Quick Odoo Production Installer



v 14.0 Third Party 2
Odoo Online
On Premise
Technical Name quick_odoo_production_installer
Versions 14.0 13.0 16.0 15.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Technical Name quick_odoo_production_installer
Versions 14.0 13.0 16.0 15.0

Quick Odoo Production Installe

Install Odoo in production in a two steps


Simply download the Script, set permissions to execute (chmod +x odoo14pro.sh) and start the installation which will take between 2 to 10 minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection!

This script installs Odoo version 14 on an Ubuntu system and sets it up for production use. It installs required dependencies, creates a new system user for the Odoo installation, clones the Odoo source code from GitHub, creates a new Python virtual environment and installs required Python packages, creates a new directory for custom addons, and creates a new configuration file for the Odoo server. It also installs and configures PostgreSQL, and installs wkhtmltopdf for generating PDF reports. Finally, it installs and sets up the Odoo service so that it can be started and stopped as needed.

The script first sets some variables such as the operating system name, the user running the script, the directory path, the version of Odoo to install, the port on which the Odoo server will run, and the depth of the Git clone. It then checks the operating system name and sets the variables for the wkhtmltopdf package accordingly.

Next, the script adds a new system user for the Odoo installation, adds the universe repository and updates the system, installs Git and PostgreSQL, creates a new PostgreSQL user, and creates some directories for the Odoo installation. It then clones the Odoo source code from GitHub, and installs required python packages and dependencies for Odoo.

After that, the script installs and configures wkhtmltopdf, and creates an Odoo service configuration file. It then starts and enables the Odoo service, and prints a message to inform the user that the installation is complete.

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