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Account Statement | Customer Account Statement | Customer Overdue Statement | Vendor Bank Statement | Vendor Bank Overdue Statement



v 14.0 Third Party 159
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 8242
Technical Name sh_account_statement
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 8242
Technical Name sh_account_statement
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
Enterprise Community

Account Statement

The account statement is the summary report of the financial activities. Statements show how much money is spent within a specific time period. An account statement is basically an overview of your financial performance. The statement is one type of tool for customers as well as vendors. Customers can track their paid amount and vendor get a reminder for the due amount.

This module allows customers or vendors to see statements as well as overdue statement details. You can send statements by email to the customers and vendors. You can also see customers/vendors mail log history with statements and overdue statements. You can also send statements automatically weekly, monthly & daily, or you can send statements using cron job also. You can filter statements by dates, statements & overdue statements. You can Also filter statements based on their configuration, such as Not Paid, In Payment, Paid, ETC... You can group by statements by the statement type, mail sent status & customers/vendors. You can print statements and overdue statements.

Why account statement is important?

The importance of account statements is that show everything about transactions, like date, due date, total amount, paid amount & balance. The statements can be used when we have a misunderstanding or miss management about our transactions. The account statement's purpose is to review your account transactions that where you spent your money and how much money you spent.

Hot Features

Payment Status & Dates Wise Filters.
Don't Send Mail If All Invoices/Bills Are Paid
Customer Statement XLS Report
Customer Statement Whatsapp
Vendor Statement Whatsapp
Overdue Statement Whatsapp
Customer Overdule Statement XLS Report.
Vendor Overdule Statement XLS Report.
Overdue Statement XLS Report At Portal.
Statement XLS Report At Portal.
Customer Statements
Vendor Statement XLS Report.
Vendor Statements
Customer Overdue Statements
Vendor Overdue Statements
Customer Portal Statement
Vendor Portal Statement
Statement Log History
Filter Statements
Group By Statements
Send Statements By Email
Overdue Statements By Email
Print Statements
Print Overdue Statement
Statement Auto Send
Overdue Statement Auto Send

Account Statamenet Configurations.

Customer Filter Statement Flow

Go to the customer => customer statement.

You can filter statements by dates, so select date and press "Get Customer Statement".

You can send filter statements by mail, so press "Send Filter Customer Statement" and press "Print Filter Customer Statement" to print filter customer statement.

Customer filter statement sent by mail.

Email statement form view.

You can see the statement attachment from an email.

The statement looks like this.

Vendor Filter Statement Flow

Go to the vendor => vendor statement.

You can filter statements by dates, so select date and press "Get Vendor Statement".

You can send filter statements by mail, so press "Send Filter Vendor Statement" and press "Print Filter Vendor Statement" to print filter vendor statement.

Vendor filter statement sent by mail.

Email statement form view.

You can see the statement attachment from an email.

The statement looks like this.

Customer Statement Flow

Go to the customer => customer statement, press "Send Customer Statement" to send the statement by mail and press "Print Customer Statement" to print the statement.

Customer statement sent by mail.

Email statement form view.

You can see the statement attachment from an email.

The statement looks like this.

Vendor Statement Flow

Go to the vendor => vendor statement, press "Send Vendor Statement" to send the statement by mail and press "Print Vendor Statement" to print the statement.

Vendor statement sent by mail.

Email statement form view.

You can see the statement attachment from an email.

The statement looks like this.

Customer Overdue Statement Flow

Go to the customer => customer statement, press "Send Overdue Customer Statement" to send the statement by mail and press "Print Overdue Customer Statement" to print the statement.

Customer statement sent by mail.

Email statement form view.

You can see the statement attachment from an email.

The statement looks like this.

Vendor Overdue Statement Flow

Go to the vendor => vendor statement, press "Send Overdue Vendor Statement" to send the statement by mail and press "Print Overdue Vendor Statement" to print the statement.

Vendor statement sent by mail.

Email statement form view.

You can see the statement attachment from an email.

The statement looks like this.

Customer/Vendor Account Statement/Overdue Statement Mail Log History Flow

The statement log history configuration, you can see mail log history from the "See all mail log history".

The statement log history tree view.

Statement log history form view.

You can filter statements by the provided filter list.

You can group by statements by the provided group by list.

Customer/Vendor Statement Quick Send & Print Flow

You can print statements from the "Action".

You can send a statement/overdue statement from the "Action" button.

Customer/Vendor Auto Send Statement/Overdue Statement Flow

Customer/vendor auto-send statements/overdue statements configuration.

You can daily auto-send customer/vendor statements.

You can weekly auto-send customer/vendor statements.

You can monthly auto-send customer/vendor statements, you can select monthly days.

You can auto-send customer/vendor statements by end of the month.

You can yearly auto-send customer/vendor statements.

You can send statements by scheduled action(cron job).

Customer Portal Statement Flow

First, you have to give portal access.

Tick "In Portal" in the contact list to give portal access.

Now tick "Show Customer Statement Menu In Portal".

After go to the portal => customer statement.

You can download customer statements from the portal.

You can download customer overdue statements from the portal.

You can send customer statements from the portal.

It shows a popup after successfully send customer statements.

The statement sent by mail.

Email statement form view.

You can see the statement attachment from an email.

Vendor Portal Statement Flow

First, you have to give portal access.

Tick "In Portal" in the contact list to give portal access.

Now tick "Show Vendor Statement Menu In Portal".

After go to the portal => vendor statement.

You can send vendor statements/overdue statements by email as well you can download vendor statements/overdue statements from the portal.

It shows a popup after successfully send vendor statements.

The statement sent by mail.

Email statement form view.

You can see the statement attachment from an email.

v 14.0.2

Configuration for filter account due/overdue statement records.

Records come based on the configuration.

v 14.0.16

Vendor Account Statements

Go to invoice setting >> Enable the 'Account Statement Auto Send Configuration' according to your preferences.
Select the "Filter Only Unpaid, Send nothing if all bills are paid."

Here, you can see the vendor form view.
In the vendor statement tab, you have the option to filter vendor statements based on specific time periods, such as monthly, quarterly, yearly, or custom.

In the vendor statement tab, you can filter vendor statements based on their configuration, such as Not Paid, In Payment, Paid, ETC...

Customer Account Statements

Go to invoice setting >> Enable the 'Account Statement Auto Send Configuration' according to your preferences.
Select the "Filter Only Unpaid, Send nothing if all invoices are paid."

Here, you can see the customer form view.
In the customer statement tab, you have the option to filter customer statements based on specific time periods, such as monthly, quarterly, yearly, or custom.

In the customer statement tab, you can filter customer statements based on their configuration, such as Not Paid, In Payment, Paid, ETC.

v 14.0.12

Opening balance in customer/vendor statements.

v 14.0.8

Customer Statement Flow

In "User", enable the "Send Customer Statement By Whatsapp Feature" option.

Whatsapp message description with the configuration setting.

Set the signature in the message,
1) Go to Preferences.

2) Add Signature.

Add number in the "Mobile" field.

Click the "Send By WhatsApp" Button.

Choose recipient and edit message as required and click send by WhatsApp.

This is the output shown in the WhatsApp messenger.

In the chatter, you can see the message which is sent.

Vendor Statement Flow

In "User", enable the "Send Vendor/Supplier Statement By Whatsapp Feature" option.

Whatsapp message description with the configuration setting.

Set the signature in the message,
1) Go to Preferences.

2) Add Signature.

Add number in the "Mobile" field.

Click the "Send By WhatsApp" Button.

Choose recipient and edit message as required and click send by WhatsApp.

This is the output shown in the WhatsApp messenger.

In the chatter, you can see the message which is sent.

v 14.0.3

Customer Statement Flow

You can print an XLS report of the customer filter statement.

Customer filter statement XLS report looks like this.

You can print an XLS report of the customer statement.

Customer statement XLS report looks like this.

You can print an XLS report of the customer overdue statement.

Customer Overdue statement XLS report looks like this.

You can download the customer statement XLS report from the portal.

You can download the customer overdue statement XLS report from the portal.

Vendor Statement Flow

You can print an XLS report of the vendor filter statement.

Vendor filter statement XLS report looks like this.

You can print an XLS report of the vendor statement.

Vendor statement XLS report looks like this.

You can print an XLS report of the vendor overdue statement.

Vendor overdue statement XLS report looks like this.

You can download the vendor statement XLS report from the portal.

You can download the vendor overdue statement XLS report from the portal.

Version 14.0.16 | Released on : 16th May 2023

  • New Added Payment Status & Dates Wise Filters
  • New Added Config For Don't Send Mail If All Invoices/Bills Are Paid.

Version 14.0.15 | Released on : 17thAugust 2022

  • New Customer & Vendor Account Statement Configuration Added.

Version 14.0.14 | Released on : 2ndJune 2022

  • New Filter Statement Between Two Dates Feature Added At Portal Side.

Version 14.0.13 | Released on : 11th March 2022

  • Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.

Version 14.0.12 | Released on : 22nd February 2022

  • New Advance payment part added in customer/vendor statements.
  • New Opening balance added in customer/vendor statements.

Version 14.0.11 | Released on : 7th January 2022

  • Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.

Version 14.0.10 | Released on : 20th November 2021

  • Fixed Email Template Issue Fixed.

Version 14.0.9 | Released on : 2 September 2021

  • Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.

Version 14.0.8 | Released on : 27 July 2021

  • New Customer Statement Whatsapp Feature Added.
  • New Vendor Statement Whatsapp Feature Added.

Version 14.0.7 | Released on : 14 June 2021

  • Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.

Version 14.0.6 | Released on : 27 May 2021

  • Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.

Version 14.0.5 | Released on : 30 April 2021

  • Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.

Version 14.0.4 | Released on : 9 April 2021

  • Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.

Version 14.0.3 | Released on : 26 March 2021

  • New You can print customer & vendor statement/overdue statement XLS Reports.
  • New You can print customer & vendor statement/overdue statement XLS report at the portal.

Version 14.0.2 | Released on : 29 January 2021

  • New Added filter for due/overdue statement records.

Version 14.0.1 | Released on : 23 January 2021

  • Initial Release.
  • Yes, we provide free support for 90 days.


We have added predefined some languages(English, German / Deutsch, Arabic, Spanish / Español, French / Français, Chinese) in module, If you want to add other language you can contact us on We use google translator tools for multi-languages so possible translations can be not accurate. we accept suggest to make more accurate translations also on

english germany arab chinese french Spanish

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  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.
Easy to use and the vendor responds promptly when handling support issues
Everlyne Wambui
on 6/3/21, 8:24 AM

great module and good support
Albert Chin
on 4/16/21, 7:45 PM

Statement of accounts module with a more comprehensive set of features. The features that differentiate from others are auto-send email and web portal interface.

Initially, a few bugs were spotted while we are testing the module. The bugs were fixed in no time once we reported them. Hence, a support that you can rely on if there is any issue.

Demo Request
on 11/11/21, 12:30 AM

can you arrange for a demo for this app.