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v 14.0 Third Party 2847
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Lines of code 126
Technical Name report_qweb_pdf_watermark
Versions 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0
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Pdf watermark

Beta License: AGPL-3 OCA/reporting-engine Translate me on Weblate Try me on Runboat

This module was written to add watermarks (backgrounds) to PDF reports. Because of the way wkhtmltopdf handles headers and footers in the current versions, it is quite impossible to have a background for the complete page using HTML and CSS. That is why this module inserts the image at the PDF level.

Table of contents


As PyPDF is not supported in python3, you need to install PyPDF2:

$ pip install pypdf2


To use this module, you need to:

  1. go to your report
  2. select a PDF or image to use as watermark. Note that resolutions and size must match, otherwise you’ll have funny results
  3. You can also fill in an expression that returns the data (base64 encoded) to be used as watermark

Known issues / Roadmap

This module depends on support for transparent backgrounds in Wkhtmltopdf, which has been flaky in the past. This module has been reported to work with Wkhtmltopdf 0.12.4.

Changelog (2019-11-18)

  • [MIG] Migration to V12. (2021-01-27)

  • [MIG] Migration to V13. (2021-01-29)

  • [MIG] Migration to V14.

Bug Tracker

Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us to smash it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.

Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.



  • Therp BV



This module is maintained by the OCA.

Odoo Community Association

OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.

This module is part of the OCA/reporting-engine project on GitHub.

You are welcome to contribute. To learn how please visit

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