Automatic Database Backup To Local Server, Remote Server, Google Drive, Dropbox, Onedrive, Nextcloud and Amazon S3
by Cybrosys Techno Solutions https://www.cybrosys.comAvailability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
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Lines of code | 1447 |
Technical Name |
auto_database_backup |
License | LGPL-3 |
Website | |
Versions | 12.0 14.0 13.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 |
Automatic Database Backup To Local Server, Remote Server, Google Drive, Dropbox, Onedrive, Nextcloud and Amazon S3
This Module Helps To Generate Backup Of Databases.
Explore This Module
This module uses an external python dependency 'dropbox'.Before installing the module install the python package first.The required python package can be installed using the following command,
pip install dropbox
This module uses an external python dependency 'nextcloud'.Before installing the module install the python package first.The required python package can be installed using the following command,
pip install pyncclient
This module uses an external python dependency 'nextcloud-api-wrapper'.Before installing the module install the python package first.The required python package can be installed using the following command,
pip install nextcloud-api-wrapper
This module uses an external python dependency 'Boto3'.Before installing the module install the python package first.The required python package can be installed using the following command,
pip install boto3
This module uses an external python dependency 'paramiko'.Before installing the module install the python package first.The required python package can be installed using the following command,
pip install paramiko
Database Backup Configuration Menu
Go to Setting --> Technical --> Backup Configuration to configure backups
Create New Database Backup Configuration
Enter the Database Name and Master Password. Specify Backup Destination. Enter the backup directory path, if directory does not exist new directory will be created.
Store Backup to Remote SFTP Server
Select Backup Destination as SFTP, enter credentials. "TEST CONNECTION" button to check whether the connection is successful.
Store Backup to Remote FTP Server
Select Backup Destination as FTP, enter credentials. "TEST CONNECTION" button to check whether the connection is successful.
Store Backup to Google Drive
You'll need to create a new Google API project and enabling the Google Drive API, Go to the Google API Console and log into your account. While creating the project, for the Redirect URI restrictions, copy your Odoo database URI followed by /google_drive/authentication. Example:
Create Credentials, Follow the steps, select Website application for the Application Type.
Under the Authorized JavaScript Origins section, click + Add URI and type your company's Odoo URL address. Under the Authorized redirect URIs section, click + Add URI and type your company's Odoo URL address followed by /google_drive/authentication. After all the steps are completed, A Client ID and Client secret will be given, copy the credentials
Go to the "OAuth consent screen", then Test users and click on 'ADD USERS' then add the user.
You can get the drive folder id from the url of the drive folder.
Configure Backup, Copy Client ID and Client Secret from Google Drive API Credentials and paste into their respective fields.
Setup Token, it will be redirected to an authorization page.
Reset the token if required by clicking on the "Reset Token"
Store Backup to Dropbox
To get the app key and secret key go to the App Console. Create a new app
Once you created the App , you can get the App key and App Secret as seen in the screenshot Choose your app's permission (files.content.write and permissions required).then click on Submit Choose Dropbox as that of the backup destination. Enter the app secret and key and dropbox Folder.Click on the Setup Token
Get the Authorization Code and click confirm.
Reset the refresh token if required by clicking on the "Reset Token"
Store Backup to Onedrive
Select Backup Destination as OneDrive. Enter the App key and App secret. you'll need to register a new app in the Microsoft Azure portal. While registering the app for the Redirect URI restrictions, copy your Odoo database URI followed by /onedrive/authentication. Example:
Copy the Client ID
Generate Client Secret.
Get OneDrive folder ID, where need to store the backup files.
Configure the Backup
Setup Token, it will be redirected to an authorization page.
Reset the token if required by clicking on the "Reset Token"
Store Backup to Nextcloud
To Create an account in Nextcloud go to, Enter Your Email Address and Sign up .
You will be redirected to the page as shown in the screenshot, and it will ask you enter your email and password for the Nextcloud.
To get the Domain of the Nextcloud.Go to Settings in the Nextcloud and Click on Mobile & desktop. You will see server address Copy link and paste it in your Domain Name.
Select the backup destination as Nextcloud. Enter the Domain Name, UserName, Password and Folder Name where you want to store your backup on the NextCloud server. Check the Connect button to check if the connection is successful.
Every day, a Scheduled Action will take place to store a backup on the Nextcloud Server. The backup will be stored as the folder name provided in the Folder ID field in Odoo.
Store Backup to Amazon S3
To Create an account in Amazon S3 go to, Enter Your Email Address and Sign up .
After you created the account.You need to get the Access Key and Secret Key,To get these go the account Security credentials and go the Access Keys and create new access keys from there you will get Access Key and Secret Key.
Next You need to create a Bucket Folder in the Amazon S3.To do that Go the Services in the top right and go to Storage and S3 as shown in the Screen shot.
To create Bucket folder,Click on the Create bucket Button.
On Creating a Bucket Folder,Check the rules for naming the Bucket folder,and Select the region as well.After that click on the create Bucket Button in the bottom of the page.
You will see the Bucket Folder as shown in the screenshot.
Select Backup Destination as Amazon S3. Enter the Amazon S3 Access Key,Amazon S3 Secret Key,Bucket Name->Bucket folder you have created in the Amazon S3 and the File Name->The Folder You want to store your backup in Amazon S3 Bucket Folder.Test connection button to check whether the connection is successful.
Every day, a Scheduled Action will take place to store a backup on the Amazon S3 Server. The backup will be stored as the folder name provided in the File Name field in Odoo.
Automatically Remove Old Backups
Enable auto remove option, specify number of days to remove backups.
Notify User on Success and Failure of Backup Generation
Enable notify user option, and select a user to notify. An email notification will be sent to the selected user on backup successful and failure.
Successful backup notification email
Notification email when backup generation failed
Scheduled Action For Generating Backup
Enable the 'Automatic database Backup' scheduled action, and set up the execution interval. Based on the scheduled action setup, backups will be generated on regular intervals.
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Any abuse of this reporting system will be penalizedAll Apps of Cybrosys have Abracadabra
I try install but in first instance tell Python library not installed: dropbox
Re: All Apps of Cybrosys have Abracadabra
Say Abracadabra!
Then run pip3 install dropbox
this issue will be resolved.
The app is not functioning as expected. Despite enabling email notifications, I have not received any emails notifying me of backup failures. Additionally, when attempting to manually trigger the automated action, I encounter the following error message :
The issue couldn't be reproduced. Please share more details, such as the configuration screenshot and full error message to
ValueError: <class 'psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn'>: "column db_backup_configure.onedrive_client_id does not exist
i am trying to run manual backup
it showing me that error
ValueError: psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn'>: "column db_backup_configure.onedrive_client_id does not exist
LINE 1: ..."."generated_exception" as "generated_exception", "db_backup...
" while evaluating
Re: ValueError: <class 'psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn'>: "column db_backup_configure.onedrive_client_id does not exist
Please download the latest module again and try upgrading the module. If the issue persists, please let us know more about your configurations.
Nice module. I like it.
Hello guys. We had setup your module. It works as expected. But it looks like, that the module is not 100% odoo version 15 compliant. From time to time we get always some warning logs.
Re: Nice module. I like it.
We have updated the module. Please get the latest version
Good application to manage the auto-backup. But Facing issue with office365 onedrive
But Facing issue with office365 onedrive to map the folder id.
Backup generation of the database ADPM123 has been Failed.
Database Name: ADPM123
Destination: Onedrive
Backup Type: zip
Error Message:
Invalid URL 'None': No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http://None?
Perfect but
You should inform on the page off the apps that users need to install "dropbox" module on their python environnement for this to install whitout errors
Re: Perfect but
Thanks for the feedback
We can't install it
Hi when we try to install it, we have an error
Re: We can't install it
Could you please share the error with us?
You can send an email to
thank you
Don't Work
Does not work. It is generating the zeroed database backup script. Without any data.
Re: Don't Work
Hi, Could you please send more details to
We couldn't find any issues as you mentioned.
Don't Work in local storage
Does not work. It generates the zeroed database backup script without any data. The log is 'odoo.addons.auto_database_backup.models.db_backup_configure: FTP Exception: Command '['C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\15\\bin\\pg_dump.exe', '--no-owner', 'odootest', '--file=C:\\Users\\admin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp7d2cqb12\\dump.sql']' returned non-zero exit status 1.'
Re: Don't Work in local storage
This typically arises due to user ownership issues. To resolve this, please try giving the appropriate access permissions to the odootest user.
Error despite install all required packages
I installed dropbox and paramiko libraries but it still gives error when trying to install module
When tring to install it doesn't install and gives error like this (Odoo version Community 15)
Re: Error despite install all required packages
This error can be occurring due to a wrong installation for the cryptography package.
Please try uninstalling and reinstalling the package.
pip uninstall cryptography
pip install cryptography
The app is not functioning as expected. Despite enabling email notifications, I have not received any emails notifying me of backup failures. Additionally, when attempting to manually trigger the automated action, I encounter the following error message :
ValueError: : "'
Great module.
Does it work with
Re: Compatibility
No, it wont
this is a good module
This is a good modul but it is no working with docker container
Re: this is a good module
Kindly provide the details of the Backup Destination used for storing the backup, and kindly include error messages present in the log, if there are any. You can write to
i cant install module
i cant install module i am getting this massage " Unable to install module "auto_database_backup" because an external dependency is not met: Python library not installed: dropbox"
Re: i cant install module
You have to install the python dependency package 'dropbox' first.
Invalid Origin: URIs must not contain a path or end with "/". ADD URI
when i add the URI
The http is only valid with localhost. In the Redirect URI, please add your company’s Odoo URL address followed by /onedrive/authentication.If your Odoo URL is then add Redirect URI as
Automatic Backup to Google Drive
I can't do automatic backups on Google Drive, there's no database backed up in my Google Drive folder. does anyone know about this problem? thanks
Re: Automatic Backup to Google Drive