before Updating Tags Of Repair Orders arrow
  • Select Tags & Repair Orders And Click On Update Tags arrow
  • After Updating Tags Of Repair Orders arrow

Bulk Confirm Repair Orders

Key Features
  • arrow Confirm multiple repair orders at same time.
  • Select Multiple Repair Orders And Click On Bulk Confirm arrow arrow
  • Confirmed Repair Orders arrow

Bulk Duplicate Repair Orders

Key Features
  • arrow Duplicate many repair orders at same time.
  • Select Multiple Repair Orders And Click On Bulk Duplicate arrow arrow
  • Duplicate Repair Orders Created arrow

Invoice Status of Repair Order

Key Features
  • arrow Will show the invoice status in repair orders
  • arrow Will show the invoice status in repair orders form view
  • arrow Will show the invoice status in repair orders list view
  • Invoice Of Repair Orders arrow
  • Invoice Status In Repair Orders Form view arrow
  • Invoice Status In Repair Orders List View arrow

Create Task From Repair

Key Features
  • arrow Add Create Task button on repair order form.
  • arrow will create task from repair order on button click
  • arrow created task will be show on repair orders screen
  • Click On Create Task Button on Repair Orders Screen arrow
  • Add A Task Details And Click On Create Task arrow
  • Created Task From Repair Orders arrow
  • Created Task Will Shows In Repair Orders Screen arrow

Repair Order Multiple PDF Separated

Key Features
  • arrow Download multiple PDF Reports of repair order separately
  • arrow Separated Multiple PDF Reports will be download as zip file
  • Download Separated pdf reports from here arrow
  • Click on Download button arrow
  • When you extract downloaded zip file then you can find separated pdf file of multiple reports arrow

Download Repair Order Reports as Zip File

Key Features
  • arrow Download pdf reports of Repair Orders as zip file at desired location in your system
  • arrow Configure Directory(folder path) in which pdf reports Repair Orders will be downloaded
  • arrow Specify Split By which will decides how many Repair Orders will be in one zip file
  • arrow Such as if you are going to download pdf reports of 4 Repair Orders and specified 2 in Split By then 2 zip files will be created at configured location, and each zip file will contain 2 pdf reports of Repair Orders
  • arrow There is also an option which allows you to download multiple reports of Repair Orders into one pdf files, means 2 zip files will be created at configured location, and each zip file will contain 1 pdf file and in that pdf file there will be 2 reports of Repair Orders
  • arrow There is another option which allows you to download files at desired location as well as it allows you to download files from the screen also
  • arrow Added Filter in Repair Orders screen:
    • Report Downloaded : Shows those Repair Orders whose pdf report is downloaded as zip file
    • Report not Downloaded : Shows those Repair Orders whose pdf report is not downloaded as zip file
  • arrow Note : Only user with Allow to Download Repair Orders Report(pdf) as Zip right can configure Directory(folder path), Split By and download pdf reports of Repair Orders
  • Allow users to access this feature arrow
  • Configure Directory(folder path) where pdf reports of Repair Orders will be downloaded, and configure Split By if needed arrow
  • Select Repair Orders and download reports as zip file arrow
  • Click on Download arrow
  • Successfully Downloaded at configured location arrow
  • I have extracted one of them, see below screen there are 2 pdf files arrow
  • Tick Orders in One Page option while downloading arrow
  • Successfully Downloaded at configured location arrow
  • I have extracted one of them see below screen, there is only one pdf file and that pdf file contains 2 Repair Orders reports because we have tick Orders in One Page while downloading arrow
  • Tick Download on Screen option while downloading arrow
  • As usual files will be downloaded at configured location, but at this time below window will pop-up which allows you to download that files from the screen arrow
  • System will throw this warning when Directory(folder path) in not configured arrow
  • System will throw this warning when configured Directory(folder path) is wrong arrow
  • System will throw this warning when user attempts download reports of those Repair Orders whose reports are already downloaded arrow
  • New Filters added arrow
Latest Release 0.1 - 2nd august 2023
  • arrow All in One Repair Orders
  • arrow All in One Repair- Repair Approvals, Repair order Team, Repair order mass confirm duplicate, repair order invoice status, repair customer website portal, create task, mrp work order from repair orders, mass update repair order, repair order start end time, repair order xls report, export repair order pdf, reapir archive, reapir order multiple images, repair order bulk cancel
Read User Guide
  • arrow
    Is this app compatible with Odoo Enterprise?
    Yes, our app works with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community.
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DevIntelle will provide FREE 90 days support for any doubt, queries, and bug fixing (excluding data recovery) or any type of issues related to this app. This is applicable from the date of purchase
 (+91) 87805 43446






Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
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modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.