Custom Progress Bar Widget



v 14.0 Third Party 1
Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 103
Technical Name od_progressbar_color
Versions 15.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 103
Technical Name od_progressbar_color
Versions 15.0 14.0

Color your progress bar as you want

Following are the ways possible to color your progress bar:

  • Standard
  • Reverted (reverted colors from standard configuration)
  • Custom (ranges for red, green, orange)

Standard Coloring

For standard coloring, just use the widget="od_progressbar_color" in your field definition.

Reverted Coloring

For reverted coloring, use the widget="od_progressbar_color" and "revert_pg_color"=True in your field definition
  and it will revert the colors defined for standard coloring.

Custom Coloring

For custom coloring, use the widget="od_progressbar_color" and
                'danger': [65, 100],
                'warning': [35, 65],
                'success': [0, 35]
  in your field definition.

Here, danger=red, warning=orange, and success=green

Reverted Custom Coloring

For reverted custom coloring, use the widget="od_progressbar_color" and "revert_pg_color"=True
                'danger': [65, 100],
                'warning': [35, 65],
                'success': [0, 35]
  in your field definition, and it will revert the above custom progress bar colors.

For any queries, please feel free to contact me at my email:

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