Discount Scheme On Category Level



v 14.0 Third Party
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 293
Technical Name zb_category_discount
Versions 17.0 16.0 14.0 15.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 293
Technical Name zb_category_discount
Versions 17.0 16.0 14.0 15.0


This module in odoo helps you to create and set discounts. The user can create new discounts for product categories and add discounts for products. By using this module the user can add discounts for products in a sale quotation/order level. This module helps both buyers and sellers because a seller can create a sale quotation with a discount and send it to the buyer. The user doesn't need to add discounts for products one by one, this module will help you to add discounts based on product categories This module simplifies the process of applying discounts in odoo and helps you to save time.

Before installing the module

Product categories Form view before installing the module

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Sales quotation Form view before installing the module

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Changes after installing the module

Apply Discount

This feature allows you to create and set new discounts for product categories.

Check Discount

A check discount button to the sales quotation/order to check the discount available.

Category Discount Wizard

This wizard will show the discounted amount applicable to the products.

Sale order with Discount

The sale order will show the percentage of discount and the total amount after adding the discount.

Apply Discount

In the Product Categories menu, create a new Product Category and fill in all the details needed for the product category. After entering all the details check in Apply Discount to create a new discount.

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Create a new discount and enter the discount details given below

    • Name
    • Minimum Quantity
    • Maximum Quantity
    • Discount %
    • Discount value
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Check Discount

Create a new sale order and click on the check discount button to check discounts for products. If a discount is available for the given products a new wizard will appear on the screen.

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Category Discount Wizard

The category discount wizard will show the details of discount name, product category, discounted amount, quantity etc. Click on the Add Discount button to add a discount on the sale order.

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Sale order with Discount

The discounted percentage for each product and the total amount after deducting the discount will show in the sale order.

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