Point of Sale Retail Shop| POS Retail Shop
by Softhealer Technologies https://www.softhealer.com$ 189.76
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Employees (hr)
• Point of Sale (point_of_sale) • Discuss (mail) • Inventory (stock) • Invoicing (account) |
Lines of code | 49084 |
Technical Name |
sh_pos_all_in_one_retail |
License | OPL-1 |
Website | https://www.softhealer.com |
Versions | 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 |
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Employees (hr)
• Point of Sale (point_of_sale) • Discuss (mail) • Inventory (stock) • Invoicing (account) |
Lines of code | 49084 |
Technical Name |
sh_pos_all_in_one_retail |
License | OPL-1 |
Website | https://www.softhealer.com |
Versions | 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 |

To create a product from pos page, enable the 'Allow to create product' option from employee.

Go to the POS setting and enable the 'Enable Product Creation' button.

The product creation button is now visible.
Note: In order to create a product from the POS page, you must need to enable the product creation button from both employee settings and the POS settings.
If either of these options is not enabled, the button will not be visible.

If you don't want to show the create button to a specific employee, then disable the 'Allow to create product' option for that individual employee.

Enable the 'Enable Product Creation' button in the POS setting.

The create product button is not visible.

To create a product, click on the create product button.
The add Product wizard will appear. Proceed by clicking on the 'Create' button within the wizard.

Current user set as default salesperson in product.

Current user set as default salesperson in product variant.

Enable these configurations.

Counter increase when a product adds to a cart.

Variants with the product counter.

All counter in variant.

Add New Prroduct Write name in wizard.

See "Add Bacode" button Press And Add Your Barcode.

Add Your Barcode In Text Box Save Or Dicard Your Barcode By clicking Icon.

Barcode Added Successfully.

Also Add Multiple Barcode By Clicking Save Button.

When Scan Product, product added in cart.

Product And There Barcode Save In Barcode.

In Customer see the option set maximum Discount.

Enable Feature Customer Maximum Discount.

See Discount in shop.

Set Discount In order line.

The Warring massage Pop that show max Discount of Product.

Apply Global Discount.

if the the amount is lower then set amount then apply discount.

Goto pos config setting and enable 'Enable POS Category Slider'.

Category Scroll in pos screen.

Sub category slider.

Goto general setting and enable the Inventor 'Real Time'.

Goto pos config setting and enable 'Display Warehouse Stock'. After that you can see the 'Update Qty Real Time'. Product qty will be updated across all pos sessions. 'Update Qty When POS Cart Change' : This option will update the product qty while you add product in to the carts.

Make same feature for the other pos session.

Product On Hand Quantity.

In PoS screen, Here you can see the product real time quantity. (This is the Mark Session)

Product Qty will update in the michel admin as well.

Goto users setting and enable Import POS Orders

Goto POS Dashboard and click on Orders menu and you can see the 'Import POS Order' sub menu.

After click on that you can see the wizard, Here you can select file type, Product by internal ref, barcode or name wise. Create new customer,

Success message

Imported Orders in order list

Goto pos config setting and enable all configuration of reference.

After enable that feature, you can see the product internal reference in pos product screen.

After enable that feature, you can see the product internal reference in pos cart.

After enable that feature, you can see the product internal reference in pos receipt.

Goto user set "disable new/delete buttons".

See the two field disable in pos "new order" button and "remove order" button.

Goto user set "disable remove" button.

See the field disable in pos "remove" button.

Goto user set "disable remove order line" button.

See the field disable in pos "order line remove" button.

Goto user set "min max price in product".

See the two field enable in product min price and max price of product.

check the box of "allow confirm pos product sale price" for pop warning.

if price is less then minimum product price then pop warning message.

if price is more then max product price then pop warning message

if price is not match with min max then it generate warning message that not process for payment.

if price is between min and max then payment process its done.

in receipts print price of product.

Discount details in backend order.10
Enable 'Create Purchase Order' from pos setting.

You have to install purchase module first. Because this feature depends on the purchase module.

Upon installing the purchase module successfully, this option will appear.

In pos screen you have one button 'Create Purchase Order'.

After click on that button, it will create a puchase rfq, in this popup you can see the purchase rfq number.

Purchase rfq created in backend.

Simply choose 'Purchase Order' as the order state if you wish to create a direct purchase order.

Now just add some products in cart, select customer and click on 'Create Purchase Order'. After that popup will apear, here you can see the purchase order number.

Purchase order created successfully in backend.

If you add the section in pos cart, then it will added in purchase order as well.

Section auto added in the purchase order line.

Order list filter by 'Paid'.

Order list filter by 'Posted'.

Order list filter by 'Invoiced'.

Order list filter by 'Return Orders'. It will show the only returned orders.

You Order list filter by 'Returned' and 'Paid'.

You Order list filter by 'Returned' and 'Posted'.

You Order list filter by 'Returned' and 'Invoiced'.

Goto pos setting and enable 'Enable Product Variants' feature. Upon enabling that, three options will appear. 1. Group by Attributes 2. Auto close popup after single variants select 3. Display Alternative products Select as per your requorement.

Here in pos screen you can see the product templates with the variants numbers.

Click on any perticular products, After that popup will appear. here in popup you can see the variants of that products.

In popup you can search the variants also.

After that process the orders.

Now enable 'Display Alternative Products'.

Now you have to define the alternative product in the particular products.

In pos, you can see the alternative products in the variants popups.

Now enable the 'Group by Attributes'.

In pos screen product variants popup, here you can see the product variants with attribute group by.

Goto pos setting and enable 'Enable Sale Order' feature. Upon enabling that, two options will appear. 1. Quotation 2. Sale Order . Select as per your requorement.

Make one order in pos and click on the 'Create Sale Order'.

After clicking on 'create sale order' button, this popup appear. Click 'Ok'.

After that it will create quotation in sales.

For creating a sale order, select 'Sale Order'.

Now make order in pos and click on the 'create sale order' button.

Now click on 'Ok'.

After that it will create sale order in sales.

Goto user setting and enabe 'POS Coupon Creation' and 'Allow Redeem Coupons'.

After that, goto pos config setting and enable 'Enable Coupon'.

Now goto config --> All Coupon. Here you can create your desired coupons.

Form view for coupon creation. Here you can define the coupons with details like coupon name, code, coupon values types(Fixed and Percentage), coupon value, start data, expire date,

In another tab 'General Info', here you can define the coupon is valid for the specific product or all products.

Now goto the pos screen and click on the action button 'Manage Coupon', after that you can see the wizard. Where you can define a coupon or select a coupon for the current orders.

After clcik on the 'Create Coupon', this wizard will display. Here you can create a coupons with it's different attributes.

After successfuly create coupon, it will display success message.

If you want to redeem coupon then, click on 'Redeem Coupon'.

After click on the redeem coupon, this wizard will appear. Here just add the your coupon code and click 'Validate'.

After validate the coupon code, display the success message.

After applied the coupon, the discount will applied on the current order.

Coupon details on the receipts.

Goto pos setting and enable display poduct suggetion.

First you have to define the suggetion products in the perticular products.

After that you can see the suggetion while you find the particular product.

Goto pos session setting and enable the 'Offline Create Customer'.

After that you can create customer, while your pos service is stop/offline.

Fill the customer details and click 'Save'.

After click on save, It will display warningn.

Customer created and you can use those customer into create an orders. It will sync when you online.

Make new order with customer, which you created in offline.(Make sure pos is still offline)

Payment screen in offline.

While your server is online it will sync customer and orders as well.

Also you can edit customer while your server is offline.

Make some changes in the customer and click to save.

After click on save it will raise a warningn. (It will sync changes while server is online)

Customer changes is sync while your server on again.

Goto pos setting and enable product weight and volume feature.

set weight and volume information in products.

Now you can see the products weight and volume information in the pos cart.

Products weight and volume information in the receipts as well.

Products weight and volume information in backend orderline.

Goto pos config setting and enable change UOM and Select default UOM type as primary.

Now go to product master view and set the secondary unit of measure.

Now go to product master view and set the secondary unit of measure.

Now got pos screen and here you can see the Change UOM button.

After click on that button you can see this wizard here you can choose secondary unit of measure of selected products.

After selecting secondary unit of measure, it will apply on product. final price will change according to uom.

Now go to pos configuration setting and enable Secondary as default uom.

Now go to the pos screen and click on the change uom.

After that here in this wizard, change the uom.

Now goto the pos config setting and enable display uom in receipt.

POS receipt with uom

POs config setting and enable display price in secondary uom.

In pos cart you can see the price will display according to uom.

you can see the prices are according to uom in pos order receipt.

You can trace onhand qty and forecasted quantity according the secodary unit of measures.

Goto configuration menu and click "Loayalty Programme"

This is the form view, here config your loayalty programme. Please check below image for more details.

Just define the rules for the loyalty point for product categories.

Just define the rules for the loyalty point for perticular selected products

Now goto pos config setting and enable Loyalty Programme, here just define each points amount and loyalty programme for this session.

You can see the each customers earn loayalty points in pos customer list view.

Now goto pos screen and make one order with customer, here you can see the loyalty point.

Earn loayalty points printed on order receipts.

As you can see the loyalty point are updated in the customer.

Now goto the customer master view, here you can see the 'Loyaly' tab. In this tab you can see the earn loayalty points. Config redeen validity.

Make new order and earn some more points.

Now in payment screen, you can see the Redeem Loyalty button.

After click on that, this wizard will appear, here select methos of redeem and add your points.

In payment screen you can see the redeem points in cash. which is added in cart payment. Remaining value you can pay via bank.

Loyalty redeem details printed on the order receipt.

Now goto loyalty programme config view, set the reward point config.

Just confi your reward schemes

You can config reward system in discount as well.

In pos screen you can see the reward button.

after click on that button this wizard will popout. Here you can select reward type.

If you select reward as gift, gift product will added in to the cart.

If you select reward type as discount .

Discount added int the product line.

Reward discount printed in order receipt.

Goto User --> Allow to Portal User.

In portal those user can see his pos orders

PoS Order Filter by Days and Months.

PoS Order group by users, session and status as well.

Goto theme setting --> enable product bundle option.

Now create product and enable 'Is Bundle' and add bundled products in 'Pack/Bundle Product' Tab.

Now click on those buttons so it will calculate your bundle cost prise and sell price.

Bundle product in pos.

After select bundle product it will raise this wizard here you can see all products which are included with this bundle and select qty.

Bundle product in pos receipt.

Goto user setting --> Enable all pos setting which are require for spacific users..

After Apply.

Goto theme setting ---> Enable Auto Lock and set auto lock apply after delay time.

POS Screen Locked

Goto theme setting ---> Enable bag charges and add bag product category.

Make your bag products ...

set pos category 'bag' and set available in pos.

Here in pos, 'Bag Charges' button visible.

After click on that button, this wizard will popout, here you have to select one or more bag products.

Bag charges applied, see this info on pos receipt.

Goto user setting and enable 'POS Cancel Features'.

Now got point of sale setting and enable 'Cancel and Reset Draf' option. with cancel delivery and cancel invoice feature.

Now goto the pos order list, here you can see the cancel icon. Just click it.

After click on cancel, order will set 'Draft' stage.

After click cancel order set on draft stage.

Delivery order set on draft stage.

Now Enable cancel and delete.

Goto pos order list and click on delete icon.

After that, that order will delete.

Also remove from the backend order list.

Goto user setting and enable 'POS Cancel Features'.

Now got point of sale setting and enable 'Cancel and Reset Draf' option.

pos order 13 in invoice stage

Now click on 'cancel'.

After click cancel order set on draft stage but delivery order and invoice are not canceled.

Now got point of sale setting and enable 'Cancel and Delete' with 'Cancel Delivery Order' and 'Cancel Invoice'.

Here pos order 18 in invocie stage with delivery order.

Delivery order in 'Done' stage.

invoice in paid stage.

Now goto pos order and click cancel button.

After cancel that order will be deleted from the list.

Invoice will also removed.

Delivery order also removed.

you can cancel more than one order. Just select order list and click 'Cancel and Reset Draft'

After that all orders are set in new stage.

you can delete more than one order. Just select order list and click 'Cancel and Delete'

After that all order will be delete.

Goto pos configuration ==> All Coupons, Coupons Tree View

Create a coupons with lots of options which are describe in below image.

To create a coupon for specific product.

In POS, there is button available for apply coupon, after click on that this wizard will appear, here you can create a new coupon or apply coupon code.

Create a new coupon from pos.

Apply coupon wizard.

Coupon applied details on receipts.

If coupon valid for specific customer, and applied on another customer so it will display alert warning.

If coupon already applied and you try to applied twice per order so it will display alert warning.

You can see the whole activity in pos order chatter option.

Goto pos setting and enable 'Enable Pos Counter'. and enable appropriate options.

You can see the counter in pos cart.

product counter details in pos receipts

Goto pos setting and enable customer order history.

Now goto pos customer list view, here you can see the 'History' icon. Just click on that.

After that you can see the order list of that customer.

Click on the order and you will see the detail of that order.

Goto pos setting and enable 'Default Customer Feature' and set default customer.

Goto pos setting and enable 'Default Invoice'.

Goto user setting ---> Goto pos tab and enable direct logout and set default pos config.

Goto pos setting and enable pos shortcut keys and config them as per your requirement.

Goto pos setting and enable pricelist ---> Advance Pricelist, after that hare add your pricelist. Also set minimum value pricelist.

Here in pos cart you can set the pricelist among the product just click on highlighted icon.

After that this wizard will popout here you can select your appropriate pricelist.

Price applied for that product only.

Pos receipt.

Goto point of sale setting , enable pos logo for receipt and header. Set your logo here.

Header Logo.

Logo in receipt.

Goto pos setting and enable "Enable PoS Notes"

We After enable that feature you can see those button in pos screen. One for global notes and another for line notes.

We After click on pen icon in order line, this wizard will popout, here you can add your line notes and also you can save this notes for future reference.

We Line notes added into line.

We Now click on "Global Notes", and add your global notes here.

We In Payment screen, here also you can add global notes.

We On pos receipt you can see global notes as well.

We Just click on 'Note Screen' Button, here you can see your save notes in pos.

Normally the user has a logo or brand color, so the user can change primary colors, hover color, active menu color using primary color as per his brand color.
Users can also change Secondary color, Secondary hover, Secondary active colors.
Here you have another color option is gradients color. You can also set gradient color for predefine theme 3 only.

Goto pos config setting and enable pos return and exchange option. make sure you have to enable barcode print on receipt enable.

Make one order.

Barcode will print on order receipt.

This is the order detail.

Now goto pos screen and just scan barcode which is on order receipt, after scan this wizard will popout.

In this wizard, display all product which are in this order, here you have two option 1. return 2. exchange.
Select return option.
Add return qty or you can complete return.

After make return order, you can see the return order details in that perticular order detail.

After make return, it will create new order for the return product, see below image.

In pos screen, scan again barcode of old order, you can see the order is updated.

You can make return order without barcode. Just goto the order list and here just click on 'Return Order' button.

Here in this wizard you can make only retur order, just enter return product qty.

If you want to return full of order, jsut click on the 'Complete Return'.

In payment screen, if you want to cancel return order, just click on 'Cancel' button.

If you want to proceed return order just click Validate.

You can see the details of return order in backend as well.

You can filter return order list in order list view. with status.

In return order, you can see the is return boolean check it will indiacate this order is return. Also see the reference order number.

Just go in pos order list view, Here you have feature to filter return orders, Just click on highlighted button and get the return orders.

If you want to accept return products more than into orders. Just enable 'Allow retun More than Purchase Iterms'

Goto the pos order list and click on return order, here in this wizard add return qty more then the purchase and click Return.

Return order receipt.

Return order detail in backend order view.

If you want to print return order detai on order receipt, just enable this option. 'Print Information In Receipt'

Return Order Receipt will look like.

For Exchange Order Iterms. Just enable Allow Exchange Order.

In pos order list view, Just click exchange button.

After click on that this wizard will popout. Here you can add exchange product qty.

Here you can add exchange product qty.

After that, those products will added in to the cart.

Add other product or same products for exchange.

You can see the detail of exchange in main order.

After click on smart button in order view 'Exchange'. It will display all exchange order of that orders.

Open exchange order you can see the details of main order, return order status, and Is Exchange order boolean checked.

In pos order list you can see the order exchange details in main order.

This is the return order.

If you want to print exchange order detail in order receipt? Just Enable Print Information On Receipt.

Exchange Order Receipt look like this.

If you want to do not accept return some products then just enable 'Non Returnable'.

You can see the non returnable product information in pos order detail view.

While you make return order and there some product which is not retunable, so those product will not display in this popup.

See the Product is Non Exchangeable and Non Retunable.

Goto pos setting and enable "Allow POS Signature" also enable appropriate options.

Goto pos screen and click on 'Signature'. After that this wizard will popout, here draw your signature, add name and date and click Save.

Signature will display on pos receipt with name and date.

Goto pos setting and enable 'Product creation' feature.

See this animation to how create product from pos screen.

Goto pos setting and enable pos quick receipt.

See this animation for how to print quick receipt.

Goto pos setting and enable pos receipt exted feature. here you have several options like print barcode, QR code on receipt.

See this animation how to pos receipt extended work.

Goto pos setting and enable 'POS Remove Cart Items'. Here two different options for remove item one by one and another for empty cart.

See this animation image to how it works.

Goto pos setting and enable 'Rounding' features. also there are two different options one for normal rounding and another for Rounding to Fifty.

Normal rounding in pos cart.

In payment screen you can easy to enable or disable rounding.

Rounding details on receipt

Rounding to Fifty.

Rounding to Fifty on pos screen.

Rounding to Fifty on pos receipts.

Goto pos setting and enable pos switch view feature. there are several options to display product in list or grid view, with lots of products details as well.

How it looks on pos screen. also you can change product view list to grid.

Goto pos setting and enable Display Warehouse Stock. Here we have several options to display warehouse stock, location stock or set limit to stop selling after minimum stock qty accured

Here on pos screen stock details display on product image. Or click on stock icon on product.

After click on stock icon you can see the details.

Location wise Stock details.

Goto pos setting and enable Whatsapp Features.

Just Add customer mobile number in customer details.

Make order and create receipt, here you have two option to send on whatsapp. 1. Customise message and then send, 2. Send direct (Without message customise).

After click on 'Send By Whatsapp', here you can edit your message.

After if you are not logged on whatsapp web so it display this wizard. (Just Scan this code with your whatsapp).

After that you will redirect to that customer chat screen.

Message Sent

Goto general setting and enable product multi barcode feature.

In Product you can see the tab 'Barcode'. Here add your multiple barcodes.

Also you can search product using multi barcodes.

Goto pos screen and just scan the barcode.

Also you can search product using multi barcodes.

Also you can search product using multi barcodes.

Also you can search product using multi barcodes.

Also you can search product using multi barcodes.

Goto pos setting and enable advance cash control and one more 'is cash in out from pos'. After that it will display some more options print, signature etc...

Now click on 'Cash Control' on pos screen. After that it will display this window, here we have 4 options as shown in below image.

After click on cash in, here you can add detail of cash in.

After click on cash in, download cash in receipt and there is place for manual sign.

After click on cash out, here you can add detail of cash out.

After click on cash out, download cash out receipt and there is place for manual sign.

After click on set closing button, here you can set your closing balance.

After set closing balance, you have two option 1. close session or just 2. clos pos screen.

After click on Payment, here you can see detail of cash payments.

For print report of cash in and out, just click on 'Cash In / Cash Out Statements'. here you have two option for print current session or between two days with pdf or just receipt.

After select current session and print receipt.

Print receipt for bwtween two days.

PDF reprot for between two days.

Goto pos setting and enable own customer feature.

Now goto customer detail view and set 'Allocated Sales Person'.

That salesperson can see those customer only.

Goto pos setting and enable own products feature.

Now goto product detail view and set 'Allocated Sales Person'.

Now goto product detail view and set 'Allocated Sales Person'.

That salesperson can see those products only.

Goto pos setting and enable customer discount feature.

Now goto cusomer and set appropriate discount.

In pos screen, you can see the discount in customer list.

Easy to change customer discount from the pos customer edit view.

Customer discount field in customer edt view in pos.

Set appropriate customer discount.

See the customer discount in pos customer list view.

While you create order and select customer, customer discount automatically applied.

While you create order and select customer, customer discount automatically applied.

Customer discount on the order receipt.

Goto pos setting and enable global discount.

Now goto pos screen, here you can see the global discount button.

Here in wizard, you have two option, 1. Fixed and 2. Percentage.

Add Fixed price discount.

Gloabl discount applied.

You can see global discount in pos receipt.

Goto pos config setting and enable 'Enable Custom Discount' after enable that you can see two new option, 1. Simple Line Discount and 2. Custom Discount.

In pos screen just click in standard disc button in keyboard.

Here in this wizard you have two options 1. fixed and 2. Percentage.

As you can see here discount applied only selected product.

You can see discount in pos order receipt.

Now select percentage discount and add pecentage here.

As you can see discount applied only selected product price.

As you can see the discount printed in pos order receipt.

If you want to remove discount from cart, just click this highlighted button.

Goto pos config setting, enable "Enable Custom Discount", After one option is appear is "Custom Discount".

In pos Configuration menu, you can see the 'POS Discount' sub menu. Here just define your custom taxes and codes.

Now in pos screen, Click on Disc button.

After click on that you can see the define discounts are displayed here, just select one of them and go for it.

As you can see the discount applied on selected product.

Discount printed on the pos order screen.

In pos config setting, just enable 'Custom Discount Icon on Cart Line'

After enable that feature, you can see the discount icon " % " in cart line.

After click on that icon, this wizard will popout, here just select appropriate discount.

As you can see you can applied multiple discount on one product.

Discount printed in the pos order receipt.

Goto pos setting and enable 'Product Search by Tags' feature.

Product Tag Menu and list view.

Product tags form view, just create tag and select appropriate products. Also set color for that tags.

Tags visible in kanban view.

Goto pos screen and search product using tags.

Goto general setting ---> Technical ---> Schedule Action ---> Auto Validate POS. Just set time for auto validate.

Log tracker.

Just select multiple products and click on action, here you can see the action for "Mass Product Update"

After that you can see this wizard, Here you can see the list of selected products and you can select category which you need to change.

As you can see the categories will updated.

As you can see the categories will updated.

Goto pos setting ---> enable product template feature

Custom product Template menu.

Product Template Form View.

Goto pos screen and click on 'Product Template' button.

Here you can see the list of product templates and select and add to pos cart.

Goto pos config setting ---> Click on merge pos Categories.

After open 'Merge PoS Category' menu one popup will open and select 'Create all remaining categories on PoS' then you can see the remaining categories list in 'Select categories merge with PoS' and then you can add or remove categories from the list and click 'Apply' so all selected categories added in PoS Category.

If you select 'Linked all products with corresponding PoS category' then one checkbox 'Default check Available in PoS option in product' will be visible, this checkbox used to check option 'Available in PoS' in product, and click 'Apply' then all products category and PoS category will be linked.

Goto POS config setting there is a two different option for merge internal category with POS category as like. 1)Sync new product category with POS Category 2)Auto Sync New Product With POS Category

You can disable sync option for particular category after unchecking 'Sync with POS Category' option. 'Sync With POS Category' this option only visible after enabling this 'Sync new product category with POS Category' option in POS config Setting.

Goto pos setting and enable Bag Quantity features.

In product set bag quantity.

In product set bag quantity.

See below animated image for Bag Quantity works.

Goto pos setting and enable Order Line Label Configuration. Here you have several options like delete label wise products.

See animatated image for how label works.

Goto pos setting and enable global discount feature.

In pos screen you can set discount, fixed amount or percentage.

Discount applied.

Discount details in receipts.

Discount details in backend order.


Version 14.0.40 | Released on : 8thJune 2023
- New Assign Current User As Default Salesperson In Product When Creation From POS Added.
- New Product Creation Access Rights Added.
Version 14.0.39 | Released on : 6thApril 2023
- New Cart Counter In Mobile View Added.
Version 14.0.38 | Released on : 8th February 2023
- NEW Internal Reference Number Added In Cart & Receipt.
Version 14.0.37 | Released on : 1stFebruary 2023
- Fix Small Bug Fix
Version 14.0.36 | Released on : 15thSeptember 2022
- Fix Small Bug Fix
Version 14.0.35 | Released on : 10th August 2022
- UPDATE Multi Barcode At Product Creation Time.
Version 14.0.34 | Released on : 29th July 2022
- UPDATE Product Perfomance Improve.
Version 14.0.33 | Released on : 15th July 2022
- Fix Small Bug Fix
Version 14.0.32 | Released on : 9th July 2022
- NEW Customer Maximum Discount
Version 14.0.31 | Released on : 23 June 2022
- Update Display product template name if product variant featrue is enable.
Version 14.0.30 | Released on : 20thJune 2022
- FIX Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.29 | Released on : 13th June 2022
- FIX Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.28 | Released on : 09th June 2022
- FIX Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.27 | Released on : 26th May 2022
- NEW Category Slider
Version 14.0.26 | Released on : 13th May 2022
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.25 | Released on : 04th May 2022
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.24 | Released on : 01st May 2022
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.23 | Released on : 25th April 2022
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.22 | Released on : 18th April 2022
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.21 | Released on : 16th April 2022
Update Real Time Product Quantity
Version 14.0.20 | Released on : 6th April 2022
Disable Create/Delete buttons in order of POS.
NEW Disable "Remove" Button in pos.
NEW Disable "remove" button from order-line.
Version 14.0.19 | Released on : 23 March 2022
- NEW Add multi-language.
Version 14.0.18 | Released on : 21 March 2022
- NEW POS Min Max Product Price.
Version 14.0.17 | Released on : 7 March 2022
- NEW Create Purchase Order from POS.
Version 14.0.16 | Released on : 26 February 2022
- NEW Order List Filter Added.
Version 14.0.15 | Released on : 22 February 2022
- New Product Variant Feature Added
Version 14.0.14 | Released on : 17 February 2022
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.13 | Released on : 14 February 2022
- New Create Sale Order From POS
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.12 | Released on : 31 January 2022
- Update Add Configuration for Coupon
- Update Add Configuration for Change UOM
- Update Add Configuration for Product Suggestion
Version 14.0.11 | Released on : 25 December 2021
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.10 | Released on : 24 December 2021
- New Customer Creation Offline
- New Enable/Disable Coupon Creation
Version 14.0.9 | Released on : 20 December 2021
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.8 | Released on : 18 December 2021
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.7 | Released on : 17 December 2021
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.6 | Released on : 16 December 2021
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.5 | Released on : 17 November 2021
- New Loyalty Program
- New Weight Info
- New Secondary UOM
Version 14.0.4 | Released on : 23 October 2021
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.3 | Released on : 5 October 2021
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.2 | Released on : 21 September 2021
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
Version 14.0.1 | Released on : 27 August 2021
- Initial Release.
- Please Contact Us at sales@softhealer.comto request customization.
- Yes, we provide free support for 90 days.

Odoo Proprietary License v1.0 This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed, modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file). You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example: LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one). It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software or modified copies of the Software. The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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Any abuse of this reporting system will be penalizedExcelente
Este modulo es excelente para tu sistema pos, Tiene todo lo que necesitas, el soporte tecnico es excelente y responden rápidamente a demás de mantener el modulo actualizado 100% recomendado gracias
Most comprehensive POS module
We tried a few POS modules. This is one of the most comprehensive POS modules and Softhealer support is excellent. This POS module is working perfectly; there is no bugs, and you can just install and use it. They update their apps regularly. Their features are very comprehensive. Highly recommended.
NOTE Column
Hi, I already purchased this module from you, and I mentioned that "NOTE Colum" in POS receipt and you told me that is check box that can remove / add note, while that was for other note at the end of receipt.
https://paste.pics/J6S6S here is column which is not needed every time, it should be removable, I purchased for V14.
Anyway thanks. (Thanks on purpose, because every time you guys fixed things.)
POS Died with 15k+ products
Your pos is waste if product increase. VERY SLOW LOADING.
Better you fix slow loading or stop selling this module.
Most comprehensive POS module
We tried a few POS modules. This is one of the most comprehensive POS modules and Softhealer support is excellent. This POS module is working perfectly; there is no bugs, and you can just install and use it. They update their apps regularly. Highly recommended.
Most comprehensive POS module
We tried a few POS modules. This is one of the most comprehensive POS modules and Softhealer support is excellent. This POS module is working perfectly; there is no bugs, and you can just install and use it. Highly recommended.
Hi, I already purchased this module from you, and I mentioned that "NOTE Colum" in POS receipt and you told me that is check box that can remove / add note, while that was for other note at the end of receipt.
https://paste.pics/J6S6S here is column which is not needed every time, it should be removable, I purchased for V14.
Anyway thanks. (Thanks on purpose, because every time you guys fixed things.)
Re: Note
Can you please contact our support team at support@softhealer.com ?
also, do you have a solution like this?
=> No we don't have module like this but if you want to customize then contact us on sales@softhealer.com.
please i need to know if this module does this action or you have a module like this
if you don't have a module done this feature so I need to know if those are compatible with each other?
No, Both module are not compatible with each other.
do you have a demo
Re: demo
Yes, Please contact our sales team on sales@softhealer.com
I am interested for buy your app but i have some point want to clirfy to me,
- it's will work offline without POS/IOT Boxes?
- it's sync between POS without POS/IOT Boxes?
- it supports LAN printers without POS/IOT Boxes?
- it will work with different warehouses (I can set multi warehouses to be accessible from POS user and can select quantity to buy from these warehouses as WH1/stock, WH2/stock )?
- print QR code in receipt (QR data will be configurable)
- printing coupon with barcode code on the receipt.
- what about promotion program (it's available and how it work)
works for restaurant?
yes works with restaurant as well.